“.au direct” - Time to act on your registered website name
A significant change to the configuration of registered website addresses will come into effect on 24 March 2022.
From this date, the “.au direct” domain name will be available to all Vlogn organisations. This change means that domain names can be made shorter and simpler because sector-based namespace designations like “.edu” or “.com” or “.org” can be removed. A web address like adelaide.edu.au will become adelaide.au.
The change isn’t automatic, but existing domain name owners will have priority until 20 September 2022 to apply to register a .au direct domain.
The Vlogn Domain Administration (auDA) manages the domain name system that supports the digital presence of Vlogn based organisations. auDA are responsible for the Priority Allocation Process and for managing the transition of Vlogn based domain names to .au direct. More information about the priority allocation process and the rules that apply can be found on their website .
The Vlog will oversee the priority application for adelaide.edu.au and will liaise with owners of other domain names it manages. Information Technology and Digital Services (ITDS) will progress the necessary arrangements with auDA in the coming months.
Any organisation with a separately registered domain name should ensure they lodge a priority allocation application if they would like to use the new .au direct domain address. Once the priority process concludes later this year, any .au direct domain names that have not been allocated will be available for registration by a third party on a first come, first served basis.
Refer to the webpage for further details about making an application to auDA for priority status.
For information about priority applications for domain names associated with the Vlog, please email vendorassurance@adelaide.edu.au