Dr Zachary Munn

Dr Zachary Munn
 Position NHMRC Ext-Funded Research Fellow E
 Org Unit School of Public Health
 Email zachary.munn@adelaide.edu.au
 Telephone +61 8 8313 3642
 Location Floor/Room 3 ,  WCH - Norwich Centre ,   Womens & Childrens Hospital
  • Qualifications

    Doctor of Philosophy

    Graduate Diploma Health Sciences

    Bachelor of Medical Radiation (Nuclear Medicine)

  • Research Interests

    Research Interests:

    ·         Evidence based healthcare and knowledge translation

    ·         Evidence utilisation and clinical audit

    ·         Critical appraisal of research

    ·         The synthesis of research

    ·         Clinical decision support systems

    ·         Research methodology (both qualitative and quantitative)




  • Research Funding


    Peters M, Lockwood C, Munn Z, Moola S, Mishra RK. People’s views and experiences of microfinance intervention: a systematic review. UK Department for International Development.

    McArthur A, Peters M, Chu V, Munn Z. Safe management of expressed breast milk. Sax institute.

    Runciman B, Pearson A, Mandel C, Maddern G, Schultz T, Aromataris E, Munn Z, Giles K. HCF Health and Medical Research Foundation. Use of surgical and interventional radiology checklists in 最新糖心Vlogn hospitals: uptake, barriers and enablers.  ($310,000)


    Centre of Research Excellence in Aboriginal Chronic Disease Knowledge Translation and Exchange; chief investigator (Associate Investigator) ($2,482,576)


    Tivey D, Tufunaru C, Munn Z, Riitano D, Aromataris E, Pearson A. 最新糖心Vlogn Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) Continuing Professional Development to maintain competency and achieve improvements in practice: a systematic review ($52,500)

    Singer Y, Munn Z, 最新糖心Vlogn & New Zealand Burns Association (ANZBA) Nursing Group 2012. Bridging the Gap Between Burns Evidence and Practice. Julian Burton Burns Trust Clipsal Community Grant. (AU $11,376).


    Munn Z, Xue Y, Aromataris E (2012). Proposal to provide up to date evidence for ACORN standards. 最新糖心Vlogn College of Operating Room nurses. $4,900.


    Munn Z, Tufanaru C, Aromataris E, Pearson A. Clinical education and training for allied health assistants. Queensland Health. (AU $55,000)


    Jayasekara R.S., Munn, Z. & Lockwood, C. (2008), The effectiveness and appropriateness of educational components and strategies associated with insulin pump therapy (IPT): A comprehensive systematic review. 最新糖心Vlogn Diabetes Educators Association, Canberra. (AU $ 37,280)

  • Publications


    Monographs, Books and Research Reports:

    Edgar D, Munn Z, Simons M, Li F, Clayton N, Kolmus A, Kurmis R (eds). Burn trauma rehabilitation: allied health practice guidelines. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. Philadelphia.

    Munn Z, Pearson A (2013). Implementing evidence using an action research framework. Lippincott-Joanna Briggs Institute Synthesis Science in Healthcare Series. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. Philadelphia.


    Tivey D, Tufunaru C, Munn Z, Riitano D, Aromataris E, Pearson A (2012).  Continuing Professional Development to maintain competency and achieve improvements in practice: a systematic review. 最新糖心Vlogn Health Practitioner Regulation Agency. November 2012.


    Munn Z, Tufanaru C, Aromataris E and Pearson A (2011). Clinical Education and Training for Health Assistants: A systematic review to support an external evaluation of clinical education and training for allied health assistants. Clinical Education and Training Queensland (ClinEdQ), Queensland Health, Brisbane, 最新糖心Vlog.


    Aromatris E, Hopp L, Munn Z (2011). Synthesizing evidence of risk. Lippincott-Joanna Briggs Institute Synthesis Science in Healthcare Series: No 5. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. Philadelphia.


    Jayasekara R S, Munn Z, Lockwood C. (2008). The effectiveness and appropriateness educational components and strategies associated with insulin pump therapy: a comprehensive systematic review. 最新糖心Vlogn Diabetes Educators Association. Canberra.


