Professor Darren Trott

Professor Darren Trott
 Position Professor
 Org Unit School of Animal and Veterinary Science
 Telephone +61 8 8313 7989
 Location Floor/Room G ,  Leske ,   Roseworthy
  • Biography/ Background

    I completed my veterinary degree at Murdoch 最新糖心Vlog and worked in small animal practice for eight years. Following an honours project on Listeria monocytogenes I became interested in the ecology of infectious diseases and completed a PhD with Prof David Hampson on intestinal spirochaetes (awarded in 1998). After completing a three year post-doc at the National Animal Disease Center in Ames, Iowa, USA, I accepted a lectureship at The 最新糖心Vlog of Queensland (UQ) School of Veterinary Science in 2000. I taught veterinary microbiology and antimicrobial chemotherapy to veterinary undergraduates at UQ for 10 years and conducted research on gastrointestinal diseases, microbial ecology and virulence/antimicrobial resistance in companion animal, livestock and human bacterial pathogens. I joined The 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences in January 2010 and my research areas have expanded to also include antimicrobial resistance ecology, repurposing existing drug classes for development as new anti-infectives, including pre-clinical assessment in murine bioluminescent models of infection, and the effect of antimicrobials on the gut microbiome.

    I recently established and am the inaugural Director of a new Research Centre at The 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide, the 最新糖心Vlogn Centre for Antimicrobial Resistance Ecology. I work closely with 最新糖心Vlog's major animal industries (both livestock and companion animal) in the areas of prudent antimicrobial use, antimicrobial stewardship and confirming/ensuring that rates of resistance in animal pathogens, zoonotic and commensal bacteria remain low by international standards.

  • Qualifications

    BSc (Hon) (1991)

    BVMS (Hon) (1990)

    PhD (1998)

  • Teaching Interests

    I have been a teaching and research academic for the last 19 years. At the 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide, I teach undergraduate and postgraduate veterinary science students in the following areas:

    1) Veterinary introductory and systematic bacteriology and mycology (VetBiol III-Veterinary Immunology and Infectious Diseases).

    2) Antimicrobial chemotherapy, antimicrobial stewardship and prudent use guidelines, infection control and mitigation of resistance (DVMIII-Public Health Rotation).

    3) Veterinary diagnostic microbiology (DVMIII-Veterinary Pathology and Diagnostic Service Rotation).

    I am also Course Co-ordinator for the DVM-I Clinical Research Project.


  • Research Interests

    1) Antimicrobial resistance and virulence in zooanthroponotic bacterial pathogens (extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli, Salmonella, MRSA and MRSP).

    2) Preclinical development of repurposed drugs as novel antimicrobial agents for superbug infections including early stage testing in bioluminescent mouse models of infection.

    3) Infectious diseases and gastrointestinal microbial ecology in iconic 最新糖心Vlogn wildlife and other exotic animals (e.g. retrovirus/chlamydia infection in koalas, lumpy jaw in macropods)

    4) Effect of antimicrobials on the gut microbiome

    5) Contract research for pharmaceutical companies (antimicrobial susceptibility testing for APVMA registration of new drugs , characterization of new antimicrobial agents, animal models of bacterial disease)

