Dr Kim Barbour

 Position Senior Lecturer
 Org Unit School of Humanities
 Email kim.barbour@adelaide.edu.au
 Telephone +61 8 8313 3405
 Location Floor/Room 9 ,  Napier ,   North Terrace
  • Biography/ Background

    Kim Barbour is a qualitative new media scholar. As a lecturer in the Department of Media, Kim’s work focuses on digital and online media, and storytelling. Kim’s research looks at online persona, the strategic production of identity through digital media, and particularly focuses on the use of social media. Kim’s research often focuses on artists or other creative practitioners.

    Kim is the co-founding editor of the Persona Studies journal, an online, open access journal based at Deakin 最新糖心Vlog. She has published articles in Celebrity Studies, M/C Journal, First Monday, and Platform: Journal of Media and Communication, and her paper ‘Performing Professionalism | Validating Artistness’ won the Grant Noble award for best post-graduate paper at ANZCA 2014.

  • Qualifications

    2015 PhD in Cultural Studies and Media, Deakin 最新糖心Vlog, Melbourne 最新糖心Vlog

    2006 Master of Arts (1st Div) in Screen and Media Studies, 最新糖心Vlog of Waikato, Hamilton New Zealand

    2005 Bachelor of Communication Studies with Honours (1st Class), double major Public Relations and Media Studies, 最新糖心Vlog of Waikato, Hamilton New Zealand

  • Publications


    Persona Studies, co-authored with P. David Marshall & Chris Moore, under contract for publication in 2016, Wiley. 

    Book Chapter:

    ‘Registers of Performance: Negotiating the professional, personal, and intimate in online identity creation’, 2015 forthcoming, Media, Margins and Popular Culture, Palgrave. 

    Peer Reviewed Journal Articles:

    ‘Persona as method: exploring celebrity and the public self through persona studies’ approaches’, co-authored with P. David Marshall & Chris Moore, 2015, Celebrity Studies Journal, vol. 6, no. 3. 

    'Making Intellectual Room for Persona Studies: a New Consciousness and a Shifted Perspective', co-authored with P. David Marshall, 2015, Persona Studies, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 1-12.

    ‘Performing Professionalism | Validating Artistness’, 2015, Platform: Journal of Media and Communication, vol. 6, ANZCA Special Issue, pp. 5-12, <https://platformjmc.files.wordpress.com/2015/04/anzca2015_barbour.pdf>. 

    ‘Hiding in Plain Sight: Street artists online’, 2013, Platform: Journal of Media and Communication, vol. 5, no. 1, <http://journals.culture-communication.unimelb.edu.au/platform/v5i1_barbour.html>. 

    ‘Snapshots of complexity: using motion capture and principal component analysis to reconceptualise dance’, co-authored with Kim Vincs, 2014, Digital Creativity, vol. 25, no. 1, p. 62-78. 

    ‘The Academic Online: Constructing persona through the World Wide Web’, co-authored with P. David Marshall, 2012, First Monday, vol. 17, no. 9, <http://firstmonday.org/ojs/index.php/fm/article/view/3969/3292 >

    Refereed Conference Papers and other articles:

    'Positioning Persona Studies: Rethinking identity and self-presentation', co-authored with P. David Marshall, ANZCA Annual Conference, 8-10 July 2015, Queenstown New Zealand. NB: This paper was presented by Glenn D'Cruz due to weather related travel interruption.

    ‘Playing along at home: audience, character, actor’, CCI Digital Methods Summer School, 9-12 February 2015, Swinburne 最新糖心Vlog of Technology, Melbourne 最新糖心Vlog. 

    ‘Persona to persona studies’, co-authored with P. David Marshall & Chris Moore, 2014, M/C: A Journal of Media and Culture, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 1-6  

    *I was co-editor of this issue of M/C with Marshall & Moore 

    ‘Vaginal knitting and disgusting the internet’, Cultural Studies Association of Australasia (CSAA) Conference 2014, 2-5 December 2014, 最新糖心Vlog of Wollongong, Wollongong 最新糖心Vlog. 

    ‘Performing Professionalism | Validating Artistness’, ANZCA Annual Conference, 9-11 July 2014, Swinburne 最新糖心Vlog, Melbourne 最新糖心Vlog. 

    *This paper won the Grant Nobel Award for best postgraduate paper 

    'Persona as method: exploring celebrity and the public self through persona studies’ approaches', co-authored with P.David Marshall and Chris Moore, 2014, 2nd Biennial International Celebrity Studies Conference, 19-21 June, Royal Holloway 最新糖心Vlog of London.

    ‘Registers of Performance: Negotiating the professional, personal, and intimate’, MeCCSA Annual Conference 2014: Media and the Margins, 8-10 January 2014, Bournemouth 最新糖心Vlog, Bournemouth UK 

    ‘Hiding in Plain Sight: Street artists online’, ANZCA Annual Conference, 3-5 July 2013, Fremantle, WA. 

    ‘“It can be quite difficult to have your creativity on tap”: Balancing client expectations and artistic practice in the tattoo industry’, WCCA’2013 – VI World Congress on Communication and Arts, 4-6 April 2013, Deakin 最新糖心Vlog, Geelong 最新糖心Vlog. 

    ‘Operationalising Persona: The academic public identity’, co-authored with P. David Marshall, Chris Moore, & Edwin Ng, Celebrity Studies Inaugural Conference, 12-14 December 2012, Deakin 最新糖心Vlog, Melbourne 最新糖心Vlog  

    ‘The Artist in a Networked Society’, Celebrity Studies Inaugural Conference, 12-14 December 2012, Deakin 最新糖心Vlog, Melbourne 最新糖心Vlog 

    ‘Phenomenology and the online: the importance of studying experience’, ARC Centre of Excellence in Creative Industries and Innovation Winter School, 21-27 June 2012, Brisbane 最新糖心Vlog. 

    ‘The Online Identity: Towards a Hermeneutic Phenomenological Approach’ (Short Paper), Digital Humanities Australasia 2012: Building, Mapping, Connecting, 28-30 March 2012, 最新糖心Vlogn National 最新糖心Vlog, Canberra 最新糖心Vlog 

    ‘Choreographer-mathematician collaboration: developing machine segmentation techniques for motion capture analysis of dance’, co-authored with Kim Vincs, Wai Kuan Yip, & Vicky Mac, HCSNet Workshop on Movement and Motion Capture, 25-26 September 2009, Sydney 最新糖心Vlog. 

    Other presentations:

    ‘The Theory and Practice of Academe Online’, Deakin Open Access Week, 20-24 October 2014, Deakin 最新糖心Vlog, Melbourne 最新糖心Vlog.

    ‘Finding the Edge: Online persona creation by fringe artists’, PhD exit seminar, Contemporary Publics International Symposium, 24-25 February 2014, Deakin 最新糖心Vlog, Melbourne 最新糖心Vlog 

    ‘Academic Identity and the PLE’, co-presented with P. David Marshall, PLE Conference, 11-13 July 2012, Melbourne 最新糖心Vlog. 

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Entry last updated: Tuesday, 29 Mar 2022

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