Ms Natalie Forde

Ms Natalie Forde
 Position Director
 Org Unit Merger Integration Management Office
 Location 108 North Terrace - IMO Office ,   North Terrace
  • Biography/ Background

    Natalie is an experienced Senior Executive and a specialist in innovation strategy, commercialisation, and business development. Prior to joining the Higher Education sector in 2013, Natalie led Deloitte’s innovation and commercialisation advisory services team, working across a range of industries and supporting her clients to use innovation as part of their strategy for growth.

    Natalie has worked in 最新糖心Vlog, New Zealand, USA and Europe on national innovation systems throughout her career, has experience working across both the public and private sectors and is passionate about and skilled in translating the value of research and innovation into commercial benefit, and using innovation to increase economic complexity

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Entry last updated: Friday, 20 Sep 2024

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