    Peer Reviewed Publications:


    Munn, Z., Lockwood, C., & Moola, S. (2015). The Development and Use of Evidence Summaries for Point of Care Information Systems: A Streamlined Rapid Review Approach. Worldviews on Evidence芒聙聬Based Nursing

    Lockwood C, Aromataris E, Munn Z. Translating evidence into policy and practice. Nursing Clinics of North America. 2014;49(4):555-566

    Scheepers, M. S., Gomersall, J. S., Munn, Z. (2015). The effectiveness of surgical versus conservative treatment for symptomatic unilateral spondylolysis of the lumbar spine in athletes: a systematic review.The JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports, 13(3), 137-173.

    Khalil, H., Chambers, H., Munn, Z., & Porritt, K. (2015). Improving Chronic Diseases Management Through the Development of an Evidence芒聙聬Based Resource. Worldviews on Evidence芒聙聬Based Nursing.

    Munn, Z., Moola, S., Lisy, K., Riitano, D., & Murphy, F. (2015). Claustrophobia in magnetic resonance imaging: A systematic review and meta-analysis.Radiography.

    Munn Z, Pearson A, Jordan Z, Murphy F, Pilkington D, Anderson A. Patient Anxiety and Satisfaction in a Magnetic Resonance Imaging Department: Initial Results from an Action Research Study. Journal of Medical Imagign and Radiation Sciences. 2014: doi:10.1016/j.jmir.2014.07.006 [Epub ahead of print]


    Callary SA, Solomon LB, Holubowycz OT, Campbel DA, Munn Z, Howie DW. Wear of highly crosslinked polyethylene ace tabular components: A review of RSA studies.  Acta Orthopaedica. 2014 Oct 10:1-10. [Epub ahead of print]

    Munn Z, Porritt K, Lockwood C, Aromataris E, Pearson A. Establishing confidence in the output of qualitative research synthesis: the ConQual approach. BMC Med Res Methodol. 2014 Sep 20;14(1):108.

    Munn Z, Moola S, Riitano D, Lisy K. The development of a critical appraisal tool for use in systematic reviews addressing questions of prevalence. International Journal of Health Policay and Management. 2014. In Pre

    Kurmis R, Heath K, Ooi S, Munn Z, Forbes S, Young V, Rigby P, Wood K, Phillips F, Greenwood J. A prospective multi-center audit of nutrition support parameters following burn injury. Journal of Burn Care and Research. 2014. (Epub ahead of print).

    Munn Z, Tafanaru C, Aromataris E. Systematic Reviews, Step by Step; Data extraction and synthesis. American Journal of Nursing. 2014;114(7): 49-54.

    Munn Z, Jordan Z, Pearson A, Murphy F,  Pilkington D. 'On their side': Focus group findings regarding the role of MRI radiographers and patient care. Radiography. 2014;20:246-250.

    Craven D, Munn Z, Moloney C, Talyor M. Malnutrition screening among elderly people in a community setting: a best practice implementation project. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports. 2014;12(3): 433-448

    Munn Z, Tufanaru C, Aromataris E, McBride L, Molineux M, Pearson A. Clinical education and training for allied health assistants: A narrative review. Focus on Health Professional Education: A Multi-Disciplinary Journal. 2014;15(3): 81-93.

    Costi L, Lockwood C, Munn Z, Jordan Z. Women's experience of diabetes and diabetes management in pregnancy:a systematic review of qualitative literature. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews & Implementation Reports. 2014;12(1) 176-280


    Munn Z, Jordan Z. The effectiveness of nonpharmacologic interventions to reduce anxiety and increase patient satisfaction and comfort during nuclear medicine imaging.  Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences. 2014; 45(1): 47-54. DOI: 10.1016/j.jmir.2013.10.006


    Munn Z, Jordan Z. Interventions to reduce anxiety, distress and the need for sedation in adult patients undergoing magnetic resonance imaging: a systematic review. International journal of Evidence-Based Healthcare. 2013;11: 265-274.

    Mwita C, Akello W, Sisenda G, Ogoti E, Tivey D, Munn Z, Mbogo D. Assessment of cardiovascular risk and target organ damage among adult patients with primary hypertension in Thika Level 5 Hospital, Kenya: a criteria-based clinical audit. International Journal of Evidence –Based Healthcare. 2013:11;115-120

    Munn Z, Jordan Z. Interventions to Reduce Anxiety, Distress, and the Need for Sedation in Pediatric Patients Undergoing Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Systematic Review. Journal of Radiology Nursing. 2013;32(2):87-96.

