Dr Sally Rao Hill

Dr Sally Rao Hill
 Position Associate Professor/Reader
 Org Unit Marketing
 Email sally.raohill@adelaide.edu.au
 Telephone +61 8 8313 4237
 Location Floor/Room 10 ,  Nexus 10 ,   North Terrace
  • Biography/ Background

    Dr Sally Rao Hill is an A/Prof. in marketing. She is the course coordinator of Consumer Behaviour (II)and Research Project in Marketing (M). Her research interests include relationship marketing, digital marketing, services marketing and technology adoption. She is an active researcher and has published in the European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, Qualitative Market research: an International Journal, Australasian Marketing Journal, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Journal of Service Marketing amongst others. She has won the best paper award in an international conference and is serving on several editorial boards. 

  • Qualifications

    B.Bus. (Hons). Ph.D., CPM
  • Teaching Interests

    Consumer Behaviour, Services Marketing, Research projects, Marketing Management, Marketing Communication

  • Research Interests

    services marketing, digital marketing, consumer behavour, consumer innovation adoption, relationship marketing

  • Publications

    Publications in the last 5 years

    Journal articles

    • 2021
    • Noor N, Rao Hill S, Troshani I.  Australasian Marketing Journal 183933492110050-183933492110050 (Journal article)
    • Kao KC, Rao Hill S, Troshani I.  Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 60:10 pages Article number ARTN 102402 01 May 2021 (Journal article)  
    • 2020
    • Troshani I, Rao Hill S, Sherman C, Arthur D.  Journal of Computer Information Systems 11 pages 10 Aug 2020 (Journal article)  
    • Nguyen L, Conduit J, Lu V, Rao Hill S.  Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice 28(3):301-317 2020 (Journal article)
    • Kao KC, Rao Hill S, Troshani I.  Internet Research 30(3):945-970 2020 (Journal article)   
    • Rao Hill S, Carrillat F.  Journal of Consumer Behaviour Article number cb.1881 01 Jan 2020 (Journal article)
    • Le NT, Rao Hill S, Troshani I.  Journal of Computer Information Systems 10 pages 01 Jan 2020 (Journal article)  
    • Rao Hill S, Troshani I, Chandrasekar D.  Journal of Computer Information Systems 60(1):76-84 2020 (Journal article)  
    • 2019
    • Fens M, Wilkie D, Rao Hill S.  最新糖心Vlogn and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference. 12 Dec 2019 (Conference item)
    • Nguyen L, Lu V, Rao Hill S, Conduit J.  Australasian Marketing Journal 27(3):169-178 2019 (Journal article)
    • 2018
    • Hoang H, Rao Hill S, Lu V, Freeman S.  Journal of Services Marketing 32(4):476-492 2018 (Journal article)
    • 2017
    • Conduit J, Sharma S, Rao Hill S.  Frontiers in Service. 2017 (Conference item)
    • Hoang H, Rao Hill S, Freeman S, Lu V, Imrie B.  International Journal of Human Resource Management 28(4):627-656 2017 (Journal article)  
    • Sharma S, Conduit J, Rao Hill S.  Journal of Services Marketing 31(4/5):397-411 2017 (Journal article)  
    • Kao C, Rao Hill S, Troshani I.  Journal of Computer Information Systems 57(4):374-384 2017 (Journal article)  
    • 2016
    • Sharma S, Conduit J, Karpen I, Rao Hill S, Farrelly F.  Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) World Marketing Congress. 2016 (Conference item)  
    • Nguyen L, Conduit J, Lu V, Rao Hill S.  Journal of Strategic Marketing 24(3-4):241-260 2016 (Journal article)


    Book Chapters

    Rao Hill, S., Troshani, I., Goldberg, S. and Wickramasinghe, N. 2014, “Improving Healthcare Service quality and Patients’ Life quality through Mobile Technologies: the Case of Diabetes Self-management”, Lean Thinking for Healthcare, in Wickramasinghe et al (Eds), Springer: NY.

