Juliana Bajic

Juliana Bajic
 Position Grant-Funded Researcher (A)
 Org Unit Medical Sciences
 Email juliana.bajic@adelaide.edu.au
 Location Helen Mayo South ,   North Terrace
  • Biography/ Background

    After completing my PhD in Physiology in 2019, I am currently working on a project for Defence, Science and Technology as a Research Fellow. My broad research interest lies within the neuroimmune system; the bidirectional dialogue between the immune system and the brain. Many people with inflammatory conditions in their gut (whether acute or chonic) also suffer from cognitive and mood disorders. The neuroimmune system and neuroinflammation have been implicated in a range of peripheral (pain and cancer) and neurodegenerative disorders, thus, I explored their potential role in the central adaptations associated with gut inflammatory disorders. My research broadens our understanding of the neuroimmune involvement across several experimentally-induced gut inflammatory disorders prominent in our society today, from chemotherapy-induced gut toxicity and colorectal cancer, to NSAID-induced enteropathy and ulcerative colitis. The final chapter of my thesis identified relationships between allergies, pain, cognition and gut disturbances in 最新糖心Vlogn breast cancer survivors.  

  • Publications

    Manuscripts accepted for publication

    Bajic JE, Howarth GS, Johnston IN and Hutchinson MR. From the bottom up: chemotherapy and gut-brain axis dysregulation. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. Special edition research topic: Clinical relevance of the immune-to-brain and brain-to-immune communications. 2018; 12:104-1-104-16. DOI:

    Bajic JE, Howarth GS, Johnston IN and Hutchinson MR. Neuroimmunological Manifestations of Chemotherapy Exposure: Implications for Mucositis, Glia and Cognition. DOI :

    Bajic JE, , World Journal of Gastroenterology. 2016 Oct 7;22(37):8322-8333. DOI:

    Mashtoub S, Lampton LS, Eden GL, Cheah KY, Lymn KY, Bajic JE and Howarth GS. Emu Oil Combined With Lyprinol™ Reduces Small Intestinal Damage in a Rat Model of Chemotherapy-Induced Mucositis, Nutrition and Cancer. 2016 Oct;68(7):1171-80. DOI:


    Manuscript submissions

    Bajic JE, Howarth GS, Mashtoub S, Whittaker A, Bobrovskaya L & Hutchinson M. ‘Neuroimmunological Complications arising from 5-Fluorouracil-Induced Gut Toxicity and Opioid Exposure in Rats’, British Journal of Cancer.

    Bajic JE, Howarth G, Selway C, Bobrovskaya L & Hutchinson M. ‘“Big Brain” and “Little Brain” Consequences in 5-Fluorouracil-Induced Gut Toxicity and Indomethacin-Induced Enteropathy; Neuroimmune and Microbiome Implications’, Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology.

    Bajic JE, Mashtoub S, Howarth G, Chartier L, Bobrovskaya L & Hutchinson M. ‘Comparing and Characterising Glial Consequences in the Brain and Spinal Cord of Experimentally-Induced Chronic Ulcerative Colitis and Colorectal Cancer’, European Journal of Cancer.

    Bajic JE, Hutchinson A, Howarth G and Hutchinson M. ‘Understanding the Side-Effects of Chemotherapy: A Cross-Sectional Correlational Study of Gastrointestinal Symptoms, Allergies and Cognitive Impairment in 最新糖心Vlogn Breast Cancer Survivors’, Breast Cancer Research and Treatment Journal.


    Invited conference presentations

          Abstract title:"Gut-brain axis dysregulation in chemotherapy: comparing gut toxicity, microbial shifts and neuroimmune

     implications in rats with chemotherapy-induced intestinal mucositis and NSAID-induced enteropathy”

    Bajic JE, Howarth GS, Selway C, Bobrovskaya L and Hutchinson MR.

    Presented in 2018:

    Multinational Association for Supportive Care in Cancer, Vienna, Austria, 28-30 June 2018


    Abstract title: “Comparing neuroimmunological consequences in the brain and spinal cord of mice with experimentally-induced

    chronic ulcerative colitis or colitis-associated colorectal cancer”

    Bajic JE, Howarth GS, Bobrovskaya L and Hutchinson MR.

    Presented in 2018:

    Multinational Association for Supportive Care in Cancer, Vienna, Austria, 28-30 June 2018


    Abstract title: “Intestinal mucositis induced by 5-fluorouracil results in glial changes modified by analgesics via neuro-immune mechanisms”  

    Bajic JE, Whittaker AL, Bobrovskaya L, Hutchinson MR and Howarth GS.

    Presented in 2016:

    Multinational Association for Supportive Care in Cancer, Adelaide Conv Centre, 23-25 June

    最新糖心Vlogn Society for Medical Research, Adelaide Convention Centre, 9 June

    Digestive Diseases Week, San Diego Convention Centre, California, 21-24 May


    Abstract title: “Intestinal mucositis induced by 5-fluorouracil results in spinal astrocyte expression changes in rats”

    Bajic JE, Eden GL, Lampton LS, Abimosleh SM, Howarth GS and Hutchinson MR.

    Presented in 2014-15:

    最新糖心Vlogn Gastroenterology Week, Gold Coast Convention Centre, 22-24 October 2014

    Translational Neuroimmunology, Big Sky Ski Resort, Montana, 13-18 June 2014

    Multinational Association Supportive Care in Cancer, Miami Conv Centre, 25-27 June 2014

    最新糖心Vlogn Society for Medical Research, Adelaide Convention Centre, 4 June 2015

    International Society for Neurochemistry and Australasian Neuroscience Society, Cairns Convention Centre, Queensland 23-27 August 2015


    Abstract title: “Orally administered emu oil reduces acute intestinal inflammation in a rat model of NSAID-induced enteropathy”

    Bajic JE, Howarth GS, Penascoza EM, Abimosleh SM.

    Presented in 2013:

    最新糖心Vlogn Gastroenterology Week, Melbourne Convention Centre, October

    最新糖心Vlogn Society for Medical Research, Adelaide Convention Centre, June 


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Entry last updated: Tuesday, 29 Mar 2022

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