Dr Thushari Atapattu
Position | Grant-Funded Researcher (A) |
Org Unit | Computer Science |
thushari.atapattu@adelaide.edu.au | |
Telephone | 831 39077 |
Location |
Ingkarni Wardli
North Terrace
Biography/ Background
2018- : Lead and founder, , 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide
2015- : Postdoctoral Research Fellow, , 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide
2011-2014: PhD in Computer Science, 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide
2010-2011: Software Engineer
2008-2009: Research Assistant, 最新糖心Vlog of Colombo School of Computing
2004-2008: Bachelor of Computer Science (Hons), 最新糖心Vlog of Colombo
Awards & Achievements
2021: Finalist for Women in AI 最新糖心Vlog & New Zealand
2019: 最新糖心Vlogn Federation of 最新糖心Vlog Women SA Postdoctoral Grant
2017: Adelaide Women's Research Excellence Award
2015: Dean's Commendation for Doctoral Thesis Excellence
2013: Finalist for Google Anita Borg scholarship (PhD category in Asia-Pacific Region)
2012: Google PhD Travel Award
2011: 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide PhD Scholarship
Teaching Interests
I am the tech lead, co-designer and developer of following Teacher Professional Development MOOCs;
Teaching AR, VR and MR in K-12 classrooms
I will be teaching following courses at the 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide;
2020 (Semester 2): COMP SCI 1106 - Introduction to Software Engineering
2019 (Semester 2): COMP SCI 1106 - Introduction to Software Engineering
2017 (Semester 1): COMP SCI 7098 - Master of Computing & Innovation Project
2017 (Semester 2): COMP SCI 1106 - Introduction to Software Engineering
Guest lectures:
Grand challenges in Computer Science - Semester 2 2021
Research Interests
My research focuses on better understanding the latent discourse aspects in large corpora of natural language text, and using this understanding to build computational models that can improve human communication process. My research interests lie in the areas of discourse processing, social NLP, learning analytics and software engineering.
Read more about my research work at
Some of my recent research projects explores;
- Using linguistic fingerprints to combat cyberbullying (Lead)
- Automated glossary generation for effective information extraction from COVID-19 related scientific articles () (Lead)
- Advancing the detection of cyberbullying through role modeling (Lead)
- Modeling emotion-cause relation in mental health language data (Lead)
- Modeling language-related to mental health using social media data (Lead)
- Multi-class emotion modeling from social media data (Lead)
- Assessing Software Documentation quality (Collaborator)
- Impact of teachers’ academic discourse in lecture videos for students’ video engagement in MOOCs (Lead)
- Modeling coginitive engagement and measuring new knowledge construction in online teacher PD MOOCs (Lead)
- Detecting 'confusion' state of discussion forums in MOOCs (Lead)
- Understanding and classifying contents in GitHub README files (Collaborator)
- Topic modeling and visualisation in MOOC discussion forums (Lead)
Regardless of the discipline, I am passionate about everything in TEXT, DISCOURSE, LANGUAGE, COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY & MIND :)For potential students (Honours, Masters and PhD):
If you have a passion for any of the above areas and would like to pursue higher studies in the 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide, feel free to email me with your current CV, publications record, transcripts of all degrees and a statement about your research interest.
Some information about Postgraduate scholarship (domestic and international) can be found
Current HDR/Research students
PhD students
Isuru Dharmadasa (PhD) with Nick Falkner and Menasha Thilakaratne - Detecting cyberbullying triggers from text (2022-2024)
Hamzah Arishi (PhD) with Nick Falkner and Christoph Treude - Sentimental and Emotional analysis from MOOC discussions (2020 - 2023)
Abhilash Sridara (MPhil) with Katrina Falkner, Nick Falkner - Evaluation of essay type answers in MOOCs using NLP techniques (2020 - 2021)
Completed PhD students
Dr Lavendini Sivaneasharajah with Katrina Falkner, Rebecca Vivian - User roles in online learning context through linguistic expressions, 2018-2022
Dr Menasha Thilakaratne with Katrina Falkner - Literature-based knowledge discovery using Natural Language Processing techniques, 2017-2020
Mostafa Mahdi (Masters of AI and Machine Learning) with Menasha Thilakaratne, Leveraging LLMs to transform unstructed venue hire information of SA communities to MARC21 standard (2024)
Georgia Zhang (Honors in Computer Science) with Menasha Thilakaratne, Emotion-cause pair extraction from Natural Language Text, 2021
Dasuni Jayawickrama (Advanced Topics in Computer Science) with Menasha Thilakaratne, Automatically detecting triggers of emotions in text, 2021
Sabby Saha (Masters of Data Science) with Rebecca Vivian & Katrina Falkner, Multi-emotion modeling from Reddit data using NLP, 2020-2021
