Dr Lisa Mansfield
Position | Senior Lecturer |
Org Unit | School of Humanities |
lisa.mansfield@adelaide.edu.au | |
Telephone | 831 35755 |
Location |
North Terrace
Biography/ Background
I am an art historian specialising in Renaissance art and material culture, with a focus on Northern Europe (1400-1600), including cross-cultural encounters and exchange north and south of the Alps (Italian Renaissance art). My primary areas of research include the genre of portraiture (gender and identity), images of warfare (gender, the body, and violence), and intellectual and material intersections between art, technology, and science in early modern Europe. My research interests also extend to multidisciplinary contexts of collaborative investigation in science and technology (from health interventions to engineering practices) and the development of visual literacy as a practical asset and transformative life-skill for navigating the complex visual culture of the twenty-first century.
Ph.D. Art History (最新糖心Vlog of Melbourne, 2005)
B.A. (Hons Art History - First Class - La Trobe 最新糖心Vlog, Bundoora Campus, Melbourne, 1998)
Academic leadership - 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide
Program Director for Art History, Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics (2023 ongoing)
Head of Art History (2015 semester 2, 2018-2021)
Postgraduate Coordinator HDRs Art History, Asian Studies, Classics and Archaeology, Linguistics (2018 Semester 1)
Acting Coordinator Postgraduate Coursework Program in Art History (2015, 2012, 2008 semester 2)
Postgraduate Coordinator HDRs in Art History, History, Food Studies (2015 semester 2, 2011)
Discipline Advisor (2015-ongoing)
Professional affiliations (membership)
AAANZ (Art Association of 最新糖心Vlog and New Zealand)
ANZAMEMS (最新糖心Vlogn and New Zealand Association for Medieval and Early Modern Studies)
HNA (Historians of Netherlandish Art)
RSA (Renaissance Society of America)
J.M. Coetzee Centre for Creative Practice
Teaching Interests
My teaching experience as a sessional tutor and lecturer in Art History was forged at the 最新糖心Vlog of Melbourne (1999-2005). I established the undergraduate program in Art History at the 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide in 2009 and continue to convene the Major in Art History and Visual Culture, which is complemented by postgraduate elective courses offered in the Museum and Curatorial Studies program, having coordinated the previous MA Art History research seminars (2008, 2012, 2015) and MA Curatorial and Museum Studies courses on the history and philosophy of museums and galleries, and exhibition development (2008, 2012, 2015).
Teaching award
2009: Certificate for Outstanding Student Feedback in Teaching and Learning, 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide
Online teaching
Since 2013 I have developed expertise in designing and delivering Art History courses online. I also participated in the 'Getting a MUVE on: Developing Web 2.0 Curricula in the Humanities' pilot project in 2011, which used the virtual world 'Second Life' in formative and summative assessment tasks for student-created avatars and virtual gallery exhibitions.
Interdisciplinary teaching and research projects
I have contributed guest teaching (lectures and tutorials) on topics across the Humanites curriculum at the 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide, including Film Studies, Reformation art and visual culture, how to use art and visual culture as historical evidence, art and war, French Impressionism, Renaissance art, Modernism, and photography for History, English, and the Creative Arts.
My supervision experience of short research projects and minor theses is extensive, including Honours (Art History theses in the Department of Historical and Classical Studies), BA Adv; MA Art History, MA Curatorial and Museum Studies, and Arts Internships in collaboration with local cultural organisations (Nexus; Tandanya; National Trust of South 最新糖心Vlog, Ayres House and Carrick Hill; Mitcham City Council; Yellow Door Studio).
HDR Principal Supervision (MPhil and PhD)
Alexandra Mowbray, "The Evolution of the Body in Contemporary Art and Digital Media: Julie Rrap, Asger Carlsen, Leah Schrager, Juliana Huxtable" (PhD) - Principal Supervisor
Melanie Cooper, "Beings of Nature and Reason: Mythological Masculinities in Early 18th-Century French Art and Visual Culture" (PhD) - Principal Supervisor
HDR Co-Supervision
I have also co-supervised MPhil and PhD dissertations in the areas of English, Creative Writing, French Studies, Philosophy, History, and Music curatorship.
Research Interests
Research interests
Early modern art and visual culture, with a focus on northern Renaissance art (1400-1600):
- Portraiture (courtly image-making practices; face and body politics)
- Warfare (gendered representations of sexual violence; innovations in military display and weapon technologies)
- Polymathic creativity and concept of the Renaissance artist as technologist and scientist (intersections between art, engineering, and science; mentoring practices in workshop culture and multidisciplinary collaborations)
- Material culture and materiality (drawing and printmaking)
Grants, fellowships, awards
2021: Art History Institute of 最新糖心Vlog (AHIA) in association with the Art Association of 最新糖心Vlog and New Zealand (AAANZ) "Leonardo of the North: The Polymathic Creativity of Jan van Scorel."