  • Publications

    1. Litster, A, Moss, SM, Honnery, M, Rees, R and DJ Trott (2007) Prevalence of bacterial species in cats with clinical signs of lower urinary tract disease: Recognition of Staphylococcus felis as a possible feline urinary tract pathogen.  Vet. Microbiol. 121, 182-8.
    2. Wu X-Y, Chapman TA, Trott DJ, Bettelheim KA, Do TN, Driesen S, Walker MJ and JC Chin (2007) Comparative analysis of virulence genes, genetic diversity and phylogeny between commensal and enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli from weaned pigs. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 73, 83-91.
    3. Sidjabat, HE, Hanson ND, Smith-Molland, E, Bell, J, Gibson, J, Filippich, L and DJ Trott (2007) Identification of plasmid mediated ESBL and AmpC β-lactamases and other associated resistance genes in Enterobacter cloacae isolated from dogs. J. Med. Microbiol. 56, 426-434.
    4. Milinovich, GJ, Trott, DJ, Burrell, PC, Croser, EM, Al Jassim, RAM, Morton, JM, van Eps, AN and CC Pollitt (2007) Fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis of hindgut bacteria associated with the development of equine laminitis. Environ. Microbiol. 9, 2090-2100.
    5. Litster, A, Moss, SM, Honnery, M, Rees, B Edingloh, M and DJ Trott (2007) Clinical efficacy and palatability of pradofloxacin 2.5% oral suspension for the treatment of bacterial lower urinary tract infections in cats. J. Vet. Intern. Med. 21, 990-995.
    6. Mizuno, T, Ploeg R and DJ Trott (2007) A new concept to stimulate mucosal as well as systemic immunity by parenteral vaccination as applied to the development of a live attenuated Salmonella enterica serovar Dublin vaccine Vet. Res. 38, 773-794.
    7. Trott, DJ, Moss, SM, See, A and RA Rees (2007) Evaluation of disc diffusion and MIC testing for determining susceptibility of Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates to topical enrofloxacin/silver sulfadiazine. Aust. Vet. J. 85, 464-466.
    8. Milinovich, GJ, Burrell, PC, Pollitt, CC and Trott, DJ (2008) Streptococcus henryi sp. nov. and Streptococcus cabalis sp. nov.: Two novel streptococci isolated from horses with oligofructose induced laminitis. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 58, 262-268.
    9. Mizuno, T, McLennan, M and DJ Trott (2008) Intramuscular vaccination of young calves with a Salmonella Dublin metabolic-drift mutant provides superior protection to oral delivery. Vet. Res. 39, 26.
    10. Mikkelsen, D, Milinovich, G, Burrell, P, Huynh S, Pettett, L, Blackall, LL, Trott, DJ and PS Bird (2008) Phylogenetic analysis of Porphyromonas species isolated from the oral cavity of 最新糖心Vlogn marsupials. Environ. Microbiol. 10, 2425-2432.
    11. Symonds, EP, Trott, DJ, Bird, PS and P Mills (2008) Growth characteristics and enzyme activity in Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis isolates. Mycologia 116, 143-147.
    12. Gibson, JS, Morton, JM, Cobbold, RN, Sidjabat, HE, Filippich LJ and DJ Trott (2008) Multidrug-resistant E. coli and Enterobacter extraintestinal infection in thirty-seven dogs. J. Vet. Int. Med. 22, 844-850.
    13. Tree, JJ, Ulett, GC, Ong, CY, Trott, DJ, McEwan, AG and MA Schembri (2008) Trade-off between iron uptake and protection against oxidative stress: deletion of cueO promotes UPEC virulence in a mouse model of urinary tract infection. J. Bacteriol. 190, 6909-6912.
    14. Milinovich, GJ, Burrell, PC, Pollitt, CC, Klieve, AV, Blackall, LL, Ouwerkerk, D, Woodland, E and DJ Trott (2008)  Microbial ecology of the equine hindgut during oligofructose-induced laminitis. ISME J. 2, 1089-1100.
    15. Litster AL, Moss SM and DJ Trott (2008) Urinary tract infection in cats. J. Small Anim. Pract. 49, 548.
    16. Litster, AL, Moss, SM, Platell, J and DJ Trott (2009) Occult bacterial lower urinary tract infections in cats – urinalysis and culture findings. Vet. Microbiol. 136, 130-134.
    17. Sidjabat HE, Chin JJ-C, Chapman, T, Wu, K, Ong, CY, Ulett, GC, Schembri, MA, Johnson, JR and DJ Trott (2009) Colonisation dynamics and virulence of two clonal groups of multidrug-resistant Escherichia coli isolated from dogs. Microb. Infect. 11, 100-107.
    18. Jordan, D, Chin JJ-C, Fahy, VA, Barton, MD, Smith MG and DJ Trott (2009) Antimicrobial use in the 最新糖心Vlogn pig industry - results of a national survey. Aust. Vet. J. 87, 222-229.