Georgia Zhang (Advanced Topics in Computer Science), Automatic identification of roles associated with cyberbullying posts, 2020
Dasuni Jayawickrama (Summer Research student) with Sebastian Baltes & Christoph Treude, Discourse analysis of stack overflow threads, 2020
Dung Anh Hoang (Summer Research student) with Katrina Falkner & Christoph Treude, Advancing the detection of Cyberbullying in Social Media, 2020
Georgia Zhang (Topics in Computer Science), Detection of Cyberbullying aginst minorities, 2019
Dung Anh Hoang (Topics in Computer Science), Automated identification of mental health issues in Social media, 2019
Alexa Ng (Topics in Computer Science), Impact of semantic relatedness of course content for video learning, 2018
Roland Croft (Topics in Computer Science) with Christoph Treude, Identifying the topics of Stack Overflow discussions, 2017
Research Staff
Dr Menasha Thilakaratne (Dec 2020 to present)- Natural Language Processing
Mr Ankit Yadav (2022) - Muti-task learning modeling
Dasuni Jayawickrama (Dec 2020 to Feb 2022) - "Systematic Literature review on automated extraction of emotion-cause from language data"
Mahen Herath (Aug 2019 to present) - "Using linguistic fingerprints to combat cyberbullying"
Gathika Ratnayaka (Feb 2020 to Sep 2020) - "Advancing the detection of cyberbullying through role modeling"
Hamid Tarmazdi (2016) - "Topic visualisation dashboard of MOOC discussions"
- Using linguistic fingerprints to combat cyberbullying (Lead)
Research Funding
Wagner, M., Thilakaratne, M., Zhang, W., Treude, C., Arora, C., Atapattu, T. Contextually situated anomaly detection, Defence Innovation Partnership, $100,000 (2021-2022)
T. Atapattu, M. Thilakaratne, De Zoysa, K., Gunawardena, K., Zoysa, P. Mental wellbeing and emotion awareness tool, 最新糖心Vlogn Academy of Science, $10,000 (2021)
T. Atapattu, M. Thilakaratne. Automated glossary generation for effective and efficient information extraction from COVID-19 scientific articles, Defence Innovation Partnership, $20,000 (2020-2021)
Falkner, K., Vivian, R., Atapattu, T. Cyber security education in K-12, AustCyber (with industry partners Google Aus & NZ and CSIRO), $313,387 (2020-2021)
T. Atapattu, Automated dection of cyberbullying against minorities, 最新糖心Vlogn Federation of 最新糖心Vlog Women SA Inc., $5,000 (2020).
K. Falkner, R. Vivian, and T. Atapattu, Artificial Intelligence resources to support the Artificial Intelligence in schools initiative, Department of Education & Training, $585,000 (2019-2022)
K. Falkner, R. Vivian and T. Atapattu, AI Professional Development program for K-12 teachers in support of the Digital Technologies Curriculum in 最新糖心Vlog, Google 最新糖心Vlog & New Zealand, $83,749 (2019).
K. Falkner, R. Vivian and T. Atapattu, Understanding the relationship between social community formation and progression within MOOC environments, Research Contract, Google 最新糖心Vlog, $37,687 (2017).
Mahdi, D. M., Atapattu, T., Thilakaratne, M. (2024) Advancing community directories: Leveraging LLMs for automated extraction in MARC standard venue availability notes. Proceedings of the 22nd Annual workshop of the Australasian Language Technology Association (ALTA 2024)
Athukoralage, D., Atapattu, T. (2024). Multi-Stage QLoRA with Augmented Structured Dialogue Corpora: Efficient and Improved Conversational Healthcare AI. Accepted for TRL @NeurIPS 2024
Arishi, H., Falkner, N., Treude, C., Atapattu, T. (2024). Systematic Literature Review for Machine Learning Research in Education. Proceedings of the 2024 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), Washington DC, USA
Arishi, H., Falkner, N., Treude, C., Atapattu, T. (2024). Understanding the Computer Science Student Experience Through the Lens of System Ecology. Proceedings of the 2024 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), Washington DC, USA
Athukoralage, D., Atapattu, T., Thilakaratne, M., & Falkner, K. (2024). LT4SG@ SMM4H24: . In the proceedings of 9th Social Media Mining for Health Research and Applications Workshop and Shared Tasks — Large Language Models (LLMs) and Generalizability for Social Media NLP at ACL2024.
Sridhara, A., Falkner, N., Atapattu, T., Leveraging Inference: A Regression-based Learner Performace System for Knowledge Tracing, Accepted for IEEE Access, 2023
Atapattu, T., Herath, M., Elvitigala, C., de Zoysa, P., et al., EmoMent: An Emotion Annotated Mental Health Corpus from two South Asian Countries, 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING) 2023
Atapattu, T., Herath, M., Zhang, G., Falkner, K. Automatic Detection of Cyberbullying against Women and Immigrants and Cross-domain Adaptability, Australasian Language Technology Association 2020
Ratnayaka, G., Atapattu, T., Herath, M., Zhang, G., Falkner, K. Enhancing the Identification of Cyberbullying through Participant Roles, Proccedings of the Workshop on Online Abuse and Harm at EMNLP 2020.
Atapattu, T., Falkner, K., Thilakaratne, M., Sivaneasharajah, L., Jayashanka, R. , IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, Sep 2020.