2018-2020: ARC Discovery Project DP180102412 "The Italian Wars, 1494-1559", with Susan Broomhall (UWA) and Carolyn James (Monash).
2017: Renaissance Society of America (RSA), Samuel H. Kress Fellowship for Art History, Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies (CRRS), 最新糖心Vlog of Toronto.
2012: The Ian Potter Foundation, Overseas travel/conference attendance.
2010: 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide, 'Art History Online', 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide, C. Speck and L. Mansfield, $14,000.
2009: 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide Learning and Teaching, 'Creating a Virtual Gallery', C. Speck and L. Mansfield, $20,000.
2001: 最新糖心Vlog of Melbourne, Graduate Research in Arts Travel Scheme (awarded to undertake research in France and the United Kingdom).
1998: 最新糖心Vlog of Melbourne, 最新糖心Vlogn Postgraduate Research Award (with stipend)
International presentations
2022 (Online): "The Art of Coupling: Conjugal Companionship and Carnal Intimacy in the Italian Wars." 9 December. Faculty of History, Adam Mickiewicz 最新糖心Vlog, Poznan.
2018: "The Ethical Artist: Erasmian Humanism and Affective Identity in Jan van Scorel's Portraits." Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies: Friday Workshop, 26 January, Victoria 最新糖心Vlog, 最新糖心Vlog of Toronto.
2016: "Francis I and His Northern Image-Makers." International colloquium: Francis I and the Artists of the North (1515-1547). Brussels, Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage (KIK-IRPA), 25-26 February. Organised by the Royal Academy of Archaeology, Belgium, the Comité belge d'Histoire de l'Art, the KIK-IRPA, and the 最新糖心Vlog of Liege. Sponsored by the Comite international d'histoire de 'art (CIHA).
2012: "The Representation of Artefacts in Second Life: Interaction, Imagination, Interpretation, Innovation." The Challenge of the Object/Die Herausforderung des Objekts, 33rd Congress of the International Committee of the History of Art, 15-20 July, Section 11: The Artefact and its Representations, Nuremberg.
National presentations
2024: "'She Wolf': Power, Passion and Female Rivalry in an Elizabethan Portrait." Women in Power, Powerful Women: Medieval and Early Modern Insights. The 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide. 15 November.
2024: Convenor, "Art and Ideas Virtual Forum." Art History Research Seminar Series. The 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide (Semester 2):
2021: "The Dynamics of Cultural Transfer: Swiss Artist Mercenaries in Northern Italy." Art Association of 最新糖心Vlog and New Zealand (AAANZ) Annual Conference, The 最新糖心Vlog of Sydney (virtual program). 8-10 December.
2020 - Invited Speaker: "Leonardo's Masterpieces: Painting, Portraiture, Polymathy" The Turbulent Mind of Leonardo da Vinci. Summer Short Course (Community Engagement Programs). The 最新糖心Vlog of Melbourne, 20-23 January.
2019: Session Convenor - Art and War: Creativity and Conflict in Early Modern Europe. AAANZ Annual Conference. 最新糖心Vlog of Auckland, 3-6 December. Paper title: "Drawn from the Italian Wars: Encounters with violent men and dangerous women on and off the battlefield - Urs Graf."
2019: "Artist-Mercenaries of the Italian Wars (1494-1559): Urs Graf of Basel." Art History Research Seminar Series, 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide, Friday 26 April.
2019 - Invited Speaker: "Rethinking Urs Graf's Representations of Warriors, Wives, and Whores in the Italian Wars (1494-1559)." Agents in Times of War - Italy, 1500-1530 (workshop), 最新糖心Vlog of Sydney, Friday 12 April.
2019: "Soldiers of Fortune: Artist-Mercenaries of the Italian Wars (1494-1559)." ANZAMEMS (最新糖心Vlogn and New Zealand Association of Medieval and Early Modern Studies), 12th Biennial Conference, 最新糖心Vlog of Sydney, 5-8 February.
2017 - Invited Speaker: "Artifice and Affect in Renaissance Portraiture: Poses, Passions, and Amorous Gazing at the Court of Francis I." Art and Affect. Meanings Program Collaboratory. The 最新糖心Vlog of Queensland Node of the ARC Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions.
Interviews and media
2024: "Pride, Pain, and Punishment: Cacofonix as a model of resilience in The Adventures of Asterix." Faculti (22 October).
2024: "A portrait of Princess Kate is drawing backlash. Is it really that bad?" Kelsey Ables, The Washington Post (23 May): https://www.washingtonpost.com/entertainment/art/2024/05/23/kate-middleton-portrait-hannah-uzor/
2022: "A multidisciplinary study of Cacofonix in the Adventures of Asterix." Radio Adelaide Festival City with Emma Wotzke and Dr Jessica Stanhope (Friday 14 October).
2020: "Why the long faces?" The Adelaide Review #483. By Walter Marsh (27 May).
2020: "Mary Beale." ABC Radio (Melbourne 774): Afternoons with Jacinta Parsons (11 May).