    19. Gibson JS, Cobbold RN, Heisig P, Sidjabat HE, Kyaw-Tanner MT and DJ Trott (2010) Identification of Qnr and AAC(6')-1b-cr plasmid-mediated fluoroquinolone resistance determinants in multidrug-resistant Enterobacter spp. isolated from extraintestinal infections in companion animals. Vet. Microbiol., 143, 329-336.
    20. Smith MG, Jordan D, Chapman TA, Chin JJ, Barton MD, Do TN, Fahy VA, Fairbrother JM and DJ Trott (2010) Antimicrobial resistance and virulence gene profiles in multi-drug resistant enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli isolated from pigs with post-weaning diarrhoea. Vet. Microbiol. 145, 299-307. [IF 3.256].
    21. Gibson JS, Cobbold RN and DJ Trott (2010) Characterization of multidrug-resistant Escherichia coli isolated from extraintestinal clinical infections in animals. J. Med. Microbiol. 59, 592-598.
    22. Milinovich GJ, Klieve AV, Pollitt CC and DJ Trott (2010) Microbial events in the hindgut during carbohydrate-induced equine laminitis. Vet. Clin. North Am. Equine Pract., 26, 79-94.
    23. Platell JL, Cobbold RN, Johnson JR and DJ Trott (2010) Clonal group distribution of fluoroquinolone-resistant Escherichia coli among humans and companion animals in 最新糖心Vlog. J. Antimicrob. Chemother. 65, 1936-1938.
    24. Gibson JS, Morton JM, Cobbold RN, Filippich LJ and DJ Trott (2011) Risk factors for multidrug-resistant Escherichia coli rectal colonization of dogs on admission to a veterinary hospital. Epidemiol. Infect. 139, 197-205
    25. Gibson JS, Cobbold RN, Kyaw-Tanner MT, Heisig P and DJ Trott (2011) Fluoroquinolone resistance mechanisms in multidrug-resistant Escherichia coli isolated from extraintestinal infections in dogs. Vet. Microbiol. 146, 161-6.
    26. Thompson MF, Totsika M, Schembri MA, Mills PC, Seton EJ and DJ Trott (2011) Experimental colonization of the canine urinary tract with the asymptomatic bacteriuria Escherichia coli strain 83972. Vet. Microbiol. 147, 205-8. 
    27. Gibson JS, Morton JM, Cobbold RN, Filippich LJ and DJ Trott (2011) Risk factors for dogs becoming rectal carriers of multidrug-resistant Escherichia coli during hospitalization Epidemiol. Infect. 139, 1511-21
    28. Litster AL, Thompson MF, Moss SM and DJ Trott (2011) Feline bacterial urinary tract infections: An update on an evolving clinical problem. Vet J. 187, 18-22.
    29. Thompson, MF, Litster, AL, Platell, JL and DJ Trott (2011) Canine bacterial urinary tract infections: New developments in old pathogens. Vet. J. 190, 22-7
    30. Jordan D, Simon J, Fury S, Moss S, Giffard P, Maiwald M, Southwell P, Barton MD, Axon JE, Morris SG and DJ Trott (2011) Carriage of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus by veterinarians in 最新糖心Vlog. Aust. Vet. J. 89, 152-9.
    31. Platell JL, Johnson JR, Cobbold RN and DJ Trott (2011) Multidrug-resistant pathogenic Escherichia coli of sequence type ST131 in animals and food. Vet. Microbiol. 153, 99-108.
    32. Govendir M, Norris JM, Hansen, T, Wigney, DI, Muscatello, G, Trott, DJ and R Malik (2011) Susceptibility of rapidly growing Mycobacteria and Nocardia isolates from cats and dogs to pradofloxacin. Vet. Microbiol. 153, 240-245.
    33. Platell, JL, Cobbold, RN, Johnson, JR, Heisig, A, Heisig, P, Clabots, C, Kuskowski, MA and DJ Trott (2011) Commonality among fluoroquinolone-resistant sequence type ST131 extraintestinal Escherichia coli isolates from humans and companion animals in 最新糖心Vlog. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 55, 3782-3787.
    34. Bateman, FL, Moss, SM, Trott, DJ and MA Shipstone (2012) Biological efficacy and stability of diluted ticarcillin-clavulanic acid in the topical treatment of Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections. Vet. Dermatol. 23, 97-102.
    35. Platell, JL, Cobbold, RN, Johnson, JR, Clabots, CR and DJ Trott (2012) Fluoroquinolone-resistant extraintestinal Escherichia coli clinical isolates representing the O15:K52:H1 clonal group from humans and dogs in 最新糖心Vlog. Comp. Immunol. Microbiol. Infect. Dis. 35, 319-24.
    36. Johnson, JR, Nicolas-Chanoine, MH, DebRoy, C, Castanheira, M, Robicsek, A, Hansen, G, Weissman, S, Urban, C, Platell, J, Trott, D, Zhanel, G, Clabots, C, Johnston, BD and MA Kuskowski (2012) Comparison of Escherichia coli ST131 pulsotypes by epidemiologic traits, 1967-2009. Emerg. Infect. Dis. 18, 598-607.
    37. Thompson, MF, Schembri, MA, Mills, PC and DJ Trott (2012) A modified three-dose protocol for colonization of the canine urinary tract with the asymptomatic bacteriuria Escherichia coli strain 83972. Vet. Microbiol.158, 446-50.