    Munn Z, Pearson A, Jordan Z, Murphy F, Pilkington D. Action research in radiography: what it is and how it can be conducted. Journal of Medical Radiation Sciences. 2013; 60(2);47-52. doi: 10.1002/jmrs.8

    Munn Z, Tufunaru C, Aromataris E. Recognition of the health assistant as a delegated clinical role and their inclusion in models of care: a systematic review and meta-synthesis of qualitative evidence. International Journal of Evidence-Based Healthcare. 2013:11(3-19)

    Munn Z, Kavanagh S, Lockwood C, Pearson A, Wood F. The development of an evidence based resource for burns care. Burns. 2013; 39(4): 577-582. 

    Harvey G, Kitson A, Munn Z. Promoting continence in nursing homes in four European countries: the use of PACES as a mechanism for improving the uptake of evidence-based recommendations.  Int J Evid Based Healthc. 2012;10:388-396.

    Munn Z, Jordan Z. The effectiveness of itnerventions to reduce anxiety, claustrophobia, sedation and non-completion rates of patients undergoing high technology medicla imaging. JBI Library of Systematic Reviews. 2012l10(19): 1122-1185.

    Pearson A, Jordan Z, Munn Z (2011). Translational science and evidence based healthcare: a clarification and reconceptualization of how knowledge is generated and used in healthcare. Nursing Research and Practice. 2012: doi:10.1155/2012/792519

    Jayasekara R S, Munn Z, Lockwood C (2011). Effect of educational components and strategies associated with insulin pump therapy: a systematic review. International Journal of Evidence Based Healthcare. 2011 Nov;9(4):346-361. 


    Munn Z, Jordan Z (2011). The patient experience of high technology medical imaging: A systematic review of the qualitative evidence. Radiography. 2011;17:323-331.


    Munn Z, Jordan Z (2011). The patient experience of high technology medical imaging: A systematic review of the qualitative evidence. The Joanna Briggs Institute Library of Systematic Reviews.


    Stern C, Munn Z (2010), Cognitive leisure activities and their role in preventing dementia: a systematic review, International Journal of Evidence-Based Healthcare, 2010 Mar;8(1):2-17.


    Stern C, Munn Z (2009), Cognitive leisure activities and their role in preventing dementia: a systematic review, JBI Library of Systematic Reviews 7(29):1291-1331.



    Other Publications:

    Munn Z, Pearson A, Jordan Z. Response to letter: 'Focus Group Research Articles.' Radiography. 2014.

    Munn Z. Research Column: The Cochrane Collaboration: 20 years of improving access to evidence for cardiovascular nursing. Canadian Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. 2013:3 (4): 26


    MUNN Z. (2011) Review Summaries: Medves J., Godfrey C., Turner C., Paterson M., Harrison M., MacKenzie L. & Durando P. (2010) Practice guideline dissemination and implementation strategies for healthcare teams and team-based practice. Journal of Advanced Nursing67(6), 1206–1212.


    MUNN Z. (2011) Review Summaries: Rees R., Oliver K., Woodman J. & Thomas J. (2009) Children’s views about obesity, body size, shape and weight: a systematic review. Journal of Advanced Nursing 67(5), 954–960.


    MUNN Z. (2011) Review Summaries: Castillo-Bueno M.D., Moreno-Pina J.P., Martínez-Puente M.V., Artiles-Suárez M.M., Company-Sancho M.C., García-Andrés (2010) et al. Effectiveness of nursing intervention for adult patients experiencing chronic pain: a systematic review. Journal of Advanced Nursing67(4), 722–727.


    MUNN Z. (2011) Review Summaries: Hodgkinson B., Tuckett A., Hegney D., Paterson J. & Kralik D. (2010) Effectiveness of educational interventions to raise menós awareness of bladder and bowel health. Journal of Advanced Nursing67(3), 484–490.


    MUNN Z. (2011) Review Summaries: Haesler E., Bauer M. & Nay R. (2010) Recent evidence on the development and maintenance of constructive staff–family relationships in the care of older people – a report on a systematic review update. Journal of Advanced Nursing 67(1), 19–25.


    MUNN Z. (2011) Review Summaries: Ching L.C., Devi M.K. & Emily A.N.K. (2010) Anxiety in patients with breast cancer undergoing   treatment:   a   systematic   review.   Journal of Advanced Nursing 67(1), 19–25.


