Dr John Budarick

 Position Senior Lecturer
 Org Unit School of Humanities
 Email john.budarick@adelaide.edu.au
 Telephone +61 8 8313 4289
 Location Floor/Room 9 ,  Napier ,   North Terrace
  • Biography/ Background

    John Budarick is a senior lecturer in the discipline of media with expertise in communication theory; media, journalism and democracy; ethnic minority media; diasporic and transnational media. 

    He completed his PhD at Monash 最新糖心Vlog in 2011, and has taught at universities in Adelaide, Melbourne and Sydney. He has been published in several international academic journals, such as Media, Culture and Society, International Journal of Communication, and Global Media and Communication. He has published two books with Plagrave MacMillan: Minorities & Media, and Ethnic Media and Democracy.

  • Qualifications

    2011 PhD in Communications and Media Studies, Monash 最新糖心Vlog

    2005 Bachelor of Arts Honours in Sociology (First Class)

    2003 Bachelor of Arts, triple major Sociology, English and Screen Studies

  • Awards & Achievements

    2016 Faculty Research Active Grants Scheme: 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide, $2200

    2014 Winner of Friends of Africans/Organisations Supporting Africans Award: Victorian African Community Awards (Africa Media 最新糖心Vlog).

    2014 Learning and Teaching Development Innovation Find: 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide, $1252.80

    2014 Faculty Research Active Grants Scheme: 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide, $2000

    2013 ECPS Research Publications and Activity Costs Grant: Monash 最新糖心Vlog, $765

    2010 Postgraduate Publication Award: Monash 最新糖心Vlog Faculty of Arts
    $5,772 over twelve weeks

    2008 Monash 最新糖心Vlog ECPS School Scholarship
    $20,007 p.a over three years

    2007 TASA Cultural Sociology Group
    $300 Conference Fund: Brisbane, Griffith 最新糖心Vlog

    2005 Chancellor's Letter of Commendation
    Flinders 最新糖心Vlog, for excellence in an Honours Degree

  • Research Interests

    Transnational media and globalisation, ethnic minority media, diasporas and media, ethnic minority journalism, the public sphere, media theory, media, journalism and democracy.

  • Publications


    Budarick, John Ethnic Media and Democracy: Engaging Theory and Politics. Under contreact, due December 2018. Palgrave Macmillan

    Budarick, John & Han, Gil-Soo (eds) (2017) Minorities and Media: Producers, Industries, Audiences. Palgrave Macmillan: London.

    Book Chapters

    Budarick, John & Han, Gil-Soo (2017) 'Introduction', in J Budarick & GS Han (eds) Minorities and Media: Producers, Industries, Audiences, Palgrave Macmillan: London.

    Budarick, John (2017) 'From Marginalisation to a Voice of our own: African media in 最新糖心Vlog' in J Budarick & GS Han (eds) Minorities and Media: Producers, Industries, Audiences, Palgrave Macmillan: London.

    Budarick, John (2016) 'The Elasticity of the Public Sphere: Expansion, contraction and "other" media', in M Griffiths and K Barbour (EDS) Making Publics, Making Places, 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide Press: Adelaide.

    Refereed Journal Articles

    Budarick, John (forthcoming) 'Ethnic media and counter-hegemony: Agonistic pluralism, policy and professionalism, International Journal of Communication. Accepted April 5th 2018/.

    Han, Gil-Soo & Budarick, John (2018) 'Overcoming the new kids on the block syndrome: The media "endorsement" on discrimination of African-Australoans', Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies 32 (2).

    Budarick, John (2016) 'Ethnic Minority Media and the Public Sphere: The case of African-最新糖心Vlogn media producers', Journal of Sociology.

    Budarick, John (2015) 'Belonging-Security Across Borders: News Media, Migration and the Spaces of Production', International Journal of Communication, 9.

    Budarick, John and Gil-Soo Han (2015) 'Towards a Multi-Ethnic Public Sphere?: African-最新糖心Vlogn media and minority-majority relations', Media, Culture and Society, 37 (8).

