Dr Takashi Okada

Dr Takashi Okada
 Position Senior Research Fellow
 Org Unit Medical Sciences
 Email takashi.okada@adelaide.edu.au
 Telephone +61 8 8313 2318
 Location Floor/Room 6 ,  Adelaide Health and Medical Sciences ,   North Terrace
  • Biography/ Background

    Takashi completed his PhD in 2000 at the Tohoku 最新糖心Vlog (Japan) for his study on immunological and biological characterization of Brassica pollen allergen. Then, he worked as a post-doctoral fellow at 最新糖心Vlog of Melbourne for transcriptome analysis of male gamete in lily and Arabidopsis (2000 - 04). He also worked as a senior post-doctoral fellow in CSIRO Plant Industry for apomixis project (2005 - 12). He joined Hybrid Wheat program at 最新糖心Vlogn Centre for Plant Functional Genomics (ACPFG - ) October 2012, and is currently the group leader of the Wheat Floral Architecture project.

  • Research Interests

    Takashi has expertise in plant molecular biology and reproductive development. He has been working in the area of sexual plant reproduction using various plant species since his honours, and studied both male and female gametophyte development to understand the pollination and fertilization process in plants. His current project focuses on developmental and genetic basis of floral development and flowering process in cereals ().

    FA project

    FA project image

  • Publications

    Nguyen V, Fleury D, Timmins A, Laga H, Hayden M, Mather D, Okada T (2015) Addition of rye chromosome 4R to wheat increases anther length and pollen grain number. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 128:953-64. 

    Shirasawa K, Hand ML, Henderson ST, Okada T, Johnson SD, Taylor JM, Spriggs A, Siddons H, Hirakawa H, Isobe S, Tabata S, Koltunow AM (2015) A reference genetic linkage map of apomictic Hieracium species based on expressed markers derived from developing ovule transcripts. Annals of botany 115:567-80 

    Kotani Y, Henderson S, Suzuki G, Johnson SD, Okada T, Siddons H, Mukai Y, Koltunow AM (2014) The LOSS OF APOMEIOSIS (LOA) locus in Hieracium praealtum can function independently of the associated large-scale repetitive chromosomal structure. New Phytologist 201:973-981 

    Whitford R, Fleury D, Reif JC, Garcia M, Okada T,  Korzun V, Langridge P (2013) Hybrid Breeding in Wheat: Technologies to improve hybrid wheat seed production. (Darwin Review) Journal of Experimental Botany 64:5411-28 

    Okada T, Hu Y, Tucker MR, Taylor JM, Johnson SD, Spriggs A, Tsuchiya T, Oelkers K, Rodrigues JC, Koltunow AM (2013) Enlarging cells initiating apomixis in Hieraciumpraealtum transition to an embryo sac program prior to entering mitosis. Plant Physiology 163: 216-231

    Garmatiuk T, Swoboda I, Twardosz-Kropfmüller A, Dall'antonia F, Keller W, Singh MB, Bhalla PL, Okada T, Toriyama K, Weber M, Ghannadan M, Sperr WR, Blatt K, Valent P, Klein B, Niederberger V, Curin M, Balic N, Spitzauer S, Valenta R (2013) Characterization of mutants of a highly cross-reactive calcium-binding protein fromBrassica pollen for allergen-specific immunotherapy. Immunobiology 218: 1155-1165 

    Tucker MR, Okada T, Hu Y, Scholefield A, Taylor JM, Koltunow AMG (2012) Somatic small RNA pathways promote the mitotic events of megagametogenesis during female reproductive development in Arabidopsis. Development 139: 1399-1404 

    Tucker MR, Okada T, Johnson SD, Takaiwa F, Koltunow AMG (2012) Sporophytic ovule tissues modulate the initiation and progression of apomixis in HieraciumJournal of Experimental Botany 63: 3229-3241 

    Okada T, Ito K, Johnson SD, Oelkers K, Suzuki G, Houben A, Mukai Y, Koltunow AM (2011) Chromosomes carrying meiotic avoidance loci in three apomictic eudicotHieracium subgenus Pilosella species share structural features with two monocot apomictsPlant Physiology 157: 1327-1341 

