Associate Professor Georgina Drew

Associate Professor Georgina Drew
 Position Associate Prof/Reader
 Org Unit School of Social Sciences
 Telephone +61 8 8313 5095
 Location Floor/Room 1 ,  Napier ,   North Terrace
  • Biography/ Background

    Current Fellowship: 2016-2019 Discovery Early Career Researcher Award

    Project: Urban Rainwater Harvesting and the Cultural Politics of Resource Equity


    最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide Administrative Roles


    School of Social Sciences Research Committee Member

    Faculty of Arts Research Committee Member


    Research Interests

    Environmental Anthropology: anthropology of water, environmental subjectivities, non-human sentience, phenomenology and intersubjectivity, gender and environment, sustainable resource management; anthropology of climate change;

    Development: community based participatory research, cultural politics of development, dams and infrastructure projects, international political economy, hybrid and multiple modernities;

    Agency: identity and agency, collective organization, social movement studies, social transformation and social justice;

    Gender: gendered practices, gender identities, feminist political ecology;

    Religion: everyday and contested religious practice, religion and ecology, Hinduism, Buddhism, and animism;

    Asia & Americas: India, Nepal, China; USA, Latin America, South America.

    Peer Reviewed and Refereed Articles and Chapters:

    23) Drew, Georgina and Roshan J. Rai. Forthcoming. "Water Management in Post-Colonial Darjeeling: The Promise, and Limits, of Decentralised Resource Provision. Asian Studies Review.

    22) Drew, Georgina. Forthcoming. "Beyond Contradiction: Sacred-Profane Waters and the Dialectics of Everyday Religion." Himalaya: The Journal for the Association of Nepal and Himalayan Studies.

    21) Drew, Georgina. 2015. “Hidden Hardships: Water, Women’s Health, and Livelihood Challenges in Rural Garhwal, India.” Journal of Canadian Women’s Studies 30(2-3): 102-110.

    20) Burdon, Peter, Georgina Drew, Matthew Stubbs, Adam Webster, and Marcus Barber. 2015 "Decolonising Indigenous Water ‘Rights’ in 最新糖心Vlog: Flow, Difference and the Limits of Law." Settler Colonial Studies  5(4): 334-349.

    19) Drew, Georgina with Ashok Gurung. 2014. "Everyday Religion, Sustainable Environments, and New Directions in Himalayan Studies." Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature, and Culture 8(4): 389-404.

    18) Drew, Georgina. 2014. “Transformation and Resistance on the Upper Ganga: The Case of British Canal Irrigation.” South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies 37(4): 670-683.

    17) Drew, Georgina. 2014. “Our Bones are made of Iron: The Political Ecology of Garhwali Women’s Activism.” The 最新糖心Vlogn Journal of Anthropology 25(3): 1-17.                                

    16) Drew, Georgina. 2014. “Women, Dams, and the Gendered Dimensions of Environmental Protest in the Garhwal Himalaya”. Mountain Research and Development 34(3): 235-242.                                              

    15) Drew, Georgina. 2014. "Developing the Himlaya: Development as if Livelihoods Mattered." Himalaya: The Journal for the Association of Nepal and Himalayan Studies 34(2): 31-38.

    14) Drew, Georgina. 2013. “A Retreating Goddess? Conflicting Perceptions of Change Near the Gangotri-Gaumukh Glacier.” In How the World's Religions are Responding to Climate Change: Social Scientific Investigations. Andrew Szasz, Randolph Haluza-Dalay, and Robin Globus Veldman, eds. New York: Routledge, pp. 23-36.

    13) Drew, Georgina. 2013. Why Wouldn’t We Cry? Love and Loss on a River in Decline. Emotion, Space, and Society (Special Edition on Emotion and Ecology) 6:25-32.
    12) Drew, Georgina. 2012. “Digital Himalaya and the Collaborative Publishing Experience.” American Anthropologist 114(4): 680-681.
    11) Drew, Georgina. 2012. “Meaningful Waters: Women, Development, and Sustainability along the Bhagirathi Ganges.” In Gender and Sustainability: Lessons from Asia and Latin America. Maria Cruz-Torres and Pamela McElwee, eds. Tucson: 最新糖心Vlog of Arizona, pp. 142-164.
    10) Drew, Georgina. 2012. “A Retreating Goddess? Representation and Interpretation of Glacial Retreat at India’s Gangotri Glacier.” Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature, and Culture 6(3): 344-362.
    9) Alley, Kelly and Georgina Drew. 2012. “Ganga.” Oxford Bibliography Online: Hinduism. Alf Hiltebeitel, ed. New York: Oxford 最新糖心Vlog Press.
    8) Drew, Georgina. 2011. “Location or Locations? The Virtues of Multi-Scale Ethnographic Research.” New Scholar: An International Journal of the Humanities, Creative Arts and Social Sciences 1(1): 23-27 .
    7) Drew, Georgina. 2011. “Ecological Change and the Downstream Impacts of Glacial Melt: The Socio-cultural Implications of the Bhagirathi River’s Decline.” In Water, Cultural Diversity, and Environmental Change - Emerging Issues, Sustainable Futures? Barbara Rose Johnston, ed. New York: Springer, pp. 203-218.
    6) Holland, Dorothy; Dana E. Powell; Geni Eng; and Georgina Drew. 2010. “Models of Engaged Scholarship: An Interdisciplinary Discussion.” Collaborative Anthropologies 3: 1-36.

