Professor Peng Shi

Professor Peng Shi
 Position Professor
 Org Unit Electrical and Electronic Engineering
 Telephone +61 8 8313 6424
 Location Floor/Room 3 ,  Ingkarni Wardli ,   North Terrace
  • Biography/ Background


  • Qualifications


    Doctor Degree of Engineering, The 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide, 最新糖心Vlog

    Doctor Degree of Science, 最新糖心Vlog of Glamorgan, UK

    PhD  (Electrical Engineering), 最新糖心Vlog of Newcastle, 最新糖心Vlog 

    PhD (Mathematics), 最新糖心Vlog of South 最新糖心Vlog, 最新糖心Vlog

    MEng (System Engineering), Harbin Engineering 最新糖心Vlog, China

    BSc (Mathematics), Harbin Institute of Technology, China

  • Research Interests

    Systems and Control Theory and their applications to:

    Network systems

    Autonomous and robotic systems

    Cyber-physical systems

    Artificial intelligent systems

  • Publications

    Selected Recent Publications:


    Z. Feng and P. Shi, Two equivalent sets application to singular systems, Automatica, vol.77, pp.198–205, 2017.

    Y. Wu, H. Su, P. Shi, R. Lu and Z. Wu, Adaptive output synchronization of heterogeneous network with an uncertain leader, Automatica, vol.76, pp.183-192, 2017.

    S. Zhao, Y. S. Shmaliy, P. Shi and C. K. Ahn, Fusion Kalman/UFIR filter for state estimation with uncertain parameters and noise statistics, IEEE Trans on Industrial Electronics, vol.64, no.4, pp.3075-3083, 2017.

    C. K. Ahn, Y. S. Shmaliy, P. Shi and Y. Zhao, Receding horizon l_2-l_infinity FIR filter with imbedded deadbeat property, IEEE Trans on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, vol.64, no.2, pp. 211-215, 2017.

    K. Zhang, B. Jiang and P. Shi, Adjustable parameter-based distributed fault estimation observer design for multi-agent systems with directed graphs, IEEE Trans on Cybernetics, vol.47, no.2, pp.306-314, 2017.

    Y. Wu, H. Su, P. Shi, R. Lu and Z. Wu, Output synchronization of nonidentical linear multi-agent systems, IEEE Trans on Cybernetics, vol.47, no.1, pp.130-141, 2017.

    H. Yu, P. Shi and C. C. Lim, Scalable formation control in stealth with limited sensing range, Int. J. of Robust and Nonlinear Control, vol.27, pp.410-433, 2017.

    P. Shi, Y. Zhang, M. Chadli and R. Agarwal, Mixed H-infinity and passive filtering for discrete fuzzy neural networks with stochastic jumps and time delays, IEEE Trans on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, vol.27, no.4, pp.903-909, 2016.

    P. Shi, X. Su and F. Li, Dissipativity-based filtering for fuzzy switched systems with stochastic perturbation, IEEE Trans on Automatic Control, vol.61, no.5, pp.1310-1315, 2016.  

    X. Su, P. Shi, L. Wu and Y. Song, Fault detection filtering for nonlinear switched stochastic systems, IEEE Trans on Automatic Control, vol.61, no.5, pp.1310-1315, 2016.

    H. Li, P. Shi, D. Yao and L. Wu, Observer-based adaptive sliding mode control for nonlinear Markovian jump systems, Automatica, vol.64, 133-142, 2016.

    J. Zhang, P. Shi and W. Lin, Extended sliding mode observer based control for Markovian jump linear systems with disturbances, Automatica vol.70, pp.140-147, 2016.

    Q. Shen and P. Shi, Output consensus control of multi-agent systems with unknown nonlinear dead-zone, IEEE Trans on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, vol.46, no.10, pp. 1329-1337, 2016.

    M. Chen, P. Shi and C. C. Lim, Adaptive neural fault tolerant control of a 3-DOF model helicopter system, IEEE Trans on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, vol.46, no.2, pp.260-270, 2016. 

    Y. Wang, P. Shi, C. C. Lim and Y. Liu, Event-triggered fault detection filter design for a continuous-time networked control system, IEEE Trans on Cybernetics, vol.46, no.12, pp.3414-3426, 2016.

    H. Chen, P. Shi, C. Lim and P. Hu, Exponential stability for neutral stochastic Markov systems with time-varying delay and its applications, IEEE Trans on Cybernetics, vol.46, no.6, pp.1350-1362, 2016.