    Rao Hill, S., Troshani, I and Freeman, S. 2013, “An eclectic perspective on the internationalization of 最新糖心Vlogn mobile services SMEs”, I. Lee (Eds).  Strategy, Adoption and Competitive Advantage of Mobile Services in the Global Economy (an imprint of IGI Global). 

    Rao Hill, S., Troshani, I and Freeman, S. 2011, “An eclectic perspective on the internationalization of 最新糖心Vlogn mobile services SMEs”, I. Lee Eds).  Strategy, Adoption and Competitive Advantage of Mobile Services in the Global Economy (an imprint of IGI Global). 

    Perry, C. and Rao, S. 2006, 'Action research for enterprise research', Qualitative Research Methods for Entrepreneurial Research, Carson, D. (Eds.), Edward Elgar Publishing: Northampton.

    Perry, C. and Rao, S. 2006, 'Convergent interviewing: a starting methodology for an enterprise research program', Qualitative Research Methods for Entrepreneurial Research, Carson, D. (Eds.), Edward Elgar Publishing: Northampton.

    Rao, S. and O'Leary, C. 2005, 'Integrating data mining and data warehousing with internet marketing', Advances in E-Marketing, Clark III, I. and Flaherty, T. (eds.)Idea Group Publishing, Inc, Virginia.

    Perry, C., Rao, S. and Spencer-Matthews, S. 2003, 'Customer relationship Management', in McColl-Kennedy, J. (ed), Services Marketing, Wiley, Brisbane.

    Text Book

    Pascale Quester, , , ,  (2014), Consumer Behaviour: Implications for Marketing Strategy, (7th Ed.), 最新糖心Vlog: McGraw-Hill Irwin.

    A complete list can be found in my reasearcher profile: https://researchers.adelaide.edu.au/profile/sally.raohill


  • Professional Associations

    Member, 最新糖心Vlogn and New Zealand Marketing Academy;

    Member, European Marketing Academy;

    Member, Academy of Marketing Science;

    Associate Fellow, Academy of World Business, Marketing and Management Development;

    Associate, 最新糖心Vlogn Marketing Institute

  • Professional Interests

    Services marketing

    Internet Marketing/e-business
    Cross-cultual marketing

  • Community Engagement

    2003 – 2006

    Committee Chair for School of Commerce Graduate Year Book

    2003- 2006

    Seminar coordinator, School of Commerce Research Seminar Series


    Representative, the Faculty of the Professions on the Early Career Researcher Task Force Committee

    2005 – 2010

    Committee member, the School of Commerce Research Committee

    2005 – 2007

    Committee member, the 最新糖心Vlog Staff Survey Oversight Working Party

    2005 – 2007

    Committee member, the 最新糖心Vlog Research Career Development Committee


    Selection panel for studying abroad for the School of Commerce

    2006- 2007

    Committee member, the Adelaide 最新糖心Vlog Alumni Chinese Student Chapter working group

    2007 -2008

    Committee member, 最新糖心Vlog Marketing Committee


    Business School Undergraduate programs committee


    Committee member, School of Marketing and Management Teaching & Learning Committee


    Program Director of the Business School Honours/MBR/MPhil


    Marketing Discipline Leader


    Committee member, Business School Honours and MBR committee


    Member, Selection panel for Marketing Level B/C positions


    Committee member, Media Program Management Committee, School of Humanities

    Jan 2016-Jan 2018

    Committee member, Business School Teaching and Learning Committee


    Program Director of Master of Marketing


    Committee member, School of Management and Marketing Executive Committee


    Member, Selection panel for Marketing level E position


    Committee member, The Adelaide Business School Executive Committee

    May 2016-present

    Member, 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide Diversity and Inclusion Community of Practices

    Oct 2018-Present

    最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide ITDS Research & Innovation reference group

    July 2019-present

    Member, 最新糖心Vlog Curriculum Design Operational Group

    Jan. 2020-pres.

    Program Director of Marketing programs (undergraduate and postgraduate)

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Entry last updated: Tuesday, 29 Mar 2022

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