    38. Platell, JL, Trott, DJ, Johnson, JR, Heisig, P, Heisig, A, Clabots, CR, Johnston, B and RN Cobbold (2012) Prominence of an O75 clonal group (clonal complex 14) among non-ST131 fluoroquinolone-resistant Escherichia coli causing extraintestinal infections in humans and dogs in 最新糖心Vlog. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 56, 3898-904.
    39. Eigland, KA, Lanyon, JM, Trott, DJ, Ouwerkerk, D, Blanshard, W, Milinovich, GJ, Gulino, L-M, Martinez, E, Merson, S and AV Klieve (2012) Bacterial community structure in the hindgut of wild and captive dugongs, Dugong dugon. Aquatic Mammals. 38, 402-411.
    40. Johnson, JR, Tchesnokova, V, Johnston, B, Clabots, C, Roberts, PL, Billig, M, Riddell, K, Rogers, P, Qin, X, Butler-Wu, S, Price, LB, Aziz, M, Nicolas-Chanoine, MH, DebRoy, C, Robicsek, A, Hansen, G, Urban, C, Platell, J, Trott, D, Zhanel, G, Weissman, SJ, Cookson, BT,  Fang, FC, Limaye, A,  Scholes, D, Chattopadhyay, S, Hooper, DC and EV Sokurenko (2013) Abrupt emergence of a single dominant multi-drug-resistant strain of Escherichia coli. J. Infect. Dis. 207, 919-28.
    41. Trott, DJ (2013) β-lactam resistance in Gram-negative pathogens isolated from animals. Curr. Pharm. Des. 19, 239-249.
    42. Guo, S, Brouwers, H, Cobbold RN, Platell JL, Chapman, TA, Barrs, VR, Johnson JR and DJ Trott (2013) Fluoroquinolone-resistant extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli, including O25b-ST131, isolated from faeces of hospitalized dogs in an 最新糖心Vlogn veterinary referral centre. J. Antimicrob. Chemother. 68, 1025-31.   
    43. Feary, DJ, Abraham, Woolford, SL and DJ Trott (2013) Identification of Actinomyces denticolens as a cause of a soft tissue abscess in a horse. Aust. Vet. J. 91, 416-417.
    44. Trott D, Jordan D, Barton, M, Abraham, S and M Groves (2013) Vets vs pets: methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in 最新糖心Vlogn animals and their doctors. 最新糖心Vlogn Microbiologist 34: 28-31.
    45. Abraham, S, Groves, MD, Trott, DJ, Chapman, TA, Turner, B, Hornitzky, M and D Jordan (2014) Salmonella enterica isolated from infections in 最新糖心Vlogn livestock remain susceptible to high importance antimicrobial agents. Int. J. Antimicrob. Agents 43: 126-30.
    46. Abraham S, Wong HS, Turnidge J, Johnson JR and DJ Trott (2014). Carbapenemase-producing bacteria in companion animals: a public health concern on the horizon. J. Antimicrob. Chemother. 69: 1155-7.
    47. Groves, MD, O’Sullivan, MVN, Chapman, TA, Brouwers, HJM, Abraham, S, Trott, DJ, Al Jassim, R, Coombs, GW,  Skov, RL and D Jordan (2014) Staphylococcus aureus ST398 detected in pigs in 最新糖心Vlog. J. Antimicrob. Chemother. 69: 1426-8.
    48. Siak, M, Burrows AK, Coombs, GW, Khazandi, M, Abraham, S, Norris, JM, Weese, JS and DJ Trott (2014) Characterization of meticillin-resistant and meticillin-susceptible isolates of Staphylococcus pseudintermedius from cases of canine pyoderma in 最新糖心Vlog. J. Med. Microbiol. 63: 1228-33.
    49. Abraham S, Trott, DJ, Jordan, D, Gordon, DM, Groves, MD, Fairbrother, JM, Smith MG, Zhang R and TA Chapman (2014). Phylogenetic and molecular insights into the evolution of multidrug-resistant porcine enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli in 最新糖心Vlog. Int. J. Antimicrob. Agents. 44: 105-11.
    50. Smith M, Do TN, Gibson J.S.  Jordan D, Cobbold RN and DJ Trott (2014) Comparison of antimicrobial resistance phenotypes and genotypes in enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli isolated from 最新糖心Vlogn and Vietnamese pigs. J. Glob. Antimicrob. Resist. 2: 162-7.
    51. Khazandi M, Bird PS, Owens J, Wilson G, Meyer JN and DJ Trott (2014). In vitro efficacy of cefovecin against anaerobic bacteria isolated from subgingival plaque of dogs and cats with periodontal disease. Anaerobe. 28: 104-8.
    52. Guo S, Wakeham D, Brouwers HJ, Cobbold RN, Abraham S, Mollinger JL, Johnson JR, Chapman TA, Gordon DM, Barrs VR and DJ Trott (2015). Human-associated fluoroquinolone-resistant Escherichia coli clonal lineages, including ST354, isolated from canine feces and extraintestinal infections in 最新糖心Vlog. Microbes Infect. 17: 266-74.
    53. Nugroho W, Cargill CF, Putra IM, Kirkwood RN, Trott DJ, Salasia SI, Reichel MP (2015) Traditional pig farming practices and productivity in the Jayawijaya region, Papua Province, Indonesia. Trop. Anim. Health. Prod. 47: 495-502.