    Koltunow AMG, Johnson SD, Okada T (2011) Apomixis in hawkweed: Mendel's experimental nemesis. Journal of Experimental Botany 62: 1699-1707 

    Koltunow AMG, Johnson SD, Rodrigues JCM, Okada T, Hu Y, Tsuchiya T, Wilson S, Fletcher P, Ito K, Suzuki G, Mukai Y, Fehrer J, Bicknell RA (2011) Sexual reproduction is the default mode in apomictic Hieracium subgenus Pilosella, in which two dominant loci function to enable apomixis. Plant Journal 66: 890-902 

    Rodrigues JCM, Okada T, Johnson SD, Koltunow AM (2010) A MULTICOPY SUPPRESSOR OF IRA1 (MSI1) homologue is not associated with the switch to autonomous seed development in apomictic (asexual) Hieracium plants. Plant Science 179: 590-597 

    Okada T, Catanach AS, Johnson SD, Bicknell RA, Koltunow AM (2007) An Hieraciummutant, loss of apomeiosis 1 (loa1) is defective in the initiation of apomixis. Sexual Plant Reproduction 20: 199-211 

    Okada T, Singh MB, Bhalla PL (2007) Transcriptome profiling of Lilium longiflorumgenerative cells by cDNA microarray. Plant Cell Reports 26: 1045-1052 

    Okada T, Bhalla PL, Singh MB (2006) Expressed sequence tag analysis of Lilium longiflorum generative cellsPlant and Cell Physiology 47: 698-705 

    Okada T, Singh MB, Bhalla PL (2006) Histone H3 variants in male gametic cells of lily and H3 methylation in mature pollen. Plant Molecular Biology 62: 503-512 

    Okada T, Endo M, Singh MB, Bhalla PL (2005) Analysis of the histone H3 gene family in Arabidopsis and identification of the male-gamete-specific variant AtMGH3. Plant Journal 44: 557-568 

    Okada T, Bhalla PL, Singh MB (2005) Transcriptional activity of male gamete-specific histone gcH3 promoter in sperm cells of Lilium longiflorumPlant and Cell Physiology 46: 797-802 

    Okada A, Okada T, Ide T, Itoh M, Tanaka K, Takaiwa F, Toriyama K (2003) Accumulation of Japanese cedar pollen allergen, Cry j 1, in the protein body I of transgenic rice seeds using the promoter and signal sequence of glutelin GluB-1 gene. Molecular Breeding 12: 61-70 

    Okada T, Toriyama K (2001) Pollen vegetative cell-specific expression of Bra r 1: useful tool for observation of the vegetative nucleus and identification of transgenic pollen by nuclear-targeted GFP. Sexual Plant Reproduction 13: 301-307 

    Okada T, Sasaki Y, Ohta R, Onozuka N, Toriyama K (2000) Expression of Bra r 1 gene in transgenic tobacco and Bra r 1 promoter activity in pollen of various plant species. Plant and Cell Physiology 41: 757-766 

    Okada T, Zhang ZJ, Russell SD, Toriyama K (1999) Localization of the Ca2+-binding protein, Bra r 1, in anthers and pollen tubes. Plant and Cell Physiology 40: 1243-1252 

    Okada T, Swoboda I, Bhalla PL, Toriyama K, Singh MB (1998) Engineering of hypoallergenic mutants of the Brassica pollen allergen, Bra r 1, for immunotherapy. FEBS Letters 434: 255-260 

    Toriyama K, Hanaoka K, Okada T, Watanabe M (1998) Molecular cloning of a cDNA encoding a pollen extracellular protein as a potential source of a pollen allergen inBrassica rapaFEBS Letters 424: 234-238 

    Toriyama K, Okada T, Watanabe M, Ide T, Ashida T, Xu HL, Singh MB (1995) A cDNA clone encoding an IgE-binding protein from Brassica anther has significant sequence similarity to Ca2+-binding proteins. Plant Molecular Biology 29: 1157-1165 

  • Files

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Entry last updated: Friday, 18 Mar 2022

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