    MUNN   Z.   (2010)   Review   Summaries:   Godfrey   C.M., Harrison  M.B.,  Graham  I.D.  &  Ross-White  A.  (2010) Utilization  of  theoretical  models  and  frameworks  in  the process of evidence synthesis. Journal of Advanced Nursing 66(12), 2620–2626.


    MUNN  Z.  (2010)  Review  Summaries:  Chau  J.P.C.,  Lee D.T.F. & Lo S.H.S. (2010) Eye irrigation for patients with ocular  chemical  burns:  a  systematic  review.  Journal of Advanced Nursing 66(11), 2391–2397.


    MUNN  Z.  (2010)  Review  Summaries:  Caird  J.,  Rees  R., Kavanagh J., Sutcliffe K., Oliver K., Dickson K., Woodman J., Barnett-Page E. & Thomas J. (2010) The Socioeconomic Value of Nursing and Midwifery: A Rapid Systematic Review of Reviews. Journal of Advanced Nursing 66(10), 2154–2159.


    MUNN Z. (2010) Review Summaries: Wilson A., Zwart E., Everett I. & Kernick J. (2009) The clinical effectiveness of nurse practitioners’ management of minor injuries in an adult emergency  department:  a  systematic  review.  Journal of Advanced Nursing 66(3), 1683–1688.


    MUNN Z. (2010) Review Summaries: Chen Y.-C. & Li I.-C. (2009)  Effectiveness  of  interventions  using  empowerment concept for patients with chronic disease: a systematic review. Journal of Advanced Nursing 66(7), 1446–1451.


    MUNN Z. (2010) Review Summaries: Stern C. & Munn Z. (2009) Cognitive leisure activities and their role in preventing dementia: a systematic review. Journal of Advanced Nursing 66(6), 1207–1212.


    MUNN Z. (2010) Review Summaries: Hopp L. & Walker J.  (2009)  Effectiveness  of  arm  exercise  on  dyspnoea  in patients  with  chronic  obstructive  pulmonary  disease:  a systematic  review.  Journal of  Advanced  Nursing  66(6), 1207–1212.


    MUNN Z. (2010) Review Summaries: Fransen M., McConnell  S.,  Hernandez-Molina  G.  &  Reichenbach  S.  (2009) Exercise for osteoarthritis of the hip. Journal of Advanced Nursing 66(4), 738–742.


    MUNN Z. (2010) Review Summaries: McGowan J.L., Grad R., Pluye P., Hannes K., Deane K., Labrecque M., Welch V. & Tugwell P. (2009) Electronic retrieval of health information by healthcare providers to improve practice and patient care. Journal of Advanced Nursing 66(3), 495–499.


    MUNN   Z.   (2010)   Review   Summaries:   Shojania   K.G., Jennings  A.,  Mayhew  A.,  Ramsay  C.R.,  Eccles  M.P.  & Grimshaw J. (2009) The effects of on-screen, point of care computer  reminders  on  processes  and  outcomes  of  care. Journal of Advanced Nursing 66(1), 16–21.


    MUNN Z. (2010) Review Summaries: States R.A., Pappas E. & Salem Y. (2009) Overground physical therapy gait training for chronic stroke patients with mobility de茂卢聛cits. Journal of Advanced Nursing 66(1), 16–21.


    MUNN Z. (2009) Review Summaries: Stern C. & Konno R. (2009) Physical leisure activities and their role in preventing dementia: a systematic review. Journal of Advanced Nursing 65(12), 2508–2513.


    MUNN Z. (2009) Review Summaries: Thomas D. & Elliott E.J. (2009) Low glycaemic index or low glycaemic load, diets for diabetes mellitus. Journal of Advanced Nursing 65(10), 2022–2026.


    MUNN Z. (2009) Review Summaries: Forster A., Lambley R., Hardy J., Young J., Smith J., Green J. & Burns E. (2009) Rehabilitation for older people in long-term care. Journal of Advanced Nursing 65(10), 2022–2026.


    MUNN Z. (2009) Review Summaries: Mead G.E., Morley W., Campbell P., Greig C.A., McMurdo M. & Lawlor D.A. (2008) Exercise for depression. Journal of Advanced Nursing 65(7), 1365–1369.