    54. Bird PS, Boardman WSJ, Trott DJ and LL Blackall (2015) Marsupial oral cavity microbiome. Microbiology 最新糖心Vlog .
    55. Wang, W, Song, Y, Petrovski, K, Eats, P, Trott, DJ, X Wong, H-S, Page, S,  Perry, J and S Garg (2015) Development of intramammary delivery systems containing lasalocid for the treatment of bovine mastitis: impact of solubility improvement on safety, efficacy and milk distribution in dairy cattle. J. Drug Des. Devel. Therap. 9: 631-42.
    56. Blyton MDJ, Pi H, Vangchhia B, Abraham S, Trott, DJ, Johnson, JR, Gordon D (2015) The genetic structure and antimicrobial resistance of Escherichia coli and cryptic clades in birds with diverse human associations. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 81: 5123-33.
    57. Duffield R, Wong H-S, Trott DJ, and PB Hill (2015) Survival of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in modified Romanowsky staining solutions. Vet. Dermatol. 26: 223-e48.
    58. Khazandi Khazandi M, Eats P, Trott DJ,  Ebrahimie E, Perry J, Hickey E, Page S, Garg S and KR Petrovski (2015) Development of an improved Streptococcus uberis experimental mastitis challenge model using different doses and strains in lactating dairy cows. J Dairy Res. 82: 470–477.
    59. Nugroho, W, Cargill, CF, Putra, IM, Kirkwood, RN, Trott, DJ, Oktavia Salasia, SIO, Slipranata, M and MP Reichel (2015) Investigations of selected pathogens among village pigs in Central Papua, Indonesia. Trop Anim Health Prod. 48: 29-36.
    60. Abraham S, Jordan D, Wong HS,  Johnson JR, Toleman, MA, Wakeham DL, Gordon, DM, Turnidge JD, Mollinger JL, Gibson  JS and DJ Trott (2015) First detection of extended-spectrum cephalosporin and fluoroquinolone-resistant Escherichia coli in 最新糖心Vlogn food-producing animals. J Glob Antimicrob Resist. 3: 273-277.
    61. Groves, MD, Crouch B, Coombs GW, Jordan D, Pang, S, Barton MD, Giffard P, Abraham S and DJ Trott (2016) Molecular epidemiology of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus isolated from 最新糖心Vlogn veterinarians. PloS One. 11: e0146034.
    62. Smith MG, Jordan D, Gibson JS, Cobbold RN, Chapman TA, Abraham S, Chin JJ-C and DJ Trott (2016) Phenotypic and genotypic profiling of antimicrobial resistance in enteric Escherichia coli communities isolated from finisher pigs in 最新糖心Vlog. Aust Vet J. 94: 371-6.
    63. Abraham RJ, Stevens AJ, Young KA, Russell C, Qvist A, Khazandi M, Wong HS, Abraham S, Ogunniyi AD, Page SW, O'Handley R, McCluskey A and DJ Trott (2016) Robenidine analogues as Gram-positive antibacterial agents. J Medicin Chem. 59: 2126-38.
    64. Bird PS, Trott DJ, Mikkelsen D, Milinovich, GJ, Hillman KM, Burrell PC  and LL Blackall (2016) Porphyromonas loveana sp. nov. a novel Porphyromonas species isolated from the oral cavity of 最新糖心Vlogn marsupials. Int J System Evol Microbiol. 66: 3771-3778.
    65. Worthing KA, Coombs GW, Pang S, Abraham S, Saputra S, Trott DJ, Jordan D, Wong HS, Abraham RJ, Norris JM (2016) Isolation of mecC MRSA in 最新糖心Vlog. J Antimicrob Chemother. 71: 2348-9.
    66. Jahanbakhsh S, Smith MG, Kohan-Ghadr HR, Letellier A, Abraham S, Trott DJ, Fairbrother JM (2016) Dynamics of extended-spectrum cephalosporin resistance in pathogenic Escherichia coli isolated from diseased pigs in Quebec, Canada. Int J Antimicrob Agents. 48: 194-202.
    67. Vangchhia B, Abraham S, Bell JM, Collignon P, Gibson JS, Ingram PR, Johnson JR, Kennedy K, Trott DJ, Turnidge JD, Gordon DM (2016) Phylogenetic diversity, antimicrobial susceptibility and virulence characteristics of phylogroup F Escherichia coli in 最新糖心Vlog. Microbiology. 162: 1904-1912.
    68. Smith MG, Jordan D, Gibson JS, Cobbold RN, Chapman TA, Abraham S, Trott DJ (2016) Phenotypic and genotypic profiling of antimicrobial resistance in enteric Escherichia coli communities isolated from finisher pigs in 最新糖心Vlog. Aust Vet J. 94: 371-6.
    69. Abraham S, O'Dea M, Trott DJ, Abraham RJ, Hughes D, Pang S, McKew G, Cheong EY, Merlino J, Saputra S, Malik R, Gottlieb T (2016) Isolation and plasmid characterization of carbapenemase (IMP-4) producing Salmonella enterica Typhimurium from cats. Sci Rep. 6: 35527.
    70. Garg S, Wang W, Song Y, Eats P, Trott DJ, Page SW, Petrovski K (2017). Development of intramammary drug delivery systems: novel in-vitro release method. J Pharm Sci. 106: 866-871.
