Associate Professor Philip van Eyk

Associate Professor  Philip van Eyk
 Position Associate Professor
 Org Unit Chemical Engineering
 Telephone +61 8 8313 6081
 Location Floor/Room N114 ,  Engineering North ,   North Terrace
  • Biography/ Background

    Philip van Eyk is an Associate Professor and Associate Head of Learning and Teaching in the School of Chemical Engineering. His teaching interests include Process Design, Chemical Reactor Engineering, Heat and Mass Transfer, and Separation Process Engineering. Most recently Philip has led development of a new 4th year Chemical Engineering elective on Brewery Engineering. His research interests directly compliment his teaching and mostly involve the incorporation of core chemical engineering principles to novel uses of renewable energy outside of power generation, and production of sustainable chemicals and replacements for fossil fuels. Philip established the Microbrewery at Waite Campus in 2022 which is used for teaching process engineers about the beer brewing process. The small scale plant also is being used to perform research into the effects of ingredients and process variables on sensory aspects of the resultant beers, and providing a facility for development of recipes for industrial partners.

  • Qualifications

    PhD in Chemical Engineering (最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide)

    BE (Chemical) Hons (最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide)

    BSc (最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide)

  • Teaching Interests

    Courses I am currently coordinating/teaching (2022-):

    Semester 1

    CHEM ENG 2010 Process Design II

    CHEM ENG 3034/7051 Chemical Reactor Engineering

    Winter School

    CHEM ENG 4074/7074 Brewery Engineering

    Semester 2

    CHEM ENG 2014 Heat and Mass Transfer

    CHEM ENG 3033/7052 Separation Process Engineering


  • Research Interests

    Beer brewing process and the effcts of ingredients and process variables on resultant beer sesnory analysis

    Hydrothermal processing of wastewater sludges, algal biomass and agricultural residues using:

    1.    Hydrothermal carbonisation, and

    2.    Hydrothermal liquefaction.

    Utilisation of concentrated solar thermal energy in high temperature processes including: 

    1.    Gasification of solid fuels, and 

    2.    Calcination of minerals.

    Combustion and gasification of low-rank coal and biomass to produce electricity, syngas or liquefied fuels.

    Ash related problems with thermal utilisation of brown coal and biomass.

    Mathematical modelling of sequential processes in solid fuel combustion and gasification.

  • Publications

    Journal Papers

    61.   Theoretical screening of single atom doping on -GaO (100) for photoelectrochemical water splitting with high activity and low limiting potential.

            S Fu, D Lewis, P van Eyk, P Atanackovic, Y Jiao

            Nanoscale, 15 (2023), 6913-6919.


    60.   Effect of reaction conditions and biosolids' content on the produced renewable crude oil via hydrothermal liquefaction.

            Al-juboori, J. M., Obeid, R., Lewis, D. M., Hall, T., & van Eyk, P. J.

            Chemical Engineering Research and Design (2023), In Press.


    59.   Characterisation of chemical properties of the produced organic fractions via hydrothermal liquefaction of biosolids from a wastewater treatment plant.

            Al-juboori, J. M., Lewis, D. M., Hall, T., & van Eyk, P. J.

            Biomass and Bioenergy, 170 (2023), 11 pages.


    58.    Smouldering fire and emission characteristics of Eucalyptus litter fuel.

             Wang, H., van Eyk, P. J., Medwell, P. R., Birzer, C. H., Tian, Z. F., Possell, M., & Huang, X.

             Fire and Materials, 46 (2022), 576-586.


    57.    A kinetic model for the hydrothermal liquefaction of microalgae, sewage sludge and pine wood with product characterisation of renewable crude.

             Obeid, R., Smith, N., Lewis, D. M., Hall, T., & van Eyk, P.

             Chemical Engineering Journal, 428 (2022), 131228-1-131228-12.


    56.    Reaction kinetics for the hydrothermal carbonisation of cellulose in a two-phase pathway.

            Chacón-Parra, A., & van Eyk, P.

             Fuel, 309 (2022), 8 pages.


    55.    A multi-component reaction kinetics model for the hydrothermal liquefaction of carbohydrates and co-liquefaction to produce 5-ethoxymethyl furfural.

             Chacón-Parra, A., Lewis, D., Glasius, M., & van Eyk, P.

             Fuel, 311 (2022), 13 pages.


    54     Elucidating the Maillard Reaction Mechanism in the Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Binary Model Compound Mixtures and Spirulina.

             Chacón-Parra, A. D., Hall, P. A., Lewis, D. M., Glasius, M., & van Eyk, P. J.

             ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 10 (2021), 10989-11003.


    53.    Liquid fuel production via supercritical water gasification of algae: a role for solar heat integration?

             Venkataraman, M. B., Rahbari, A., van Eyk, P., Weimer, A. W., LipiÅÂÂÂÂÂ脗聞ski, W., & Pye, J.

             Sustainable Energy & Fuels, 5 (2021), 6269-6297.


    52.    Numerical simulation of hydrothermal liquefaction of algae in a lab-scale coil reactor.

             Chen, X., Tian, Z. F., van Eyk, P. J., Lewis, D., & Nathan, G. J.