    S. Yin, P. Shi and H. Yang, Adaptive fuzzy control of strict-feedback nonlinear time-delay systems with unmodeled dynamics, IEEE Trans on Cybernetics, vol.46, no.8, pp.1926-1938, 2016.

    X. Zhao, P. Shi and X. Zheng, Fuzzy adaptive control design and discretization for a class of nonlinear uncertain systems, IEEE Trans on Cybernetics, vol.46, no.6, pp.1476-1483, 2016.

    C. K. Ahn, P. Shi and S. H. Yoo, A new approach to the design of a digital phase-locked loop, IEEE Trans on Signal Processing Letters, vol.23, no.5, pp.600-604, 2016.

    Y. Zhang, P. Shi, R. K. Agarwal and Y. Shi, Dissipativity analysis for discrete time-delay fuzzy neural networks with Markovian jumps, IEEE Trans on Fuzzy Systems, vol.24, no.2, pp. 432-443, 2016.

    J. Xu, P. Shi, C. C. Lim, C. Cai and Y. Zou, Integrated structural parameter design and robust control for rotorcraft attitude tracking maneuvers, IEEE/ASME Trans on Mechatronics, vol.21, no.5, pp.2490-2498, 2016.

    C. K. Ahn, P. Shi and M. Basin, Deadbeat dissipative FIR filtering, IEEE Trans on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, vol.63, no.8, pp.1210-1221, 2016.

    A. Noshadi, J. Shi, W. S. Lee, P. Shi and A. Kalam, System identification and robust control of multi-input multi-output active magnetic bearing systems, IEEE Trans on Control Systems Technology, vol.24, no.4, pp.1227-1239, 2016.

    J. M. Pak, C. K. Ahn, Y. S. Shmaliy, P. Shi and M. T. Lim, Switching extensible FIR filter bank for adaptive horizon state estimation with application, IEEE Trans on Control Systems Technology, vol.24, no.3, pp.1052-1058, 2016.

    H. Yang, X. Fan, P. Shi and C. Hua, Nonlinear control for tracking and obstacle avoidance of a wheeled mobile robot with nonholonomic contraint, IEEE Trans on Control Systems Technology, vol.24, no.2, pp.741-746, 2016.

    Z. Wu, H. Karimi and P. Shi, Dissipativity-based small-gain theorems for stochastic network systems, IEEE Trans on Automatic Control, vol.61, no.8, pp.2065-2078, 2016.

    C. K. Ahn, L. Wu and P. Shi, Stochastic stability analysis for 2-D Roesser systems with multiplicative noise, Automatica, vol.69, pp.356-363, 2016.

    H. Li, Y. Gao, P. Shi and H. K. Lam, Observer-based fault detection for sensor fault and limited communication capacity, IEEE Trans on Automatic Control, vol.61, no.9, pp.2745-2751, 2016.

    C. K. Anh and P. Shi, Generalized dissipativity analysis of digital filters with finite wordlength arithmetic, IEEE Trans on Circuits and Systems-II: Express Briefs, vol.63, no.4,pp.386-390, 2016.

    H. Yu, P. Shi and C. C. Lim, Robot formation control in stealth mode with scalable team size, Int. J. of Control, vol. 89, no. 11, pp. 2155-2168, 2016.

  • Professional Associations

    Fellow, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers

    Fellow, Institution of Engineering and Technology

    Fellow, Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications

    Fellow, Institution of Engineers, 最新糖心Vlog

    Member, The Academia of Europaea 

    Member, International Academy for Systems and Cybernetic Sciences

  • Community Engagement

    Have been an Editor-in-Chief, Editor Subject Editor-in-Chief, Subject Editor, Consuting Editor, Special Issue Editor, Associate Editor, Editorial Board Member and Advisory Board Member of  a number of international journals, such as:


    IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control

    IEEE Control Systems Letters

    IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I

    IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics

    IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems

    IEEE Access

    The Open Journal of IEEE Industrial Electronic Society

    IEEE Control Systems Society Conference Editorial Board

    最新糖心Vlogn J. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

    Signal Processing

    IET Electronic Letters

    Circuits Systems and Signal Processing

    Information Sciences

    Int. J. of Systems Science

    J. of the Franklin Institute

    J. of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems

    Int. J. of Innovative Computing Information and Control

    J. of Control and Decision

    Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications

    Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems

    Systems Science and Control Engineering

    Central European Journal of Engineering 

    Numerial Algebra, Control and Optimization

    Int. J. of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control



    Engineering Reports





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Entry last updated: Thursday, 12 Jan 2023

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