    71. Knight, EV, Trott, DJ, Page, SW, Garg, S, Zhang, Q, Song, Y, Ebrahimie, E, Mills, PC and MA Shipstone (2017) In vitro comparison of the dermal penetration of three different topical formulations containing lasalocid. Vet Dermatol. 28: 342-e74.
    72. Saputra S, Jordan D, Worthing KA, Norris JM, Wong HS, Abraham R, Trott DJ, Abraham S (2017) Antimicrobial resistance in coagulase-positive staphylococci isolated from companion animals in 最新糖心Vlog: A one year study. PLoS One. 12: e0176379.
    73. Misan A, Chan WY, Trott D, Hill PB (2017) Survival of Staphylococcus pseudintermedius in modified Romanowsky staining solutions. Vet Dermatol. 28: 333-e71.
    74. Sparham SJ, Kwong JC, Valcanis M, Easton M, Trott DJ, Seemann T, Stinear TP, Howden BP (2017). Emergence of multidrug resistance in locally-acquired human infections with Salmonella Typhimurium in 最新糖心Vlog owing to a new clade harbouring blaCTX-M-9. Int J Antimicrob Agents. 50: 101-105.
    75. Hardefeldt LY, Holloway S, Trott DJ, Shipstone M, Barrs VR, Malik R, Burrows M, Armstrong S, Browning GF, Stevenson M (2017) Antimicrobial prescribing in dogs and cats in 最新糖心Vlog: Results of the Australasian Infectious Disease Advisory Panel Survey. J Vet Intern Med. 31: 1100-1107.
    76. Khazandi M, Deo P, Ferro S, Venter H, Pi H, Crabb S, Amorico T, Ogunniyi AD, Trott DJ (2017) Efficacy evaluation of a new water sanitizer for increasing the shelf life of Southern 最新糖心Vlogn King George Whiting and Tasmanian Atlantic Salmon fillets. Food Microbiol. 68: 51-60.
    77. Ogunniyi AD, Khazandi M, Stevens AJ, Sims SK, Page SW, Garg S, Venter H, Powell A, White K, Petrovski KR, Laven-Law G, Tótoli EG, Salgado HR, Pi H, Coombs GW, Shinabarger DL, Turnidge JD, Paton JC, McCluskey A, Trott DJ (2017). Evaluation of robenidine analog NCL195 as a novel broad-spectrum antibacterial agent. PLoS One. 12: e0183457.
    78. Fabijan J, Woolford L, Lathe S, Simmons G, Hemmatzadeh F, Trott DJ, Speight N (2017). Lymphoma, koala retrovirus infection and reproductive chlamydiosis in a koala (Phascolarctos cinereus). J Comp Pathol. 157: 188-192.
    79. Saputra S, Jordan D, Mitchell T, Wong HS, Abraham RJ, Kidsley A, Turnidge J, Trott DJ, Abraham S (2017). Antimicrobial resistance in clinical Escherichia coli isolated from companion animals in 最新糖心Vlog. Vet Microbiol. 211: 43-50.
    80. Abraham S, Jagoe S, Pang S, Coombs GW, O'Dea M, Kelly J, Khazandi M, Petrovski KR, Trott DJ (2017) Reverse zoonotic transmission of community-associated MRSA ST1-IV to a dairy cow. Int J Antimicrob Agents. 50: 125-126.
    81. Kopecki Z, Ogunniyi D, Trott DJ, Cowin, A (2017). Fighting chronic wound infection: one model at a time. Wound Practice and Research. 25: 6-13.
    82. Abraham, S, O'Dea, M, Page, SW, Trott, DJ (2017) Current and future antimicrobial resistance issues for the 最新糖心Vlogn pig industry (Invited Review). Anim Prod Sci. 57: 2398-2407.
    83. Worthing KA, Abraham S, Pang S, Coombs GW, Saputra S, Jordan D, Wong HS, Abraham RJ, Trott DJ, Norris JM (2018). Molecular Characterization of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Isolated from 最新糖心Vlogn Animals and Veterinarians. Microb Drug Resist. 24: 203-212.
    84. Worthing KA, Abraham S, Coombs GW, Pang S, Saputra S, Jordan D, Trott DJ, Norris JM (2018) Clonal diversity and geographic distribution of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus pseudintermedius from 最新糖心Vlogn animals: Discovery of novel sequence types. Vet Microbiol. 213: 58-65.
    85. Chan WY, Hickey EE, Khazandi M, Page SW, Trott DJ, Hill PB (2018) In vitro antimicrobial activity of narasin against common clinical isolates associated with canine otitis externa. Vet Dermatol. 29: 149-e57.
    86. Badger S, Abraham S, Saputra S, Trott DJ, Turnidge J, Mitchell T, Caraguel CGB, Jordan D (2018). Relative performance of antimicrobial susceptibility assays on clinical Escherichia coli isolates from animals. Vet Microbiol. 214: 56-64.
    87. Sarker N, Fabijan J, Emes RD, Hemmatzadeh F, Meers J, Moreton J, Owen H, Seddon JM, Simmons G, Speight N, Trott D, Woolford L, Tarlinton RE (2018). Identification of stable reference genes for quantitative PCR in koalas. Sci Rep. 8: 3364.
    88. Worthing KA, Marcus A, Abraham S, Trott DJ, Norris JM (2018) Qac genes and biocide tolerance in clinical veterinary methicillin-resistant and methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus pseudintermedius. Vet Microbiol. 216: 153-158.
