Dr Ian Nuberg

Dr Ian Nuberg
 Position Senior Lecturer
 Org Unit Agricultural Science
 Email ian.nuberg@adelaide.edu.au
 Telephone +61 8 8313 0527
 Mobile +61 4 2114 4671
 Location Floor/Room GN ,  Waite ,   Waite
  • Biography/ Background

    Expertise:  I identify myself as a 'generalist' in that I work across a range of disciplines within agriculture and natural resource management. However my focus is primarily agroforestry and then agricultural extension, particularly in the context of developing countries. My work uses both biophysical and social science methods.  I have also published in the areas of tree water use, horticultural plant pathology, bioenergy, tree genetics and climate change.

    History: After studying agricultural science at 最新糖心Vlog of Sydney I spent 2 years tutoring in botany at 最新糖心Vlog of NSW and then a year managing a dairy farm in Gippsland Victoria. This was followed by 5 years at Wollongbar Agricultural Research Centre, NSW Agriculture, working on plant pathology of tropical fruits (particularly avocado) and field crops (particularly maize). After a 3 year journey on bicycle through India (working as volunteer in village agricultural development in Tamil Nadu), Europe and USA, I undertook a PhD with the topic "Appropriate agroforestry interventions for rehabilitating degraded tropical uplands". This involved a year of fieldwork in Sri Lanka and was supported by the Asian Studies Council.  My career at the 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide began in 1994 with lecturing in the B.Agric and B.NRM programs based at Roseworthy Campus and living in Gawler nearby. In 2009 I changed my base to the Waite Campus where, as Deputy Head of School (Learning & Teaching),  I oversaw the merger of the B.Agriculture and B.Science(Agricultural Science) programs to create the new Bachelor of Agricultural Sciences program.  

  • Qualifications

    B.Sc.Agric.(Hons); M.Sc.Agric.(Sydney); PhD(Melbourne)
  • Teaching Interests

    Within the Agriculture program I lead the Level 3 core courses

    • Agricultural Resource Management (3rd year, Semester 2)
    • Professional Skills in Agricultural Science (3rd year, Semester 2)

    and contribute as lecturer and tutor in the Level 1 core courses

    • Agricultural Systems 1A  (1st yr, Semester 1)
    • Agricultural Systems 1B (1st yr, Semester 2

    I also coordinate the within the School of Agriculture, Food and Wine, and contribute to 'Integrated Catchment Management' delivered from the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences.


  • Research Interests

    Currently my main research involvement is in the ACIAR funded project "" although I am still working with data from another two ACIAR projects “” and

    Some media releases on this charcoal work can be found on, this article, or these radio interviews: 

    • .

    Go here to see the full range of current research involvement with postgraduate students.

  • Publications

     Refereed publications in last 5 years.  For up-to-date list see my research profile


    Brown, B, Lewellyn R, & Nuberg I (2018) Why do information gaps persist in African smallholder agriculture? Perspectives from farmers lacking exposure to conservation agriculture. The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, DOI: 10.1080/1389224X.2018.1429283

    Lee, S., Nuberg, I., & Pitchford, W. (2018). Maternal body composition in seedstock herds. 1. Grazing management strategy influences perspectives on optimal balance of production traits and maternal productivity. Animal Production Science, 58(1), 117-124. doi:

    Lee, S., Nuberg, I., & Pitchford, W. (2018). Maternal body composition in seedstock herds. 5. Individual-trait selection direction aligns with breeder perspectives on maternal productivity. Animal Production Science, 58(1), 156-163. doi:

    De Ieso C, Nuberg IK Kravchuk O (2017) Informing Community Forest Management: a retrospective analysis of an old silvicultural trial in Nepal. Small-Scale Forestry. DOI: 10.1007/s11842-017-9383-0

    Nuberg IK, Mitir JA & Robinson B (2017) Short-rotation coppice agroforestry for charcoal small business in Papua New Guinea. 最新糖心Vlogn Forestry Vol. 80 , Iss. 3,2017

    Puri L, Nuberg IK & Ostendorf B (2017) The adequacy of community forest operational plans for estimating fuelwood supply and consumption in Nepal, 最新糖心Vlogn Forestry  doi:

    Cedamon E, Nuberg IK, Shrestha KK (2017) How understanding of rural households’ diversity can inform agroforestry and community forestry programs in Nepal. 最新糖心Vlogn Forestry Vol. 80 , Iss. 3,2017

    Karki, R., Shrestha, K., Ojha, H., Paudel, N., Khatri, D., Nuberg, I., & Adhikary, A. (2017). From Forests to Food Security: Pathways in Nepal’s Community Forestry. Small-scale Forestry, 1-16.

