Dr Jane Luo

Dr Jane Luo
 Position Senior Lecturer
 Org Unit Finance and Banking
 Email jane.luo@adelaide.edu.au
 Telephone +61 8 8313 0133
 Location Floor/Room 12 ,  Nexus 10 ,   North Terrace
  • Biography/ Background

    After receiving her PhD from Nanyang Technological 最新糖心Vlog, Dr Jane Luo joined 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide in 2013 as a lecturer in finance. Her research interests lie in the areas of empirical corporate finance and empirical capital markets analysis, which include corporate governance, institutional investors, stock liquidity, equity issuance, executive compensation, mergers and acquisitions, corporate social responsibility and employee engagement. Her research has been published in top-tier finance and accounting journals such as Journal of Financial Economics, Journal of Accounting and Economics and Review of Finance. Her papers went to top international conferences, such as AFA annual meeting and European Finance Association Conference. She won Top-Journal Paper Award from Korea America Finance Association in 2017, the Best Paper Award at the 2013 Eastern Finance Association Annual Conference and the Best Paper Award at the 2012 International Conference on Asia-Pacific Financial Markets Conference. Her research speaks to end-users outside of academia and has been disseminated in leading media outlets around the world, including in “Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation”, “The Economist” and “The Wall Street Journal”.  She also serves as the Ad hoc referee for a number of peer-reviewed journals, such as Journal of Corporate Finance, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 最新糖心Vlogn Journal of Management and Corporate Governance: An International Review. She’s been teaching Financial Management, Business Finance, Equity Valuation Analysis, and Corporate Investment & Strategy at both undergraduate and postgraduate level.

  • Qualifications

    Nanyang Technological 最新糖心Vlog,  Ph.D. in Finance

  • Teaching Interests

    Jane has been teaching Financial Management, Business Finance, Equity Valuation Analysis, and Corporate Investment & Strategy at both undergraduate and postgraduate level.

  • Research Interests

    Jane's research interests lie in the areas of empirical corporate finance and empirical capital markets analysis, which include corporate governance, institutional investors, stock liquidity, equity issuance, executive compensation, mergers and acquisitions, corporate social responsibility and employee engagement. 

  • Publications


    Effects of Managerial Labor Market on Executive Compensation: Evidence from Job-hopping, with Huasheng Gao and Tilan Tang, 2015, Journal of Accounting and Economics 59, 203-220.

    The Impact of Housing Wealth on Stock Liquidity with Limin Xu and Ralf Zurbruegg, 2017, Review of Finance 21, 2315-2352.

    Are Institutional Investors with Multiple Blockholdings Effective Monitors? with Jun-Koo Kang and Hyun Seung Na, 2018, Journal of Financial Economics 128, 576-602. 

    The Impact of Short-Selling Pressure on Corporate Employee Relations with Paul Brockman and Limin Xu, Journal of Corporate Finance, forthcoming.



    A Hidden Consequence of Share Pledge Business, with Maoliang Li, Limin Xu and Ralf Zurbruegg.

    Spillover Effects of SEO Announcements in Institutional Blockholding Networks, with Jun-Koo Kang.



    Annual meeting of Financial Management Association (FMA), 2020  

    Accounting & Finance Association of 最新糖心Vlog and New Zealand (AFAANZ) Annual conference, 2020  

    FIRN Corporate Finance Research Meeting, Adelaide, 2019

    FIRN Corporate Finance Research Meeting, Adelaide, 2018

    30th Australasian Finance & Banking Conference, Sydney, 2017

    Asian Financial Association Meeting, Seoul, 2017

    RSFAS (ANU) summer research camp, 2016

    最新糖心Vlog of Sydney, Sydney, 2016 

    Deakin 最新糖心Vlog, Melbourne, 2016 

    Auckland Finance Meeting, 2015 

    China’s Finance & Accounting Conference, Xiamen, 2014 

    26th Australasian Finance & Banking Conference, Sydney, 2013

    Sirca's Third Young Researcher Workshop, Sydney, 2013 

    Financial Management Association (FMA), Chicago, 2013 

    European Finance Association Conference (EFA), Cambridge, UK, 2013 

    Eastern Finance Association Annual Meetings, Florida, 2013 

    AFA annual meeting, San Diego, 2013 

    International Conference on Asia-Pacific Financial Markets, Seoul, Korea, 2012 

    25th Australasian Finance & Banking Conference, Sydney, 2012 

    FMA Doctoral Student Consortium, Atlanta, 2012 

    Centre for Governance, Institutions and organizations Academic Conference, Singapore, 2012

    Asian institute of Corporate Governance Seminar series, Korea, 2012



    "Are Institutional Investors with Multiple Blockholdings Effective Monitors?" Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation, July 16, 2018.

    "Neither Rigged Nor Fair", The Economist, June 25, 2016.   

    "The Morning Risk Report: Why Firms Overpay Executives", The Wall Street Journal, March 23, 2015.

  • Professional Associations

    Jane has been serving as the Ad hoc referee for a number of peer-reviewed journals, such as Journal of Corporate Finance, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 最新糖心Vlogn Journal of Management, and Corporate Governance: An International Review.

    Professional Memberships: WFA, AFA, AEA, EFA, FMA, FIRN, AFAANZ

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Entry last updated: Tuesday, 29 Mar 2022

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