    89. Abraham, S, Kirkwood, R, Laird, T, Saputra, S, Mitchell, T, Singh, M, Linn, B, Abraham, RJ, Pang, S, Gordon, DM, Trott, DJ, O’Dea, M (2018) Dissemination and persistence of extended-spectrum cephalosporin resistance-encoding IncI1-blaCTXM-1 plasmid among Escherichia coli in pigs. ISME J 12: 2352-2362.
    90. Khazandi, M, Al-Farha, AA, Coombs, GW, O’Dea, M, Pang, S, Trott, DJ, Aviles, RR, Hemmatzadeh, F, Venter, H, Ogunniyi, AD, Hoare, A, Abraham, S, Petrovski, KR (2018) Genomic characterization of coagulase-negative staphylococci including methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus sciuri causing bovine mastitis. Vet Microbiol. 219: 17-22.
    91. Scott AM, Beller E, Glasziou P, Clark J, Ranakusuma RW, Byambasuren O, Bakhit M, Page SW, Trott D, Mar CD (2018) Is antimicrobial administration to food animals a direct threat to human health? A rapid systematic review. Int J Antimicrob Ag. 52: 316-323.
    92. Hickey, EE, Wong, HS, Khazandi, M, Ogunniyi, AD, Petrovski, KR, Garg, S, Page, SW, O’Handley, R, Trott, DJ (2018). Repurposing Ionophores as Novel Antimicrobial Agents for the Treatment of Bovine Mastitis caused by Gram-Positive Pathogens. J. Vet. Pharmacol. Therap. 41: 746-754.
    93. Chan, WY, Hickey, EE, Khazandi, M, Page, SW, Trott, DJ, Hill, PB (2018) In vitro antimicrobial activity of monensin against common clinical isolates associated with canine otitis externa. Comp. Immunol. Microbiol. Infect. Dis. 57: 34-38.
    94. Kidsley, AK, Abraham, S, Bell, J, O'Dea, M, Laird, TJ, Jordan, D, Mitchell, P, McDevitt, C and Trott, DJ (2018) Antimicrobial susceptibility of Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp. isolates from healthy pigs in 最新糖心Vlog: results of a pilot national survey. Front. Microbiol 9: 1207.
    95. Trott DJ, Abraham S, Adler B (2018) Antimicrobial Resistance in Leptospira, Brucella, and Other Rarely Investigated Veterinary and Zoonotic Pathogens. Microbiol. Spectr. 6: doi: 10.1128/microbiolspec.ARBA-0029-2017. Review.
    96. Simjee S, McDermott P, Trott DJ, Chuanchuen R (2018) Present and Future Surveillance of Antimicrobial Resistance in Animals: Principles and Practices. Microbiol. Spectr. 6: doi: 10.1128/microbiolspec.ARBA-0028-2017. Review.
    97. Ogunniyi AD, Kopecki Z, Hickey EE, Khazandi M, Peel E, Belov K, Boileau A, Garg S, Venter H, Chan WY, Hill PB, Page SW, Cowin AJ, Trott DJ (2018) Bioluminescent murine models of bacterial sepsis and scald wound infections for antimicrobial efficacy testing. PLoS One. 113: e0200195.
    98. Worthing K, Pang S, Trott DJ, Abraham S, Coombs GW, Jordan D, McIntyre L, Davies MR, Norris J (2018) Characterisation of Staphylococcus felis isolated from cats using whole genome sequencing. Vet Microbiol. 222: 98-104.
    99. Worthing KA, Brown J, Gerber L, Trott DJ, Abraham S, Norris JM (2018) Methicillin-resistant staphylococci amongst veterinary personnel, personnel-owned pets, patients and the hospital environment of two small animal veterinary hospitals. Vet Microbiol. 223: 79-85.
    100. Russell CC, Stevens A, Pi H, Khazandi M, Ogunniyi AD, Young KA, Baker JR, McCluskey SN, Page SW, Trott DJ, McCluskey A (2018) Gram-Positive and Gram-Negative Antibiotic Activity of Asymmetric and Monomeric Robenidine Analogues. ChemMedChem. 2018 Dec 6;13(23):2573-2580.
    101. Worthing KA, Schwendener S, Perreten V, Saputra S, Coombs GW, Pang S, Davies MR, Abraham S, Trott DJ, Norris JM (2018) Characterization of Staphylococcal Cassette Chromosome mec Elements from Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus pseudintermedius Infections in 最新糖心Vlogn Animals. mSphere. 3: e00491-18.
    102. Pansara C, Chan WY, Parikh A, Trott DJ, Mehta T, Mishra R, Garg S (2019) Formulation Optimization of Chitosan-Stabilized Silver Nanoparticles Using In Vitro Antimicrobial Assay. J Pharm Sci. 108: 1007-1016.
    103. Chan WY, Khazandi M, Hickey EE, Page SW, Trott DJ, Hill PB (2019) In vitro antimicrobial activity of seven adjuvants against common pathogens associated with canine otitis externa. Vet Dermatol. 30: 133-e38.
    104. Hampson DJ, Lugsomya K, La T, Phillips ND, Trott DJ, Abraham S (2019) Antimicrobial resistance in Brachyspira - An increasing problem for disease control. Vet Microbiol. 229: 59-71.
    105. Thomson J, Trott DJ, Malik R, Galgut B, McAllister MM, Nimmo J, Renton D, Kidd SE (2019) An atypical cause of sporotrichosis in a cat. Med Mycol Case Rep. 23: 72-76.
