Dr Cheng-Chew Lim

Dr Cheng-Chew Lim
 Position Professor
 Org Unit Electrical and Electronic Engineering
 Email cheng.lim@adelaide.edu.au
 Telephone +61 8 8313 5893
 Location Floor/Room 3 ,  Ingkarni Wardli ,   North Terrace
  • Biography/ Background

    Current Appointment

    Professor, The 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide

    Brief Resume

    Professor Cheng-Chew Lim is a professor in Electrical & Electronic Engineering at the 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide.

    From 2010-2016, he was Head of School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering of The 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide.

    He has published over 300 research articles, received research grants and research agreements nationally and internationally, and supervised to completion 50 PhD and research masters candidates.

    Among the masters and undergraduate university courses that he has taught are the principles of control, autonomous systems, control systems, advanced control, avionics systems, real-time systems, engineering project management, and design and innovation.

    He has serves as an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, an Editorial Board Member for the Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, a panel member for Accreditation of Engineering Degree Programs of Engineers 最新糖心Vlog, an external member for reviewing Engineering Programs of numerous universities in 最新糖心Vlog and overseas, and as Chair of the IEEE Control and Aerospace Electronic Systems Joint Chapter in SA, 最新糖心Vlog.

  • Qualifications

    PhD, Loughborough 最新糖心Vlog (UK)

    BSc(Hons)(Electronic & Electrical Engineering), Loughborough 最新糖心Vlog (UK)

    Dip in Industrial Studies, Loughborough 最新糖心Vlog (UK)

  • Research Interests

    Research Areas

    Distributed control

    Trusted autonomous systems


    Current & Recent Research Projects

    Intelligent Information Technologies for Secure Distributed Autonomous Systems. Industry Multi-year Research Projecrt

    Decentralised Partially Observable No-Regret Decision Models for Multi-player Game Environment. Industry Research Project

    Distributed Team-based Learning for Zone Defence under Uncertainty. Industry Research Project

    Low-Cost EMP Equipped Predatory Unmanned Aerial Systems. NGTF-CIT Grand Challenge Project

    Fuzzy Modelling and Analysis of Complex Networked Systems. ARC Discovery Projects

    Collective Intelligence and Genetic Fuzzy Trees For Decision Making. Industry Competitive Evaluation Research Agreement

    Swarm Intelligence for Multi-mission in Urban  Areas. Industry Competitive Evaluation Research Agreement

    Intelligent Multi-agent Coordination and Learning. Industry Research Agreement

    A Robotic Testbed for Comparison of  Collaborative Localization in a Contested Environment. Industry Collaborative Research Agreement

    Security in Wireless Sensor Networks. International Research Collaboration


    PhD and Postdoc Supervision

    PhD and Research Masters supervision (current): 5 UoA candidates and 1 external (UNSW)

    PhD and Research Masters completion: 41 PhD and 9 MPhi/MEngSc research candidates supervised to completion

    Postdoc and Research Assiociate supervision: 1 postdoc fellow and 1 research associate


  • Publications

     Selected recent publications



    2022 Chen, H., Shi,P., & Lim, C. C. (2022). Stability Analysis of Time-Varying Neutral Stochastic Hybrid Delay System. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, https://doi.org/10.1109/TAC.2022.3220517
    2022 Han, J., Yang, C., Lim, C. C., Zhou, X., & Shi, P. (2022). Stackelberg game approach for robust optimization with fuzzy variables. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 30(1):258-269 Jan 2022 
    2021 Chen, H., Lim, C.C., & Shi, P. (2021). Stability Analysis for Stochastic Neutral Switched Systems with Time-Varying Delay. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization59(1), 24-49.
    2021 Aslam, M. S., Shi, P., & Lim, C. C. (2021). Self-adapting variable step size strategies for active noise control systems with acoustic feedback. Automatica123, 1-9.
    2022 Liu, Y., Shi, P., Yu, H., & Lim, C. C. (2022). Event-triggered probability-driven adaptive formation control for multiple elliptical agents. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: SystemsVolume: 52, January 2022.
    2020 Shen, D., Lim, C. C., & Shi, P. (2020). Fuzzy model based control for energy management and optimization in fuel cell vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Volume: 69, , Dec. 2020, pp 14674-14688.
    2022 Lian, Z., Shi, P., & Lim, C. C. (2022) Adaptive Resilient Control for Cyber-Physical Systems under Cyberattack and Input Saturation. IEEE Transaction on Industrial Informatics,