    Budarick, John, (2014) 'Media and the limits of transnational solidarity: Unanswered questions in the relationship between diaspora, communication and community', Global Media and Communication 10 (2).

    Budarick, John and Gil-Soo Han (2013) 'Positive stories: why and how African-最新糖心Vlogn media matter', 最新糖心Vlogn Journal of Communication 40 (3)

    Budarick, John (2013) 'Localised audiences and transnational media: media use by Iranian 最新糖心Vlogns', Media International 最新糖心Vlog (148)

    De La Fuente, Eduardo, John Budarick and michael Walsh (2012) 'Altered states: An essay on communication and movement', Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies 26 (1)

    Budarick, John (2011) 'Media, home and diaspora', Media@LSE: Electronic Working Papers (21)

    Budarick, John (2011) 'Media narratives and social events: The story of the Redfern riots', Journal of Communication Inquiry 35 (1)

    Budarick, John (2009) 'A reevaluation of literature in active and critical audience studies', Colloquy: Text, Theory, Critique (18)

    Budarick, John and Debra King (2008) 'Framing ideology in the niche media: The Koori Mail's construction of the Redfern riots', Journal of Sociology 44 (4)

    Refereed Conference Papers

    Budarick, John and Gil-Soo Han (2013) The importance of migrant media: African-australian media', Refereed proceedings of the 最新糖心Vlogn Sociological Association Conference, Melbourne

    Budarick, John (2010) 'Media, movement and the search for security amongst Iranian-最新糖心Vlogn', Refereed proceedings of the 17th International Sociological Association World Congress, Gothenburg. 

    Reviews and Other Publications

    Budarick, John (2016) Book review: Mediating Migration, Radha S Hegde (2016), Cultural Studies Review.

    Budarick, John (2014) 'Debate on free speech alone means little for minorities', The Conversation http://theconversation.com/debate-on-free-speech-alone-means-little-for-minorities-30397 

    Budarick, John (2013) Book review: Reinventing Professionalism: Journalism and News in Global Perspective, Silvio Waisbord (2013), Media International 最新糖心Vlog (146)

    Budarick, John (2013) Book review: International communication and Global News Networks: Historical Perspectives, Peter Putnis, Chandrika Kaul and Jurgen Wilke (eds) (2011), Media International 最新糖心Vlog (146)

    Budarick, John (2010) 'The world congress of sociology', Cultural Fields Newsletter (3)

    Budarick, John (2009) Book review: The Media and Morality: On the rise of the mediapolis, Roger Silverstone (2007), Nexus: Newsletter of the 最新糖心Vlogn sociological Association 21 (2)

    Budarick, John (2007) 'Narrating Social Crisis: a riot, the media and civil society', Nexus: Newsletter of the 最新糖心Vlogn Sociological Association 19 (3)

    Conference Papers

    2016 'African Media in 最新糖心Vlog', National Conference on Media, Migration and Integration/Social Cohesion, Melbourne.

    2015 'Migrant media in 最新糖心Vlog', Symposium on Community, Popular and Digital Media in Migrant Settlement, Integration and Resilience: Mobilities and belonging, 最新糖心Vlog of Western 最新糖心Vlog.

    2009 'Altered States: Mobility and communication', Monash 最新糖心Vlog, School of ECPS Media Symposium.

    2008 'Structure and agency, text and audience in media research', International and Intercultural Communications in the Age of Digital Media, Monash 最新糖心Vlog.

    2007 'Media narratives and social events: The Redfern riots, TASA Cultural Sociology Group, Brisbane, Griffith 最新糖心Vlog.


  • Media Expertise

    CategoriesMedia & Journalism
    ExpertiseMedia; Migrant; Ethnic; Transnational; Global; News; Race; Minority; diaspora
    NotesI have been published in the areas of media and race, ethnicity, migration, transnationalism and diaspora, and have conducted several radio interviews on such topics.

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Entry last updated: Tuesday, 10 May 2022

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