Treude, C., Middleton, J. Atapattu, T. . The ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, Nov 2020.
Herath M., Atapattu, T., Dung, H., Treude, C., Falkner, K. AdelaideCyC at SemEval-2020 Task 12: Ensemble of Classifiers for Offensive Language Detection in Social Media. International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation at COLING, Dec 2020
Sivaneasharajah, L., Atapattu, T., Falkner, K. Linguistic Changes across Different User Roles in MOOCs: What do they tell us? 13th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM), July 2020
Thilakaratne, M., Falkner, K., Atapattu, T. . ACM/IEEE Joint conference on Digital Libraries, Aug 2020
Thilakaratne, M., Falkner, K., Atapattu, T. . ACM/IEEE Joint conference on Digital Libraries, Aug 2020
Thilakaratne, M., Falkner, K., Atapattu, T. , PAKDD 2020, Singapore.
Thilakaratne, M., Falkner, K., Atapattu, T. , ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 129, Dec 2019
Thilakaratne, M., Falkner, K., Atapattu, T. , PeerJ Computer Science 5:e235, Nov 2019.
Atapattu, T., Thilakaratne, M., Vivian, R., Falkner, K. , Computers and Education, Oct 2019.
Sivaneasharajah, L., Atapattu, T., Falkner, K. Understanding student learning from discussion forums, 最新糖心Vlogn Learning Analytics Summer Institute, Nov 2019.
Prana, G. A., Treude, C., Thung, F. Atapattu, T., Lo, D. . Emprirical Software Engineering, September 2018
Atapattu, T. & Falkner, K. , Journal of Learning Analytics, May 2018
Thilakaratne, M., Falkner, K., Atapattu, T. Student Research Workshop of 56th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Melbourne, 最新糖心Vlog, July 2018
Atapattu, T., Falkner, K. and Falkner, N. A Comprehensive text analysis of Lecture Slides to Generate Concept Maps. Computers & Education, 115, pp. 96-113, December 2017
Atapattu, T., Falkner, K. . Accepted for the 7th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge conference (LAK), Vancouver, BC, Canada, March 2017
Atapattu, T., Falkner, K. and Tarmazdi, H. . Proceedings of the 9th International conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM), Raleigh, NC, USA, June 2016
Atapattu, T., Falkner, K. . Proceedings of the Third Annual ACM Conference on Learning at Scale (L@S), Edinburgh, Scotland, April 2016
Atapattu, T., Falkner, K. and Falkner, N. . Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED), Madrid, Spain, June 2015 (Nominated for Best Paper Award)
Atapattu, T., Falkner, K. and Falkner, N. . Proceedings of the 20th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE), Vilnius, Lithuania, July 2015
Atapattu, T., Falkner, K. and Falkner, N. . Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS), 510, pp, 68-83, Springer International Publishing, 2015 (Book Chapter)
Atapattu, T., Falkner, K. and Falkner, N. . Proceedings of the 7th International conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM), London, July 2014
Atapattu, T., Falkner, K. and Falkner, N. Evaluation of Concept Importance in Concept Maps Mined from Lecture Notes: Computer vs Human. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, Barcelona, Spain, April 2014 (Nominated for Best Student Paper Award)
Atapattu, T. Automated Generation of Practice Questions from Semi-Structured Lecture Notes. ICER' 12, Auckland, New Zealand, Sep 2012 (Doctoral abstract)
Atapattu, T., Falkner, K. and Falkner, N. Automated Extraction of Semantic Concepts From Semi-Structured Data: Supporting Computer-based Education through the Analysis of Lecture Notes. Dexa 2012, Vienna, Austria, Sep 2012
Atapattu, T., De Zoysa, K. Accessing an Interactive learning tool using telephone communications. In the proceedings of the ICT2010, Singapore, June 2010
Atapattu, T., De Zoysa, K. V-Learning: Using voice for Distant Learning in Emerging Regions. In the proceedings of the International conference on Computer Supported Education, Lisboa, Portugal, March 2009
Unpublished works
Atapattu, T., Falkner, K., Falkner, N. and Palmer, E. 2015. A computational model for task-adapted knowledge organisation: improving learning through concept maps extracted from lecture slides, 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide, 最新糖心Vlog (PhD thesis)
Professional Associations
Association for Computer Linguistics (ACL)
International Artificial Intelligence in Education Society (IAIED)
Society for Learning Analytics Research (SOLAR)
International Educational Data Mining Society (IEDM)
Community Engagement
Conference organisation
Student volunteer co-chair in the
Co-organiser and PC member of the
Journal review board
Review board member of IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies
Review board member of Computers & Education
Review board member of British Journal of Education Technology
Conference PC member
ACL Rolling Review (ARR) member since December 2023
Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference since 2022
Koli Calling
Other community engagement
Committee member of Higher Education Research Group of Adelaide (HERGA)
Member of Google Anita Borg Alumni community
Member of Learning Analytics Community of Practice - 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide
Committee member of Learning Analytics Operations Group (LAOG) - 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide
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Entry last updated: Thursday, 28 Nov 2024
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