Dr Michael Hatch

Dr Michael Hatch
 Position Grant Funded Reseacher
 Org Unit Earth Sciences
 Email michael.hatch@adelaide.edu.au
 Location Floor/Room 2 ,  Mawson ,   North Terrace
  • Biography/ Background

    PhD (2012) Geophysics, 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA, 最新糖心Vlog.  Thesis title:  Investigations of electromagnetic methods applied to the in-river and near-river environment along the Murray River, 最新糖心Vlog.

    MSc (1991) Geosciences, 最新糖心Vlog of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA.  Thesis title:  The Use of Global Positioning System to Measure Ground Subsidence in the Tucson Area, Southern Arizona.

    BA (1983) Geosciences and Economics, 最新糖心Vlog of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA.

  • Research Interests

    Fast-sampling TEM techniques as a rapid, accurate way of increasing data density in river environments, providing information on river sediment salt load. This information informs catchment managers directly about saline hotspots, and importantly, geological variation that can influence the discharge of saline ground water into the river.
  • Publications


    Hatch, M. A., G. Heinson, T. Munday, S. Thiel, K. Lawrie, J. Clarke, and P. Mill, (accepted – 2013) The importance of including conductivity and dielectric permittivity information when processing low-frequency GPR and high-frequency EMI data sets.  Journal of Applied Geophysics.


    McLennan,S., S. Hill, M. A, Hatch, K. Barovich, V. Berens, (2013, in press), Riparian eucalypt biogeochemical expression of groundwater salinity, Murray River, South 最新糖心Vlog, Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis.


    Hatch, M. A., G. Heinson, and T. Munday (2010) A comparative study of “in-river” geophysical techniques for defining variations in riverbed salt load as an aid to managing river salinization.   Geophysics, vol. 75, no. 4, WA135-147.


    Munday, T., M. A. Hatch, A. Fitzpatrick, and D. Allen (2010) AEM data for assessing irrigation channel leakage-a meritorious approach in an 最新糖心Vlogn setting? Proceedings of the Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, SAGEEP.


    , T. J. Munday, V. , M. A. Hatch, A. L. Telfer (2007) Mapping salt-loads of the Murray River, 最新糖心Vlog, using airborne and in-river electromagnetic methods.  Proceedings of the Symposium on the Application of Geophyics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, SAGEEP


    , I. , A. , K. , V. , M. A. , R. C. (2007) Spatio-temporal monitoring of floodplain environments using electromagnetic methods: A scaled approach to understanding surface water-groundwater interactions on the Chowilla floodplain, South 最新糖心Vlog.  Proceedings of the Symposium on the Application of Geophyics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, SAGEEP


    , V. , M. A. , T. , K. (2006) Mapping zones of saline groundwater discharge using nanotem: River Murray, South 最新糖心Vlog 19th Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, SAGEEP 2006: Geophysical Applications for Environmental and Engineering Hazards - Advances and Constraints


    Barrett, B., G. Heinson, M. A. Hatch, and A. Telfer (2005) River sediment salt-load detection using a water-borne transient electromagnetic system. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 58, 29-44.


    Telfer, A., V. Berens, M. A. Hatch, and C. Palfreyman (2005) Instream NanoTEM: providing increased resolution to stream salinisation and floodplain processes along the River Murray, southeast 最新糖心Vlog. 最新糖心Vlogn Journal of Water Resources, 9, no. 2, 155-161.


    Barrett, B., G. Heinson, M. A. Hatch, and A. Telfer (2002) Geophysical Methods in
    Saline Groundwater Studies:  Locating Perched Water Tables and Fresh-water Lenses. Exploration Geophysics, 33, 2, p. 115. 



    Hatch, M. A., J. Clarke, P. Mill and K. Lawrie (2009), Improvements in mapping of

              floodplain dynamics by integrating drilling information with airborne EM, ground penetrating radar and ground based, high resolution EM: in ASEG Conference Proceedings, 2009.


    Telfer, A., V. Berens, M. A. Hatch and C. Palfreyman (2004) Instream NanoTEM: Providing Increased Resolution to Stream Salinisation and Floodplain Processes along the River Murray.  1st National Salinity Engineering Conference, Perth, WA.


    Hopkins, B., M. A. Hatch, and A. Telfer. (2003) Geophysics to Investigate River Murray Salinity:  a Case Study Using Fast Sampling TEM. ASEG Conference Proceedings, 2003.


    Hatch, M. A. and A. J. Mutton (2003) The Effect of Dipole Position Errors on E-field Measurements in Electrical Geophysical Surveys:  Is close enough good enough?. ASEG International Proceedings 2003.


    Meyers, J., M. Cooper, J. Bishop, and M. A. Hatch (2000) Downhole Magnetometric Resistivity Surveying for Refractory Gold Ore at Wiluna Gold Mine, WA.  ASEG 14th International Conference, Preview, 84, p. 79. (2000 ASEG Conference Laric Hawkins Award, for Innovation in Geophysics)


    Bishop, J., N. Carroll, M. Asten, M. A. Hatch, and S. MacInnes (1997) Finding Sphalerite at Broken Hill with Drillhole Magnetometric Resistivity, ASEG 12th International Conference, Exploration Geophysics, 28, Nos 1 and 2, p. 6.


    Hatch, M. A., and J. S. Sumner (1991) Global Positioning System Measurement of Subsidence in the Tucson Basin, Pima County, Arizona, Geological  Society of America, Conference Proceedings (1991), 23, p. A324.


    Pool, D. R. and M. A. Hatch (1991) Gravity Response to Storage Change in the Vicinity of Infiltration Basins, Fifth Biennial Symposium on Artificial Recharge of Groundwater, Univ. of Arizona.



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Entry last updated: Thursday, 15 Dec 2022

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