             Experimental and Computational Multiphase Flow, 4 (2021), 8 pages.


    51.    Rheological studies of municipal sewage sludge slurries for hydrothermal liquefaction biorefinery applications.

             Edifor, S. Y., Nguyen, Q. D., van Eyk, P., Biller, P., & Lewis, D. M.

             Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 166 (2021), 148-157.


    50.    The effect of ethanol as a homogeneous catalyst on the reaction kinetics of hydrothermal liquefaction of lipids.

             Chacón-Parra, A., Lewis, D., & van Eyk, P.

             Chemical Engineering Journal, 414 (2021), 1-9.


    49.    Elucidating the Degradation Reaction Pathways for the Hydrothermal Carbonisation of Hemp via Biochemical Compositional Analysis

             Keiller, B.G., Potter, M., Burton, R.A., van Eyk, P.J.

    Fuel, 294, 120450-1-120450-11.


    48.    .

             Chacón-Parra, A, Lewis, D.M., van Eyk, P.J

             Chemical Engineering Journal, Accepted for publication (2021), DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2021.128832.



             Edifor, SY, Nguyen, QD, van Eyk, PJ, Biller, P, Hall, T, Lewis, DM.

             Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 60 (2021) 980-989.



             Edifor, SY, Nguyen, QD, van Eyk, PJ, Biller, P, Lewis, DM.

             Chemical Engineering Research and Design 166 (2021) 148-157.



             Edifor, SY, van Eyk, PJ, Biller, P, Lewis, DM.

             Chemical Engineering Research and Design 162 (2020) 284-294.  



             Kirch, T., Medwell, P.R., Birzer, C.H., van Eyk, P.J.

             Energy for Sustainable Development56 (2020) 42-50



             He, Z., Saw, W., van Eyk, P., Nathan, G., Ashman, P.

             Energy & Fuels 34 (2020) 3210-3222.


    42.    .

             Obeid, R., Lewis, D., Smith, N., Hall, T., van Eyk, P.J.

             Chemical Engineering Journal 389 (2020) 124397.


    41.    .

              He, Z., Saw, W., van Eyk, P., Nathan, G., Ashman, P.

              Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 59 (2020) 1712-1722.



             Kirch, T., Medwell, P.R., Birzer, C.H., van Eyk, P.J.

             Renewable Energy 149 (2020) 1261-127.


    39.    .

             Obeid, R., Lewis, D., Smith, N., Hall, T., van Eyk, P.J.

             Energy & Fuels 34 (2020) 419-429.


    38.    . 

             He, Z., Saw, W., Lane, D.J., van Eyk, P.J., de Nys, R., Nathan, G.J., Ashman, P.J. 

             Fuel 263 (2020) 116621



             Keiller, B.G., Muhlack, R., Burton, R.A., van Eyk, P.J. 

             Energy & Fuels 33 (2019) 12469-12479.


    36.    .

             Wang, H., van Eyk, P. J., Medwell, P. R., Birzer, C. H., Tian, Z., possell, M., & huang, X.

             Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering 5 (2019) 53.



             Obeid, R., Lewis, D., Smith, N., van Eyk, P.J.

             Chemical Engineering Journal 370 (2019) 637-645.


    34.    .

             Keiller, B.G., van Eyk, P.J., Lane, D.J., Muhlack, R., Burton, R.A.

             Energy & Fuels 33 (2019) 1157-1166.


    33.    .

             Kirch, T., Medwell, P.R., Birzer, C.H., van Eyk, P.J.

             Energy & Fuels 32 (2018) 8507-8518.


    32.    .

             Zhu, Y., van Eyk, P.J., Boman, C., Broström, M., Kirtania, K., Piotrowska, P., Boström, D., de Nys, R., Bhattacharya, S., Gentili, F.G., Ashman, P.J.

             Fuel Processing Technology 175 (2018) 26-34.


    31.   .

             He, Z., Lane, D.J., Saw, W., van Eyk, P.J., Nathan, G.J., Ashman, P.J.

             Energy & Fuels  32 (2018) 4278-4290.


    30.    .

             Lane, D.J., Truong, E., Larizza, F., Chiew, P., de Nys, R., van Eyk, P.J.

             Energy & Fuels 32 (2018) 4149-4159.


    29.    .

             Kirch, T., Birzer, C.H., van Eyk, P.J., Medwell, P.R.

             Energy & Fuels 32 (2018) 4212-4220.


    28.    .

             Dunnigan, L., Morton, B.J., van Eyk, P.J., Ashman, P.J., Zhang, X., Hall, P.A., Kwong, C.W.

             Bioresource Technology 244 (2017) 1015-1023.



             Wang, H., van Eyk, P.J., Medwell, P.R., Birzer, C.H., Tian, Z.F., Possell, M. 

             Energy & Fuels 31 (2017) 8619-8630.



             Saw, W.L., Guo, P., van Eyk, P.J., Nathan, G.J.

             Solar Energy 156 (2017) 101-112.



