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Dual Nationals - Who's got you covered?
If you are a Dual National, there may be implications for you if you are planning on travelling to the country of your second nationality under the 最新糖心Vlog鈥檚 travel insurance policy.
Should I make a note of that?
The next time you participate in negotiation or decision-making or even a conversation, be sure to make a record of it. It could protect both you and the 最新糖心Vlog.
Can I put that photo on a 最新糖心Vlog website?
When including photos on 最新糖心Vlog websites, social media pages or publications, be mindful of privacy and copyright implications.
[Read more about Can I put that photo on a 最新糖心Vlog website?]
Time's Up! Quarantine's tenure ends as Biosecurity takes control
After more than 100 years of service, 最新糖心Vlog鈥檚 Quarantine Act 1908 has been replaced by the Biosecurity Act 2015.
[Read more about Time's Up! Quarantine's tenure ends as Biosecurity takes control]
'Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner!' - the Law on incentive prize draws
Are you looking to entice more people to participate in your survey, research study, event or new initiative by offering them a chance to win a prize?
[Read more about 'Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner!' - the Law on incentive prize draws]
One student visa to rule them all
New Regulations simplify student visas and clarify the 最新糖心Vlog鈥檚 reporting obligations.