2020: "Mary Beale: Pioneer of Portraiture." NGV Channel:
2015: 'Virtual Worlds: A Duel with Identity.' Omission Magazine, Issue Two: www.omissionmagazine.com/magazine/issue-two
2010: 'On Portraiture.' Arts and About, Radio Adelaide.
2016: Representations of Renaissance Monarchy: Francis I and the image-makers. Manchester: Manchester 最新糖心Vlog Press:
"Representations of Renaissance Monarchy is a welcome contribution to French Renaissance and European court studies. Mansfield's writing is engaging and lucid, making the book a readily accessible resource for students at all levels in the disciplines of both history and art history, particularly those studying the French court. The book is impressively researched and the extensive footnotes and bibliography will be a valuable tool for students and specialists alike."
Reviewed in Sixteenth Century Journal by: Lisa Andersen, 最新糖心Vlog of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.
Book chapters
2024 (Under peer-review): "Queenly Portraiture." In Powers 1100-1550. Routledge Resources Online: Medieval Studies, ed. Chris Jones.
2022:"Portraiture" In Early Modern Court Culture, ed. Erin Griffey (London: Routledge), Chapter 20: 309-324.
2020: "Mary Beale: Pioneer of Portraiture." In She Persists: Perspectives on Women in Art & Design, eds. Annika Aitken, Isobel Crombie, Megan Patty, Maria Quirk, Myles Russell-Cook (Melbourne: National Gallery of Victoria), 18-25.
2019: "Lustrous Virtue: Eleanor of Austria's Jewels and Gems as Composite Cultural Identity and Affective Maternal Agency." In Sartorial Politics in Early Modern Europe: Fashioning Women, ed. Erin Griffey (Amsterdam: Amsterdam 最新糖心Vlog Press), 93-114.
2018: "Portraits of Eleanor of Austria: From Invisible to Inimitable French Queen Consort." In Women and Power at the French Court, 1483-1563, ed. Susan Broomhall (Amsterdam: Amsterdam 最新糖心Vlog Press), 175-207.
2017: "The Grand Design of Francis I and His Northern Image-Makers: Jan van Scorel." In Arts et Artistes du Nord a la cour de Francois Ier, eds. Laure Fagnart and Isabelle Lecocq (Paris: Picard), 187-201.
2015: "Face to Face with the 'Flanders Mare': Fama and Hans Holbein the Younger's Portrait of Anne of Cleves." In Fama and Her Sisters: Gossip and Rumour in Early Modern Europe, ed. Claire I. Walker and Heather Kerr (Turnhout: Brepols), 115-35.
2008: "The Art of Conjugal Discord: A Satirical Double Portrait of Francis I and Eleanor of Austria, c. 1530-35." In Practices of Gender in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe, ed. Peter Sherlock and Megan Cassidy-Welch (Turnhout: Brepols), 117-35.
Journal articles
2024 (Under peer-review): Co-author with Samantha Lane. "The Sarasa Zufu: an eighteenth-century Japanese manual for creating chintiz." Japan Forum.
2022: Mansfield, Lisa, Jessica Stanhope and Philip Weinstein, "Pride, Pain, and Punishment: Cacofonix as a Model of Resilience in the Adventures of Asterix." International Journal of Comic Art (IJOCA) 24:1 (Spring/Summer): 287-309.
2019: Barbour, Kim and Lisa Mansfield, "Intersections between Corporeal Performance and Distributed Digital Audiences: Casey Jenkins and Remediated Artistic Practice." TDR/The Drama Review 63:1 (Spring 2019): 125-40.
Conference proceedings
2013: 'The Representation of Artefacts in Second Life: Interaction, Imagination, Interpretation, Innovation.' In The Challenge of the Object/Die Herausforderung des Objekts: Conference Proceedings, ed. Ulrich Grossmann and Petra Krutisch (4 vols, Nuremberg: Verlag des Germanischen Nationalmuseums), vol. 1.
Book review
2019: Solitudo: Spaces, Places, and Times of Solitude in Late Medieval and Early Modern Cultures, ed. Karl A.E. Enenkel and Christine Gottler (Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2018) in Emotions: History, Culture, Society 3: 324-325.
Exhibition catalogue
2009: Making Nature: Masters of European Landscape, ed. Jane Messenger. Adelaide: Art Gallery of South 最新糖心Vlog (three catalogue entries on Dutch seventeenth-century landscape paintings by Salomon van Ruysdael and Adrian Verboom).
Media Expertise
Categories Arts & Culture Expertise Northern Renaissance art and visual culture; portraiture and self-portraiture; representations of the body from Renaissance to contemporary art; past and present art censorship and iconoclasm; avatar image and identity in virtual environments. Notes PhD Art History 最新糖心Vlog of Melbourne; Member of Historians of Netherlandish Art (HNA) and Art Association of 最新糖心Vlog and New Zealand (AAANZ).
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Entry last updated: Tuesday, 29 Oct 2024
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