News: Research Tuesday

Our new right to disconnect from the workplace

Research Tuesdays

Employment and contract law expert Dr Gabrielle Golding will present her research the new right to disconnect for ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlogn employees at this month’s Research Tuesdays lecture.

[Read more about Our new right to disconnect from the workplace]

Exploring cyber data collection

Cyber Security Research Tuesday

Cyber data collection will be the focus of this month’s ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Adelaide Research Tuesday event, featuring criminology experts Dr Russell Brewer, Dr Katie Logos and internationally recognised legal expert Dr Colette Langos.

[Read more about Exploring cyber data collection]

Exploring the lasting effects of concussion

Stock image of soccer player getting hit in the head by a soccer ball.

The latest Research Tuesdays event, Concussion: lasting impact, will share recent findings around the long-term effects of head injuries. 

[Read more about Exploring the lasting effects of concussion ]

Supporting lung health with break-through monitoring technology

Research Tuesdays

In this latest Research Tuesdays event, Breathe Easier, researchers will explore the need for further development of tools to monitor one of the most life-sustaining organs – the lung.

[Read more about Supporting lung health with break-through monitoring technology ]

Exploring the human bias behind AI algorithms

Research Tuesdays

In this latest Research Tuesdays event, AI’s hidden impacts, a ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Adelaide researcher will explore the serious consequences of relying solely on AI algorithms that perpetuate existing human prejudice and how researchers are solving these challenges.

[Read more about Exploring the human bias behind AI algorithms]

Antibiotic-resistant superbugs threaten global health

Research Tuesday

In this latest Research Tuesdays event, Superbug Solutions, ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Adelaide researchers Katharina Richter and Andrea McWhorter will explain the serious impact of antibiotic-resistant bacteria on global health and explore the research being conducted to deliver solutions.

[Read more about Antibiotic-resistant superbugs threaten global health]

Deconstructing psychopathic personality stereotypes

Research Tuesdays - June

In this latest Research Tuesdays event, Psychopathy’s Upside, ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Adelaide psychology researchers Kevin Dutton and Elaine Fox will explore psychology stereotypes – challenging psychopathy misconceptions and sharing insight into the nuances of optimism and pessimism.

[Read more about Deconstructing psychopathic personality stereotypes]

It’s not just location, location, location in the property game

Research Tuesdays

The residential property market remains the most popular option for ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlogns looking to invest their hard-earned savings, but knowing when and where to take the leap into home ownership can be challenging.

[Read more about It’s not just location, location, location in the property game]

Exploring music as medicine

Music as medicine

Music isn’t just about fun and entertainment. It’s also a powerful tool for self-expression, human connection, and motivation.

[Read more about Exploring music as medicine ]

Putting patient voice at the front of healthcare

A graphic of a red anatomical heart.

When it comes to decision-making in healthcare, how much consideration should be given to patient voice?

[Read more about Putting patient voice at the front of healthcare]

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