Professor Simon Pyke

Professor Simon Pyke
 Position Professor
 Org Unit Chemistry
 Telephone +61 8 8313 5358
 Location Floor/Room 2 ,  Badger ,   North Terrace
  • Biography/ Background

    2016 - present Deputy Dean (Learning & Teaching), Faculty of Sciences, 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide
    2014 – present Professor (Level E), Department of Chemistry, 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide

    2011 – 2012

    Acting Director (Level E), Centre for Learning & Professional Development, 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide

    2009 – 2011

    Associate Professor (Level D), Department of Chemistry, 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide

    2007 – 2015

    Associate Dean (Learning & Quality), Faculty of Sciences, 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide

    1998 – 2008

    Senior Lecturer (Level C), Department of Chemistry, 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide

    1992 – 1997

    Lecturer (Level B), Department of Chemistry, 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide

    1989 – 1992

    Postdoctoral Research Associate, School of Chemical Sciences, 最新糖心Vlog of East Anglia

  • Awards & Achievements

    2014 Fensham Medal for Outstanding Contribution to Chemical Education (RACI)


    Stephen Cole the Elder Award for Excellence in Teaching


    最新糖心Vlogn Learning & Teaching Council Citation for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning


    D. R. Stranks Medal for Excellence in Chemistry Education (SA Branch, RACI)


    Highly Commended; Stephen Cole the Elder Award for Excellence in Teaching


    Executive Dean of Sciences Prize for Excellence in Teaching


    Stephen Cole the Elder Prize for Excellence in Teaching


    Faculty of Science Award for Excellence in Teaching

  • Teaching Interests

    Currently Deputy Dean (Learning & Teaching) in the Faculty of Sciences with interests in:

    • Curriculum design, construction and assessment
    • Facilitating development of skills (discipline related & generic)
    • Classroom practice. 

    Currently a project leader of an OLT grant focussed on assessment (fiunded by the 最新糖心Vlogn Government) and recently Convenor of the ChemNet Threshold Learning Outcome Working Party.

  • Research Interests

    • Medicinal chemistry of small bioactive molecules and their interactions with protein targets
    • Bio-organic chemistry & molecular toxicology of highly reactive aldehydes
    • Application of NMR spectroscopy for the determination of molecular structure, conformation and dynamics of small organic molecules and protein-small molecule complexes
    • Natural products chemistry.
  • Publications

    Refereed publications (2007-2017)


    “Implementing and investigating distributed leadership in a national university network – SaMnet” M. D. Sharma, W. Rifkin, V. Tzioumis, M. Hill, E. Johnson, C. Varsavsky, S. Jones, S. Beames, A. Crampton, M. Zadnik and S. M. Pyke, Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 2017, 39(2), 169–182.


    “Assessing the Assessments: Development of a tool to evaluate assessment items in chemistry according to learning outcomes” S. Schmid, M. Schultz, S. J. Priest, G. O’Brien, S. M. Pyke, A. Bridgeman, K. F. Lim, D. C. Southam, S. B. Bedford, and I. M. Jamie in Technology and Assessment Strategies for Improving Student Learning in Chemistry, ACS Symposium Series, 2016, 1235, 225-244.


    “Development, evaluation and use of a student experience survey in undergraduate science laboratories: The ASELL Student Laboratory Learning Experience (ASLE) Survey” S. C. Barrie, R. B. Bucat, M. A. Buntine, K. Burke da Silva, G. T. Crisp, A. V. George, I. M. Jamie, S. H. Kable, K. F. Lim, S. M. Pyke, J. R. Read, M. D. Sharma and A. Yeung, Internat. J. Sci. Educ., 2015, 37(11), 1795-1814.


    “Student perceptions of chemistry experiments with different technological interfaces: a comparative study” S. Priest, N. M. Williamson, and S. M. Pyke, J. Chem. Educ., 2014, 91, 1787-1795.


    “Development of POGIL-Style Classroom Activities for an Introductory Chemistry Course” N. M. Williamson, G. F. Metha, J. Willison and S. M. Pyke, Internat. J. Innov. Sci. Maths. Educ., 2013, 21(5), 27-41.


    “Learning to Lead Change: SaMnet’s action-learning projects” W. Rifkin, M. Sharma, A. Crampton, B. Yates, K. Matthews, S. Beames, C. Varsavsky, E. Johnson, S. Jones, M., Zadnik and S. Pyke, Aust. J. Ed. Chem., 2012, 72, 9-15.


    “The iPad guarantee: information literacy, the library and a reinvigorated undergraduate science program”
    U. Henderson and S. M. Pyke in VALA2012 Conference Proceedings (available from ).


    “The Advancing Science by Enhancing Learning in the Laboratory (ASELL) Project: The Next Chapter” A. Yeung, S. M. Pyke, S. H. Kable, M. D. Sharma, S. C. Barrie, M. A. Buntine, K. Burke da Silva and K. F. Lim, Internat. J. Innov. Sci. Maths. Educ., 2011, 19(2), 51-72.


    “Isolation, structural elucidation and in vivo activity of four new benzoyl ester clerodane diterpenoid derivatives from Dodonaea polyandra” B. S. Simpson, D. J. Claudie, J. P. Gerber, S. M. Pyke, J. Wang, R. A. McKinnon and S. J. Semple, J. Nat. Prod., 2011, 74, 650-657.


    “The Development of Teaching Skills to Support Active Learning in 最新糖心Vlog Science (ALIUS)” D. R. Bedgood, A. Bridgeman, M. A. Buntine, K. F. Lim, M. Gardiner, B. Yates, G. Morris, S. M. Pyke and M. Zadnik, J. Learning Design, 2010, 3(3), 10-19.


