Dr Irene Mart铆n-For茅s

Dr Irene Mart铆n-For茅s
 Position Data Synthesis Officer
 Org Unit Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network
 Email irene.martin@adelaide.edu.au
 Telephone +61 8 8313 8367
 Mobile +61 4 9075 0128
 Location Davies Building ,   Waite
  • Qualifications

    3. Ph.D. in Biological Sciences, Complutense 最新糖心Vlog of Madrid (01/11/2010-09/10/2015). Thesis: SIBECOL "Transcontinental naturalization of herbaceous species in Spanish and Chilean Mediterranean grasslands". Supervisors: Miguel Ángel Casado González and Belén Acosta Gallo.

    2. Advanced Studies Diploma (equivalent to Master): Ecology and Environment. (01/10/2008-02/07/2010). Complutense 最新糖心Vlog of Madrid (conferred October 2010)

    1. Undergraduate: B.Sc. Hons (1st Class) Biological Sciences, specialized in Ecology and Environment. (01/10/2003-25/09/2008). Complutense 最新糖心Vlog of Madrid (conferred on the 25th September 2008).

  • Awards & Achievements


    1. Lecturer Accreditation. Conferred on the 11/09/2019 by the Spanish National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA)

    2. Private 最新糖心Vlog Lecturer Accreditation. Conferred on the 11/09/2019 by the Spanish National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA)

    3. Assistant Professor Accreditation. Conferred on the 25/10/2017 by the Spanish National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA)


    Prizes and Awards

    (2019) Awarded the position 20190621-240 as an Associated professor at the Autonomous 最新糖心Vlog of Madrid.

    (2018) Best oral presentation award at the Neobiota 2018. 10th International Conference on Biological Invasions: New Directions in Invasion Biology. Dun Laoghaire, Dublin, Ireland.

    (2011) Grant for top researcher to live in the emblematic Residencia de Estudiantes de Madrid, Spain. Awarded by the Government of Aragon

    (2010-2014) Formation of 最新糖心Vlog Professorship – Predoctoral grant. Awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science

    (2007-2008) – Grant to collaborate within the 最新糖心Vlog Departments. Awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science

  • Research Funding

    Innovation projects

    (2016-2017) "Innovation-Teaching" project of teaching innovation: Internationalization of educational resources of the subject of Ecology and adaptation to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) Complutense 最新糖心Vlog of Madrid



    13. TERN Surveillance - Ecosystem Research Infrastructure. 最新糖心Vlogn Government’s National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS). 最新糖心Vlog. Postdoctoral researcher

    12. “Climate and habitat condition controls on orchid populations – research outcomes associated with a citizen science program”. 最新糖心Vlogn Orchid Foundation Research Grant (2019-2021). 最新糖心Vlog. Postdoctoral researcher

    11. “Conocimiento científico para avanzar hacia la consecución de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible: una ecología transacional necesaria” REMEDINAL TE (Ref. TE-CM. S2018/EMT-4338, 2019-2023-Comunidad de Madrid). Programa de la Comunidad de Madrid de I+D Grupos de Investigación (2019-2023). Spain. Partner postdoctoral researcher

    10. “Comprendiendo el bosque mediterráneo: avance y sostenibilidad en escenarios de cambio global (COMEDIAS)”. Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (CGL2017-83170-R) (2018-2022). Spain.  Partner postdoctoral researcher

    9. “Descubriendo el potencial del establecimiento del bosque espontáneo para mejorar los servicios y funciones ecosistémicas en paisajes dinámicos” (20163M503) (2016-2019). Spain. Postdoctoral researcher

    8. “Unraveling the potential of spontaneous forest establishment for improving ecosystem functions and services in dynamic landscapes (SPONFOREST)” BiodivERsA COFUND (BiodivERsA3-2015-58). Convocatoria Internacional. (2016-2019). Europe. Postdoctoral researcher

    7. “Remedinal3-CM. Restauración y conservación de los ecosistemas mediterráneos: Respuesta frente al cambio global”. Programa de la Comunidad de Madrid de I+D Grupos de Investigación, Ref. S2013/MAE-2719. (2014-2018). Spain. Postdoctoral researcher

    6. “Adaptive potential in Dodonaea viscosa as a model for plant climate change adaptation”. Thomas Davies Research Fund. (2016-2017). 最新糖心Vlog. Partner postdoctoral researcher

    5. “TREND. Transect for Environmental Monitoring and Decision Making”. South 最新糖心Vlogn Premier’s Science and Research Fund. 最新糖心Vlog. Postdoctoral researcher

    4. “Naturalización transcontinental de especies herbáceas y organización espacio-temporal en pastizales mediterráneos”.  Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Proyecto CGL2009-08718). (2010-2013). Spain. PhD student

    3. “Cultivando salud” FIDA–UNOPS, Programa PLAMSUR. (2007-2008). Argentina. Undergraduate student

    2. “Mujeres y alimentos: implementación de microemprendimientos alimentarios agroecológicos de gestión comunitaria” Proyecto de Cooperación al Desarrollo (2004-2005). Spain and Argentina. Undergraduate student

    1. “Meiosis en angiospermas: cromosomas, genes y proteínas”. Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (Proyecto MCYT BFU2005-02431). (2006-2009). Spain. Undergraduate student

  • Publications


    24. Ovalle, C., … , Martín-Forés, I. (2015) El espinal de la Región Mediterránea de Chile. Colección libros INIA nº 34, 206pp, Chile. ISBN: 978-956-7016-46-4.