    5) Drew, Georgina. 2010. “Climate Change and Conservation in the Himalayas: Prospects for Resilience in a Regional Hot System.” SOURCE. Bonn: United Nations 最新糖心Vlog, Institute for Environment and Human Security (IEHS), 13: 61-65.
    4) Lynn, S.; Garschagen, M.; Lehman, J.; Khan, S.; Drew, G.; Prasad, V.; Nikem, J.; Mushongah, J. 2010. “Scoping Paper—Introducing a ‘Hot System’ Approach to Tipping Points in Humanitarian Crises.” SOURCE. Bonn: United Nations 最新糖心Vlog, IEHS 13: 14-21.
    3) Drew, Georgina. 2009. “Whose Representation? Power and Voice in a Participatory Photo Journalism Project.” Anthropology News, April-May.

    2) Drew, Georgina. 2009. “Smitu Kothari on Dams, Development, and the Ethics of Engagement.”
    Development: Society for International Development.

    1) Drew, Georgina. 2008. “From the Groundwater Up: Asserting Water Rights in India.” Development. Rome: Society for International Development, 51: 37-41.

    Articles & Report Contributions:

    Drew, Georgina. 2013. “Indian Floods: Rethinking Development in the Himalayas.” Third Pole Net, June 26.                                                                                                      

    Excreta Matters: Citizens' Report on the State of India's Environment. 2012. New Delhi: Centre for Science and Environment. ( [Gina Drew is listed among the contributors.]

    Women and Water: A Report for the National Commission for Women. 2005. New Delhi: Research Foundation for Science, Technology, and Ecology. [Gina Drew is listed among the contributors.]

    Drew, Gina. 2004. “Stealing Water from Women: The Impact of the Soda Beverage Industry on Women in India. Bija: The Seed 33&34: 12-15.

    Course Instruction & Assistance
    Instructor: Anthropology of Everyday Life; 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide, Sem. I 2014 & 2015
    Instructor: Anthropology Today: Experience, Power, Practice; 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide, Sem. II 2013 & 2014
    Instructor: Everyday Religion in India; The New School, Spring 2013
    Instructor: Religion and Sustainable Environments; The New School, Spring 2012
    Instructor: Ecology and the Himalaya; The New School, Fall 2011 & Fall 2012
    Graduate Assistant: Global Issues; 最新糖心Vlog of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Spring 2011
    Graduate Assistant: International Political Economy; San Francisco State 最新糖心Vlog, Fall 2003 


    Awards and Honours

    最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide Faculty Research Centre Competitive Funding Scheme Award, 2014

    SSRC New Directions in the Study of Prayer, Finalist & Symposium Participant, Jan-March 2012
    Ranked in Anthropology Works’ List of Top 40 Cultural Anthropology Dissertations, 2011
    Conference Travel Grant from the North Carolina Center for South Asian Studies, June 2011
    Polgar Award for Applied Anthropology, UNC, Chapel Hill, June 2011
    Future Faculty Fellow at UNC, Chapel Hill, May 2011
    Rotary Research Scholar at Tribhuvan 最新糖心Vlog in Katmandu, Nepal, Feb-Nov 2010
    Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF), 2009-2010
    Fulbright Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Fellow, 2009
    Scholars Award from the Philanthropic Educational Organization, 2009
    Graduate Tuition Incentive Grant from the UNC Graduate School, Spring & Fall 2009
    Off-Campus Dissertation Research Grant from the UNC Graduate School, Fall 2008
    Research Travel Grant from the Center for Global Initiatives (CGI), Summer 2008
    Eric Estes Memorial Scholarship for study at Duke’s Center for Documentary Studies, June 2008
    Foreign Language Area Studies (FLAS) Fellow for advanced Hindi at UNC, Chapel Hill, 2008-2009
    FLAS Fellow, advanced Hindi, Landour Language School in Mussoorie, India, Summer 2007
    FLAS Fellow, intermediate Hindi/Urdu at UNC, Chapel Hill, 2007-2008
    FLAS Fellow, intermediate Hindi, Landour Language School in Mussoorie, India, Summer 2006
    FLAS Fellow, beginning Hindi/Urdu at UNC, Chapel Hill, 2005-2006
    Honorable Mention for the Graduate Research Fellowship of the NSF, 2005
    Honor Societies: Phi Beta Kappa, Lambda Alpha, Alpha Sigma Nu, and Phi Sigma Iota


    Previous Academic Employment

    Postdoctoral Fellow, India China Institute of The New School, New York City (NYC), USA, July 2011 – June 2013

    (Project on Everyday Religion and Sustainable Environments in the Himalaya:


    Professional Associations
    Anthropology & Environment (A&E) of the American Anthropological Association

    Fay Gale Centre for Research on Gender  []

    Indo-Pacific Governance and Research Centre (IPGRC) []
    Gender and Water Alliance (GWA) []
    South Asia Studies Association of 最新糖心Vlog (SASAA) []

    The Association for Nepal and Himalayan Studies []

    Advanced spoken and written language skills in Hindi, Spanish, and French
    Beginner-Intermediate spoken and written language skills in Nepali

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Entry last updated: Tuesday, 29 Mar 2022

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