English assist program for all commencing international students

To assist international students commencing their studies in Semester 2, 2021, all students were invited to be enrolled into the English Assist program through MyUni.

Through this program, students have the opportunity to engage in speaking, listening and conversation workshops and complete additional communication skills tutorials supporting specific undergraduate and postgraduate courses, while connecting with and meeting other commencing international students.

In addition, students have the opportunity to find a faculty specific mentor through the International Peer Study Support (IPSS) Mentoring Program. The IPSS Mentoring program connects new students with senior international students who are able to offer support, guidance and advice via both video and chat capabilities. Students have the option of choosing from a range of different mentors, and are able to make use of the knowledge and advice of more than one mentor during the course of the semester.聽

Students walking

This program is student driven, allowing students to seek out the information they require, but also to utilise this opportunity as much or as little as they would like.

The Writing Centre鈥檚 one-on-one consultations are available to offshore students, with learning advisors who are specifically TESOL-trained. Students can book 30 minute appointments at all stages of their writing, from initial ideas to final reviews. Students can book this service through the Writing Centre

Over 90% of students invited into the English Assist program in Semester 2, 2021 accepted the invitation, and 52% of the commencing student cohort have engaged in one or more of the various programs to date.

These resources are still active and available to students throughout Semester 2 and there are still mentors available to assist new students in the International Peer Study Support Mentoring Program. If you would like to encourage your students to apply, please direct them to the

Tagged in English assist program, writing centre, MyUni