             Guo, P., Saw, W., van Eyk, P. J., Stetchel, E.B., de Nys, R., Ashman, P. J. Nathan, G. J.

             Energy & Fuels 31 (2017) 2246-2259.



             Müller, F., Poživil, P., van Eyk, P. J., Villarrazo, A., Haueter, P., Wieckert, C. H., Nathan, G. J., Steinfeld, A. 

             Fuel 93 (2017) 432-443.


    23.    .

             Guo, P., Saw, W., van Eyk, P. J.,  Stetchel, E.B., Ashman, P. J. Nathan, G. J.

             Energy & Fuels 31 (2017) 2033-2043.


    22    .

             Nathan, G.J., Dally, B.B., Alwahabi, Z.T., van Eyk, P.J., Jafarian, M., Ashman, P.J.

             Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 36 (2017) 2055-2074.

    21.    .

             Wang, H., van Eyk, P.J., Medwell, P.R., Birzer, C.H., Tian, Z.F., Possell, M. 

             Energy & Fuels 30 (2016) 7666-7677.


    20.    .

             van Eyk, P.J., Ashman, P.J., Nathan, G.J. 

             Energy & Fuels 30 (2016) 5138-5147.


    19.    .

             Kaniyal, A.A., van Eyk, P.J., Nathan, G.J.

             Applied Energy 173 (2016) 578-588.


    18.    .

             Zhu, Y., Piotrowska, P., van Eyk, P.J., Boström, D., Wu, X., Boman, C., Broström, M., Zhang, J., Kwong, C.W., Wang, D., Cole, A.J., de Nys, R., Gentili, F.G., Ashman, P.J. 

             Energy & Fuels 30 (2016) 1800-1809.


    17.    .

             van Eyk, P. J., Kosminski, A., Mullinger, P. J., Ashman, P. J. 

             Energy & Fuels 30 (2016) 1771-1782.


    16.    .

             Lane, D.J., van Eyk, P.J., de Nys, R., Roberts, D.A., Cole, A.J., Ashman, P.J.

             Biomass and Bioenergy 83 (2015) 183-195.


    15.    .

             Zhu, Y., Kwong, C. W., van Eyk, P.J., de Nys, R., Wang, D., Ashman, P.J.

             Energy & Fuels 29 (2015) 5047-5055.


    14.     .

              McCullough, D.P., van Eyk, P.J., Ashman, P.J. Mullinger, P.J. 

              Energy & Fuels 29 (2015) 3922-3932.


    13.     .

              Lane, D.J., van Eyk, P.J., Ashman, P.J., Kwong, C.W., de Nys, R., Roberts, D.A., Cole, A.J., Lewis, D.M. 

              Energy & Fuels 29 (2015) 2542-2554.


    12.     .

              Guo, P., van Eyk, P.J., Saw, W., Ashman, P.J., Nathan, G.J., Stechel, E.

              Energy & Fuels 29 (2015) 2738-2751.


    11.     .

              Zhu, Y., Piotrowska, P., van Eyk, P.J., Boström, D., Kwong, C.W., Wang, D., Cole, A.J., de Nys, R., Gentili, F.G., Ashman, P.J. 

              Energy & Fuels 29 (2015) 1686-1700.


    10.     .

              Lane, D.J., Zevenhoven, M., Ashman, P.J., van Eyk, P.J., Hupa, M., de Nys, R., Lewis, D.M. 

              Energy & Fuels 28 (2014) 4622-4632.


    9.       .

              Lane, D.J., Ashman, P.J., Zevenhoven, M., Hupa, M., van Eyk, P.J., de Nys, R., Karlström, O. Lewis, D.M. 

              Energy & Fuels 28 (2014) 41-51.


    8.       .

              Kaniyal, A.A., van Eyk, P.J., Nathan, G.J. 

              Energy & Fuels 27 (2013) 3556-3569.


    7.       .

              Kaniyal, A.A., van Eyk, P.J., Nathan, G.J., Ashman, P.J. Pincus, J.J.

              Energy & Fuels 27 (2013) 3538-3555.


    6.       .

              van Eyk, P.J., Kosminski, A. Ashman, P.J. 

              Energy & Fuels 26 (2012) 118-129.


    5.       .

              van Eyk, P.J., Ashman, P.J. Nathan, G.J. 

              Combustion and Flame 158 (2011), 2512-2523.


    4.        .

               McCullough, D.P., van Eyk, P.J., Ashman, P.J. Mullinger, P.J. 

               Energy & Fuels 25 (2011) 2772-2781.


    3.       .

              van Eyk, P.J., Ashman, P.J., Alwahabi, Z.T. Nathan, G.J. 

              Combustion and Flame 158 (2011) 1181-1192.


    2.       .

              van Eyk, P.J., Ashman, P.J., Alwahabi, Z.T. Nathan, G.J. 

              Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 32 (2009) 2099-2106.


    1.       .

              van Eyk, P.J., Ashman, P.J., Alwahabi, Z.T. Nathan, G.J. 

              Combustion and Flame 155 (2008) 529-537.

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Entry last updated: Friday, 12 Jan 2024

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