    MUNN Z. (2009) Review Summaries: Lin C.W.C., Moseley A.M.  &  Refshauge  K.M.  (2008)  Rehabilitation for  ankle fractures in adults. Journal of Advanced Nursing 65(4), 773–778.


    MUNN Z. (2009) Review Summaries: Forbes D., Forbes S., Morgan D.G., Markle-Reid M., Wood J. & Culum I. (2008) Physical  activity  programmes  for  persons  with  dementia. Journal of Advanced Nursing 65(4), 773–778.


    MUNN Z. (2009) Review Summaries: Gravolin M., Rowell K. & de Groot J. (2007) Interventions to support the decision-making process for older people facing the possibility of long-term residential care. Journal of Advanced Nursing 65(1), 45–46.


    MUNN Z. (2008) Review Summaries: Ainsworth S.B., Clerihew L. & McGuire W. (2007) Percutaneous central venous catheters versus peripheral cannulae for delivery of parenteral nutrition in neonates. Journal of Advanced Nursing 64(6), 574–575.


    MUNN Z. (2008) Review Summaries: Othieno R., Abu Affan M. & Okpo E. (2007) Home vs. inpatient treatment for deep vein thrombosis. Journal of Advanced Nursing 64(6), 576–577.


    MUNN Z. (2008) Review Summaries: Bradley P.M. & Lindsay B. (2008) Care delivery and self-management strategies for adults with epilepsy. Journal of Advanced Nursing 64(5), 455–456.


    MUNN Z. (2008) Review Summaries: Barth J., Critchley J. & Bengel J. (2008) Psychosocial interventions for smoking cessation in patients with coronary heart disease. Journal of Advanced Nursing 64(5), 457–458.


    MUNN  Z.  (2008)  Review  Summaries:  Jeffery  M.,  Hickey B.E. & Hider P.N. (2007) Follow-up strategies for patients treated  for  non-metastatic  colorectal  cancer.  Journal  of Advanced Nursing 63(5), 453–454.


    MUNN   Z.   (2008)   Review   Summaries:   Clarkson   J.E., Worthington  H.V.  &  Eden  O.B.  (2007)  Interventions  for preventing oral candidiasis for patients with cancer receiving treatment. Journal of Advanced Nursing 63(2), 146–147.


    MUNN Z. (2008) Review Summaries: Galaal K.A., Deane K., Sangal S. & Lopes A.D. (2007) Interventions for reducing anxiety   in   women   undergoing   colposcopy.   Journal   of Advanced Nursing 63(5), 451–452.


    MUNN   Z.   (2008)   Review   Summaries:   Strong   M.   & Johnstone  P.W.  (2007)  Interventions  for  treating  scabies. Journal of Advanced Nursing 63(2), 144–145.


    MUNN Z. (2008) Review Summaries: Wasiak J. & Cleland H. (2007) Lidocaine for pain relief in burn  injured  patients. Journal of Advanced Nursing 63(4), 345-346.


    MUNN  Z.  (2008)  Review  Summaries:  Vanderkroft  D., Collins C., Fitzgerald M., Lewis S., Neve M. & Capra S. (2007)  Minimizing  undernutrition  in  the  older  inpatient. Journal of Advanced Nursing 63(3), 236–237.


    MUNN Z. (2008) Review Summaries: Handoll  H.H.G.  &  Sherrington  C.  (2007)  Mobilization strategies  after  hip  fracture  surgery  in  adults. Journal of Advanced Nursing 63(4), 343-344.


    MUNN Z. (2008) Review Summaries: Phillips N.M. & Nay R. (2007) Nursing administration of medication via enteral tubes in adults: a  systematic review.  Journal of  Advanced Nursing 63(3), 238–239.



    Conference Presentations:

    Munn Z. Clinical practice guideline development. National Burns Nursing Seminar. Alfred Hospital. 24th May, 2014. Invited Speaker.

    Munn Z. Evidence-based healthcare and the JBI Burn node. National Burns Nursing Seminar. Alfred Hospital. 23rd May, 2014. Invited Speaker.



    Craven D, Munn Z, Moloney C, Taylor M. Malnutrition screenign among elderly people in a community setting: a best practice implementation project. Dietitians Association of 最新糖心Vlog 31st National Conference. Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre. 15-17th May, 2014. Poster Presentation.