    106. Johnson JR, Johnston BD, Porter SB, Clabots C, Bender TL, Thuras P, Trott DJ, Cobbold R, Mollinger J, Ferrieri P, Drawz S, Banerjee R (2019) Rapid Emergence, Subsidence, and Molecular Detection of Escherichia coli Sequence Type 1193-fimH64, a New Disseminated Multidrug-Resistant Commensal and Extraintestinal Pathogen. J Clin Microbiol. 57: e01664-18.
    107. Hemmatzadeh F, Niap F, Bennett BA, Trott DJ, Peaston AE (2019) A novel quantitative polymerase chain reaction to monitor urinary tract mycoplasma infection in a dog. Lett Appl Microbiol. 68: 409-414.
    108. Schaufler K, Semmler T, Wieler LH, Trott DJ, Pitout J, Peirano G, Bonnedahl J, Dolejska M, Literak I, Fuchs S, Ahmed N, Grobbel M, Torres C, McNally A, Pickard D, Ewers C, Croucher NJ, Corander J, Guenther S (2019) Genomic and Functional Analysis of Emerging Virulent and Multidrug-Resistant Escherichia coli Lineage Sequence Type 648. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 63: e00243-19.
    109. Fabijan J, Caraguel C, Jelocnik M, Polkinghorne A, Boardman WSJ, Nishimoto E, Johnsson G, Molsher R, Woolford L, Timms P, Simmons G, Hemmatzadeh F, Trott DJ, Speight N (2019) Chlamydia pecorum prevalence in South 最新糖心Vlogn koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) populations: Identification and modelling of a population free from infection. Sci Rep. 9: 6261.
    110. Abraham RJ, Abraham S, Stevens AJ, Page SW, McCluskey A, Trott DJ, O'Handley RM (2019) Aminoguanidines: New leads for treatment of Giardia duodenalis infection. Int J Parasitol Drugs Drug Resist. 10: 38-44.
    111. Speight KN, Houston-Francis M, Mohammadi-Dehcheshmeh M, Ebrahimie E, Saputra S, Trott DJ (2019) Oxalate-degrading bacteria, including Oxalobacter formigenes, colonise the gastrointestinal tract of healthy koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) and those with oxalate nephrosis. Aust Vet J. 97: 166-170.
    112. Sim JXF, Khazandi M, Pi H, Venter H, Trott DJ, Deo P (2019) Antimicrobial effects of cinnamon essential oil and cinnamaldehyde combined with EDTA against canine otitis externa pathogens. J Appl Microbiol. doi: 10.1111/jam.14298. [Epub ahead of print].
    113. Khazandi M, Pi H, Chan WY, Ogunniyi AD, Sim JXF, Venter H, Garg S, Page SW, Hill PB, McCluskey A, Trott DJ (2019) In vitro Antimicrobial Activity of Robenidine, Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid and Polymyxin B Nonapeptide Against Important Human and Veterinary Pathogens. Front Microbiol. 10: 837.
    114. Fabijan J, Miller D, Olagoke O, Woolford L, Boardman W, Timms P, Polkinghorne A, Simmons G, Hemmatzadeh F, Trott DJ, Speight KN (2019) Prevalence and clinical significance of koala retrovirus in two South 最新糖心Vlogn koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) populations. J Med Microbiol. doi: 10.1099/jmm.0.001009. [Epub ahead of print].
    115. Badger S, Sam Abraham S, O’Dea M, Saputra S, Abraham RJ, Worthing KA, Norris JM, Trott DJ, Jordan DJ, Caraguel CGB (2019) Diagnostic accuracy of phenotypic assays for determining antimicrobial resistance status in Staphylococcus pseudintermedius isolates from canine clinical cases. Vet Microbiol. (in press acceptance date 31st May 2019).

    116. The malocclusions of the koala (Phascolarctos cinereus). Aust. Vet. J. (in press acceptance date 21st June 2019). 

  • Professional Associations

    Member of the Animal Health 最新糖心Vlogn Infectious Diseases Advisory Panel (since 2010).

    AIDAP is an independent panel of companion animal veterinary specialists sponsored by Zoetis. It is currently developing evidence-based policy and procedures to advise companion animal veterinarians in 最新糖心Vlog on the treatment of infectious diseases in dogs and cats, particularly to mitigate the development of antibiotic resistance. AIDAP has conducted the first survey on antibiotic prescribing practices by 最新糖心Vlogn companion animal veterinarians in over 20 years, and has developed antibiotic prudent use guidelines for the recommended treatment of the most common infectious diseases in dogs and cats in 最新糖心Vlog and infection control and biosecurity guidelines for companion animal practice.

    Voting Member of the Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) Veterinary Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (VAST) Sub-committee (Since 2017).

    Member: 最新糖心Vlogn Society for Microbiology

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Entry last updated: Tuesday, 29 Mar 2022

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