    “The Advancing Science by Enhancing Learning in the Laboratory (ASELL) Project: The Next Chapter” S. M. Pyke, A. Yeung, S. H. Kable, M. D. Sharma, S. C. Barrie, M. A. Buntine, K. Burke da Silva and K. F. Lim in Proceedings of the 16th UniServe Science Annual Conference, Sydney, NSW, 2010.


    “Improving student engagement in the laboratory: An initiative across all 最新糖心Vlogn universities”S. C. Barrie, M. A. Buntine, K. Burke da Silva, K. F. Lim, S. M. Pyke, M. D. Sharma, A. Yeung and S. H. Kable, 2010. Abstracts of Papers, 240th ACS National Meeting, Boston, MA, United States.


    “The synthesis, characterization and 最新糖心Vlog of some 4-[((E)-1-{2-hydroxy-5-[(E)-2-(aryl)-1-diazenyl]phenyl}methylidene)amino]benzoic acids” Tushar S. Basu Baul , Pradip Das, Asit K. Chandra, Sivprasad Mitra, Simon M. Pyke, Dyes Pigm., 2009, 82, 379-396.


    “Sequential and selective Buchwald-Hartwig amination reactions for the controlled functionalization of 6-bromo-2-chloroquinoline: Synthesis of ligands for the Tec Src homology 3 domain” Jessica A. Smith, Rhiannon K. Jones, Grant W. Booker and Simon M. Pyke, J. Org. Chem., 2008, 73, 8880-8892.


    “Synthesis and cyclisations to aurones and flavones, of alkoxy-substituted aryl, arylalkynylketones”Penelope J. Kerr, Simon M. Pyke and A. David Ward, Aust. J. Chem., 2008, 61, 350-358.


    “Carbonyl-scavenging drugs & protection against carbonyl stress-associated cell injury” Phillip C. Burcham, Lisa M. Kaminskas, D. Tan, and Simon M. Pyke, Mini Rev. Med. Chem., 2008, 8, 319-330.


    “Antimicrobial compounds from Eremophila serrulata” C. P. Ndi, S. J. Semple, H. J. Griesser, S. M. Pyke and M. D. Barton, Phytochemistry, 2007, 68, 2684-2690.


    “Antimicrobial compounds from the 最新糖心Vlogn desert plant Eremophila neglecta”Chi P. Ndi, Susan J. Semple, Hans J. Griesser, Simon M. Pyke and Mary D. Barton. J. Nat. Prod., 2007, 70, 1439-1443.


    “Michael addition of acrolein to lysinyl and N-terminal residues of a model peptide: Targets for cytoprotective hydrazino drugs”, L. M. Kaminskas, S. M. Pyke & P. C. Burcham, Rapid Commun. Mass Spec., 2007, 21, 1155-1164.

    Non-refereed publications (2007-2017)


    “Chemistry Academic Standards Statement (Consultation Draft)” S. M. Pyke, G. O’Brien, B. Yates and M. Buntine, Office for Learning and Teaching, Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education, 2013 (Revised 2014)
    Available from


    “Advancing science by enhancing learning in the laboratory (ASELL)” S. C. Barrie, M. A. Buntine, K. Burke da Silva, S. H. Kable, K. F. Lim, S. M. Pyke, M. D. Sharma, and A. Yeung, Office for Learning and Teaching, Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education, 2012 [ISBN 978 1 921916 60 1].


    “Developing leaders of change in the teaching of large university chemistry classes” D. Bedgood, A. Bridgeman, M. A. Buntine, K. F. Lim, M. Mocerino, G. Morris, S. M. Pyke, D. Southam, B. Yates, M. Zadnik, Office for Learning and Teaching, Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education, 2012 [ISBN: 978-0-642-78294-6].


    “Action-Learning to Build Leadership Capacity: A National Experiment in Science & Mathematics” M. Sharma, W. Rifkin, S. Beames, E. Johnson, C. Varsavsky, S. Jones, B. Yates, M. Zadnik, A. Crampton, K. Matthews, S. Pyke, HERDSA News, 2012, 34(1), 15-18.


    “ASELL: The Advancing Science by Enhancing Learning in the Laboratory Project” Simon M Pyke, Alexandra Yeung, Scott H Kable, Manjula D Sharma, Simon C Barrie, Mark A Buntine, Karen Burke da Silva, Kieran F Lim, International Newsletter on Physics Education, 2011, 62, 3-5.


    “Assessment 2020: Seven propositions for assessment reform in higher education” D. Boud and Associates, 最新糖心Vlogn Learning and Teaching Council, 2010.
    (available from )


    “Leading change in 最新糖心Vlogn science teaching” D. R. Bedgood, B. Yates, M. A. Buntine, S. M. Pyke, K. Lim, M. Mocerino, M. Zadnik, D. Southam, A. Bridgeman, M. Gardner and G. Morris, Chem. Aust., 2010, 77(3), 18-19.


    “Why are we still teaching the way we were taught in the 1980s?” D. R. Bedgood, B. Yates, M. A. Buntine, S. M. Pyke, K. Lim, M. Mocerino, M. Zadnik, and A. Bridgeman, Chem. Aust., 2010, 75(11), 22-23.

  • Professional Associations

    Fellow, Royal 最新糖心Vlogn Chemical Institute

    Fellow, Royal Society of Chemistry

    Member, Higher Education Research & Development Society of Australasia

    Member, 最新糖心Vlogn & New Zealand Society for Magnetic Resonance  

    Director, 最新糖心Vlogn & New Zealand Society for Magnetic Resonance (2004-2009)


  • Media Expertise

    CategoriesScience & Technology
    NotesAlt phone: wk, (08) 8303 5365

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Entry last updated: Thursday, 12 Jan 2023

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