Getting real with AI in education – how do we teach, learn, and assess alongside AI?

2024 UniSA Teaching and Learning Breakfast Series

Getting real with AI in education – how do we teach, learn, and assess alongside AI?

Presented byÌýÌý(×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Sydney)


Educators and students have come a long way with generative AI since November 2022, with the conversations now focusing on how we can use generative AI productively and responsibly as part of learning, teaching, and assessment. This session will demonstrate some of the ways that generative AI is being used at the ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Sydney, including how educators are working with AI and even building their own to engage students, enhance feedback, and improve learning. We’ll also consider what we can do about assessments and the role of lanes, menus, and other strange analogies.



Danny is a molecular biologist by training, programmer by night, researcher and academic developer by day, and educator at heart. A multiple international and national teaching award winner, he works at the confluence of artificial intelligence, learning analytics, student engagement, educational technology, and professional development and leadership. He is a Professor of Educational Technologies in the DVC Education Portfolio at the ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Sydney, co-chairs the ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog's AI in Education working group, and leads the initiative that puts educators in the driver’s seat of AI.

Tagged in #AI, #artificialintelligence