    Brown, B., Nuberg, I., & Llewellyn, R. (2017). Stepwise frameworks for understanding the utilisation of conservation agriculture in Africa. Agricultural Systems, 153(C), 11-22. doi:

    Cedamon, E., Nuberg, I., Pandit, B., & Shrestha, K. (2017). Adaptation factors and futures of agroforestry systems in Nepal. Agroforestry Systems, 1-17. doi:

    Cedamon, E., Nuberg, I., Paudel, G., Basyal, M., Shrestha, K., & Paudel, N. (2017). Rapid silviculture appraisal to characterise stand and determine silviculture priorities of community forests in Nepal. Small-Scale Forestry, 16(2), 195-218. doi:

    Koech, R., Yunusa, I., & Nuberg, I. (2017). Evaluation of drip irrigation systems for water management in orchards. In M. Goyal (Ed.), Performance evaluation of micro irrigation management: Principles and Practices (Vol. 3, pp. 129-150). Canada: Apple Academic Press Inc. Retrieved from

    Brown, B., Llewellyn, R., & Nuberg, I. (2017). Global learnings to inform the local adaptation of conservation agriculture in Eastern and Southern Africa. Global Food Security. doi:

    Dang, H., Li, E., Nuberg, I., & Bruwer, J. (2017). Vulnerability to climate change and the variations in factors affecting farmers’ adaptation: a multi-group structural equation modelling study. Climate and Development, OnlinePubl, 1-11. doi:

    Ojha, H., Shrestha, K., Subedi, Y., Shah, R., Nuberg, I., Heyojoo, B., Cedamon, E., Tamang, S., Paudel, K., Rigg, J., Malla, Y. and McManus, P. (2017), ‘Disenchantment with agrarian civilisation? Agricultural land underutilisation in the hills of Nepal’, Journal of Rural Studies, Vol. 53, pp.156-172.

    Brown, B., Nuberg, I., & Llewellyn, R. (2017). Negative evaluation of conservation agriculture: perspectives from African smallholder farmers. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, Online(4), 1-15. doi:

    Nuberg, I. K., Gunn, B., Tavune, M., Sumareke, A., & Kravchuk, O. (2015). Evaluation of short-rotation coppicing fuelwood production systems for Papua New Guinea. Biomass and Bioenergy, 78, 126-139. doi:

    Nuberg, I. K. (2015). Developing the fuelwood economy of Papua New Guinea. Energy for Sustainable Development, 24, 9-18. doi:

    Azam, G., Grant, C. D., Murray, R. S., Nuberg, I. K., & Misra, R. K. (2014). Comparison of the penetration of primary and lateral roots of pea and different tree seedlings growing in hard soils. Soil Research, 52(1), 87-96. doi:

    Azam, G., Murray, R. S., Grant, C. D., & Nuberg, I. K. (2014). Tolerance of young seedlings of different tree species and a cereal to poor soil aeration. Soil Research, 52(8), 751-759. doi:

    Dang, H. L., Li, E., Nuberg, I., & Bruwer, J. (2014). Understanding farmers' adaptation intention to climate change: a structural equation modelling study in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. Environmental Science and Policy, 41, 11-22. doi:

    Dang, H., Li, E., Nuberg, I., & Bruwer, J. (2014). Farmers' assessments of private adaptive measures to climate change and influential factors: a study in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. Natural Hazards, 71(1), 385-401. doi:

    McDonough, C., Nuberg, I., & Pitchford, W. (2014). Barriers to participatory extension in Egypt: Agricultural workers’ perspectives. Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 21(2), 159-176. doi:

    Dang, L., Li, E., Nuberg, I., & Bruwer, J. (2014). Farmers' perceived risks of climate change and influencing factors: a study in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. Environmental Management, 54(2), 331-345. doi:

    Dang, H., Li, C., Bruwer, J., & Nuberg, I. (2014). Farmers' perceptions of climate variability and barriers to adaptation: lessons learned from an exploratory study in Vietnam. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 19(5), 531-548. doi:

    Nuberg, I. K., & Abiuda-Mitir, J. (2013). Facilitating the establishment of charcoal producer groups in Papua New Guinea. (FR2014-07). Canberra, 最新糖心Vlog. Retrieved from

    Nuberg, I. K., Gunn, B. G., Paul, J., Pumai, J., Kuman, K., & Bun, Y. (2013). Promoting diverse fuelwood production systems in Papua New Guinea. (FR2013-15). Canberra, 最新糖心Vlog. Retrieved from

    Azam, M., Grant, C., Misra, R., Murray, R., & Nuberg, I. (2013). Growth of tree roots in hostile soil: A comparison of root growth pressures of tree seedlings with peas. Plant and Soil, 368(1-2), 569-580.

    Azam, M., Grant, C., Nuberg, I., Murray, R., & Misra, R. (2012). Establishing woody perennials on hostile soils in arid and semi-arid regions - A review. Plant and Soil, 360(1-2), 55-76. doi:

    Millar, M., Byrne, M., Nuberg, I., & Sedgley, M. (2012). High levels of genetic contamination in remnant populations of Acacia saligna from a genetically divergent planted stand. Restoration Ecology, 20(2), 260-267. doi:

    Bandara, N. P. S. N., Nuberg, I. K., Golding, J., & de Costa, W. A. J. M. (2012). Response of Tea Plant to Water Stress under Different Temperature Regimes. In L. S. K. Hettiarachchi, & I. S. B. Abeysingh (Eds.), Proceedings of the Fourth Symposium on Plantation Crop Research - Technological Innovations for Sustainable Plantation Economy (pp. 227-239). Sri Lanka: Thalawakelle : Tea Research Institute of Sri Lanka.


  • Professional Interests

     My other main professional interest can be viewed



    The Media Expertise section shown below is way out of date & I cant edit!

    Perhaps it should best read:  agroforestry, agricultural extension, Papua Guinea, Nepal,

    desk phone contact = +61 8 83130527

    mobile = 0421 144 671






  • Media Expertise

    CategoriesAgriculture & Farming
    ExpertiseOlives and carobs; agroforestry (windbreaks, tree water use, species, alley farming, timber)
    NotesAlt phone: (08) 8303 7958
    After hours(08) 8523 0360

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Entry last updated: Thursday, 12 Jan 2023

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