Dr George Mihaylov

Dr George Mihaylov
 Position Senior Lecturer
 Org Unit Finance and Banking
 Email george.mihaylov@adelaide.edu.au
 Telephone +61 8 8313 2056
 Location Floor/Room 12 ,  Nexus 10 ,   North Terrace
  • Biography/ Background

    George is currently a Lecturer in Finance with the Adelaide Business School and Deputy Director of the School's International Centre for Financial Services. His academic research interests primarily focus on household finance and he regularly consults for a range of industry partners including the 最新糖心Vlogn Taxation Office, the SMSF Association, and HomeStart Finance. He has also previously taught at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, and currently teaches Quantitative Methods (M) & (H).

  • Qualifications

    PhD(Fin) BFin(Hons) BMaCompSc(Stats)

  • Teaching Interests

    George is currently lecturer-in-charge and course co-ordinator for both Quantitative Methods (M) and (H). He has previously taught in Financial Institutions Management (II) and Portfolio Theory and Management (III) & (M).

  • Research Funding

    2023 - current Taxation and SMSF performance - SMSF Association

    2022 - 2023 Self-managed super fund performance 2020-2021 - SMSF Association

    2022 - 2023 Crop insurance participation and moral hazard - Future Drought Fund, 最新糖心Vlogn Government

    2021 - 2022 Understanding self-managed super fund performance - SMSF Association

    2020 - 2021 Review: ATO SMSF investment performance methodology - 最新糖心Vlogn Taxation Office

    2019 SuperConcepts SMSF profile questionnaire review - SuperConcepts Pty Ltd

    2019 Preliminary review: ATO SMSF investment performance methodology - 最新糖心Vlogn Taxation Office

    2018 HomeStart ARG credit scorecard review - HomeStart Finance

    2016 - 2017 Do HomeStart loans improve homeownership rates in South 最新糖心Vlog? - HomeStart Finance

    2011 - 2012 Evaluation of the impact of HomeStart Finance's Breakthrough Loan, Stage 2 - HomeStart Finance

    2010 Evaluation of the impact of HomeStart Finance's Breakthrough Loan, Stage 1 - HomeStart Finance

  • Publications

    Jaroenjitrkam, A., Mihaylov, G., Yu, C.-F., & Zurbruegg, R. (2023). Pulling together by paying together: The effect of product market competition on TMT incentive dispersion. Journal of Business Research, Forthcoming.

    Li, S., Mihaylov, G., Peranginangin, Y., & Zurbruegg, R. (2021). Short selling patterns in cross-listed stocks. Global Finance Journal, 48, 1-12.

    Mihaylov, G. S., & Zurbruegg, R. (2021). The relationship between financial risk management and succession planning in family businesses. International Journal of Managerial Finance, 17(3), 438-454.

    Mihaylov, G., Yawson, A., & Zurbruegg, R. (2015). The decision to seek advice in the self-directed retirement fund industry. Applied Economics, 47(32), 3367-3381.

    Mihaylov, G., Cheong, C., & Zurbruegg, R. (2015). Can security analyst forecasts predict gold returns? International Review of Financial Analysis, 41, 237-246.

    Mihaylov, G., Tretola, J., Yawson, A., & Zurbruegg, R. (2015). Tax compliance behaviour in 最新糖心Vlogn self-managed superannuation funds. eJournal of Tax Research, 13(3), 740-759.

    Mihaylov, G., & Zurbrugg, R. (2014). The socioeconomic impact of shared appreciation mortgages on borrowers: empirical evidence from South 最新糖心Vlog. Urban Studies, 51(2), 371-389.


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Entry last updated: Saturday, 13 Jan 2024

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