    23. Martín-Forés, I. (2017) Exotic Plant Species in the Mediterranean Biome: A Reflection of Cultural and Historical Relationships. In: Fuerst-Bjeliš B (Ed.). Mediterranean Identities - Environment, Society, Culture. InTech Open, 414pp, Croatia. ISBN: 978-953-51-3586-9.


    Software output

    22. Guerin, G., Saleeba, T., Munroe, S., Martín-Forés, I., Blanco-Martin, B., Tokmakoff, A. (2020). ausplotsR: TERN AusPlots analysis package. R package version 1.2.



    21. Guerrieri, R., Correia, M., Martín-Forés, I., Alfaro-Sánchez, R., Pino, J., Hampe, A., Valladares, F, Espelta, JM (2020) Evaluating land-use legacy effects on tree water-use efficiency and nitrogen availability in recently established beech forests. Functional Ecology (Conditionally Accepted)

    20. Acuña-Míguez, B., Valladares, F., Martín-Forés, I. (2020) Both Mature Patches and Expanding Areas of Juniperus thurifera Forests Are Vulnerable to Climate Change But for Different Reasons. Forests (In press)

    19. Hampe, A., Alfaro-Sánchez, R., Martín-Forés, I. (2020) Establishment of second-growth forests in human: landscapes ecological mechanisms and genetic consequences. Annals of Forest Science 77.

    18.Villellas, J., Martín-Forés, I. (co-first author), et al. (2020) Functional distance in Juniperus thurifera expanding forest stands is triggered more strongly by environmental cues than by genetic. Annals of Forest Science 77.

    17. Guerin, G.R., Martín-Forés, I., et al. (2019) Non-native plant richness and abundance alter the growth form spectrum of native grasslands. Applied Vegetation Science 22, 582-592

    16. Valladares, F., Magro, S., Martín-Forés, I. (2019). Anthropocene, the challenge for Homo sapiens to setits own limits. Geographical Research Letters 45, 33-59.

    15. Martín-Forés, I., et al. (2018) Variation in phenology and overall performance traits can help to explain the plant invasion process amongst Mediterranean ecosystems. Neobiota 41, 67-89.

    14. Casado, M.A., Martín-Forés, I., et al. (2018). Asymmetric flows and drivers of herbaceous plant invasion success among Mediterranean-climate regions. Scientific Reports 8, 16834.

    13. Martín-Forés, I., et al. (2018) The invasiveness of Hypochaeris glabra (Asteraceae): Responses in morphological and reproductive traits for exotic populations. PloS one 13, e0198849.

    12. Guerin, G.R., Martín-Forés, I., et al. (2018) The biodiversity impacts of non-native species should not be extrapolated from biased single-species studies. Biodiversity and Conservation 27, 785–790.

    11. Baruch, Z., ... , Martín-Forés, I., et al. (2018) Functional acclimation across microgeographic scales in Dodonaea viscosa. AoB PLANTS 10, ply029.

    10. Martín-Forés, I., et al. (2017) Weed abundance is positively correlated with native plant diversity in grasslands of southern 最新糖心Vlog. PloS one 12, e0178681.

    9. Martín-Forés, I., et al. (2017) Ecotypic differentiation and phenotypic plasticity combine to enhance the invasiveness of the most widespread daisy in Chile, Leontodon saxatilis. Scientific Reports 7, 1546.

    8. De Miguel, J.M., Martín-Forés, I., et al. (2016) Non-random co-occurrence of native and non-native plant species in Mediterranean pastures. Acta Oecologica 77, 18–26.

    7. Martín-Forés, I., et al. (2016) Alien plant species coexist over time with native ones in Chilean Mediterranean grasslands. Journal of Plant Ecology 9, 682–691.

    6. Casado M.A., ... , Martín-Forés, I., et al. (2015) Interactive effects of source and recipient habitats on plant invasions: distribution of exotic species in Chile. Diversity and Distributions 21, 609–619.

    5. Martín-Forés, I., et al. (2015) From Spain to Chile: Environmental filters and success of herbaceous species in Mediterranean-climate regions. Biological Invasions 17, 1425–1438.

    4. Guerin, G.R., Martín-Forés, I., et al. (2014) Global change community ecology beyond species sorting: a quantitative framework based on Mediterranean Biome examples. Global Ecology and Biogeography 23, 1062-1072.

    3. Martín-Forés, I., et al. (2013) Anthropomorphic factors influencing Spanish conservation policies of vertebrates. International Journal of Biodiversity 2013, 9 pp.

    2. Martín-Forés, I., et al. (2012) Flora of the Mediterranean Basin in Chilean spinals: Evidences of a colonization. Pastos 42 - Special issue: Grazing Systems and Biodiversity in Iberoamerica, 137–160.


    Divulgative publications

    1. Martín-López, B., Martín-Forés, I., et al. (2011) La conservación de biodiversidad en España: atención científica, construcción social e interés político. Revista Ecosistemas 20, 104–113.

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Entry last updated: Friday, 26 May 2023

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