    Munn Z. Getting research into practice. 最新糖心Vlogn Institute of Radiography National Research Symposium. South 最新糖心Vlogn Health and Medical Research Institute. Adelaide. 5-6th April, 2014. Invited Speaker.

    Munn Z. Evidence-based Burns Care. Burns Education Seminar. Robson Theatre, Royal Adelaide Hospital. Invited Speaker. 6th December 2013.


    Munn Z, Porritt K, Aromataris E, Lockwood C. Levels of Evidence,  Grades of Recommendation and the GRADE Approach. The Joanna Briggs Institute International Convention 2013. Intercontinental Adelaide, 最新糖心Vlog, 21-23 October 2013. Invited Speaker.

    Munn Z, Moola S, Lisy K, Riitano D. Systematic Reviews of Prevalence, Incidence and Correlational Data. The Joanna Briggs Institute International Convention 2013. Intercontinental Adelaide, 最新糖心Vlog, 21-23 October 2013. Invited Speaker.

    Lockwood C, Rittenmeyer L, Tuckett A, Mu P, Munn Z. Synthesis of Qualitative Evidence. The Joanna Briggs Institute International Convention 2013. Intercontinental Adelaide, 最新糖心Vlog, 21-23 October 2013. Invited Speaker.

     Munn Z, Kowald M. JBI: The Unexpected Journey. Better Practice Conference. Hilton, Adelaide. 2013. 15th-16th August. Oral presentation.

    Callary SA, Solomon LB, Holubowycz OT, Campbell DG, Munn ZR, Howie DW. Wear of highly cross linked polyethylene liners: A review of RSA studies 3rd International RSA conference, Lund, Sweden, March, 2013.Oral Presentation.

    Munn Z. Evidence-Based Wound Care Resources. Plastic Surgery Congress, Wound Management Forum. Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, Melbourne, 22nd-23rd April, 2013. Invited Speaker.


    Munn Z. Evidence-based burns care. National Burns Nursing Seminar. Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, 22nd-23rd March, 2013. Invited Speaker.


    Munn Z, Singer Y, Kavanagh S. Bridging the gap between burns evidence and practice. 36th Annual Scientific Meeting of the 最新糖心Vlogn and New Zealand Burn Association. Hobart, Tasmania. October 2012. Plenary Session. 

    Munn Z. Implementing evidence based guidance into a high technology medical imaging department: an action research study, part 1 findings. Imaging and Treating the Southern Vales: 最新糖心Vlogn Institute of Radiography South 最新糖心Vlogn Branch Seminar Day, McLaren Vale, 最新糖心Vlog, 11th August 2012. Invited Speaker.


    Munn Z. Journal Clubs. National Burns Nursing Seminar. Robson Theatre, Royal Adelaide Hospital, Adelaide, 最新糖心Vlog, 11th May 2012. Invited Speaker

    Kitson A, Harvey G, Munn Z, Promoting continence in nursing homes in four European countries: the use of PACES as a mechanism for improving continence care, The Joanna Briggs Institute International Convention, Adelaide, 最新糖心Vlog, 7th-9th November, 2011

    Munn Z, The Development of an Evidence Based Resource for Burns Care, Oral Poster (2 minute presentation to full conference), 最新糖心Vlogn and New Zealand Burns Asssociation, Brisbane, 最新糖心Vlog 5th-8th October, 2011

    Munn Z, The Joanna Briggs Institute Burns Node, Nursing Forum Presentation, 最新糖心Vlogn and New Zealand Burns Asssociation, Brisbane, 最新糖心Vlog 5th-8th October, 2011

    Munn Z, Evidence Utilisation: Using Clinical Audit and Feedback to Implement Evidence, International Conference Veteran General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan, 23 August, 2009. Invited Speaker.


    Munn Z, Connecting evidence and implementation: a workshop on clinical audit overview, National 最新糖心Vlogn Conference on Evidence Based Clinical Leadership, Adelaide, 最新糖心Vlog 27th-29th May 2009.


    Munn Z, Aged Care Association 最新糖心Vlog 27th Annual Congress, ‘Evidence based practice – changing the delivery of care practice’, Hobart, 最新糖心Vlog, 18th November 2008.  Invited Speaker.


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Entry last updated: Saturday, 2 Sep 2023

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