    2022 Mammadov, K., Lim, C. C., & Shi, P. (2022). A state-feedback Nash equilibrium for the general Target–Attacker–Defender differential game of degree in arbitrary dimensions. International Journal of Control, Volume 95, 2022 -
    2020 Lu, Q., Shi, P., Wu, L., & Lim, C. C. (2020). Event-triggered estimation and model predictive control for linear systems with actuator fault. IET Control Theory and Applications14(16), 2406-2412.
    2021 Lee, D. H., Lee, S. S., Ahn, C. K., Shi, P., & Lim, C. C. (2021). Finite Distribution Estimation-based Dynamic Window Approach to a Reliable Obstacle-Avoidance of Mobile Robots. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Volume: 68, , Oct. 2021, pp 9998-10006.
    2021 Han, J., Yang, C., Lim, C. C., Zhou, X., & Shi, P. (2021). Stackelberg-Nash game approach for constrained robust optimization with fuzzy variables. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy SystemsVolume: 29, November 2021.
    2020 Shen, D., Lim, C., & Shi, P. (2020). Robust fuzzy model predictive control for energy management systems in fuel cell vehicles. Control Engineering Practice98, 1-12.
    2021 Li, M., Chen, Y., & Lim, C. C. (2021). Stability Analysis of Complex Network Control System With Dynamical Topology and Delays. IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics: SystemsVolume: 51, November 2021.
    2021 Mammadov, K., Lim, C. C., & Shi, P. (2021). State-feedback optimal strategies for the differential game of cooperative target defence: a geometric approach. International Journal of ControlVolume 94, 2021 - .
    2020 Chen H., Shi, P., & Lim, C. C. (2020). Synchronization control for neutral stochastic delay Markov networks via single pinning impulsive strategy. IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics: Systems50(12), 5406-5419.
    2020 Zhang, B., Lim, C., Shi, P., Xie, S., & Deng, F. (2020). Stabilization of a class of nonlinear systems with random disturbance via intermittent stochastic noise. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control65(3), 1318-1324.
    2020 Chen, H., Shi, P., & Lim, C. C. (2020). A new unified input-to-state stability criterion for impulsive stochastic delay systems with Markovian switching. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control30(1), 159-181.
    2020 Yu, H., Lim, C. C., Hunjet, R., & Shi, P. (2020). Flocking and topology manipulation based on space partitioning. Robotics and Autonomous Systems124, 103328.
    2020 Han, J., Yang, C., Lim, C. C., Zhou, X., Shi, P., & Gui, W. (2020). Power scheduling optimization under single-valued neutrosophic uncertainty. Neurocomputing382, 12-20.


    Zhi, L., Shi, P., & Lim, C. C., (2022).Dynamic hybrid-triggered-based fuzzy control for nonlinear networks under multiple cyber-attacksIEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 30(9):3940-3951Sep 2022 

    2022 Chen, H., Lim, C. C., & Shi, P. (2022). Robust H∞-based Control for Uncertain Stochastic Fuzzy Switched Time Delay Systems via Integral Sliding Mode Strategy. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy SystemsVolume: 30, February 2022.
    2020 Islam, S. I., Lim, C. C., & Shi, P. (2020). Robust fault detection of T-S fuzzy systems with time-delay using fuzzy functional observer. Fuzzy Sets and Systems392, 1-23.
    2020 Islam, S. I., Shi, P., & Lim, C. C. (2020). Robust functional observer for stabilising uncertain fuzzy systems with time-delay. Granular Computing5(1), 55-69.

    2019 Xu, J., Lim, C., & Shi, P. (2019). Sliding Mode Control of Singularly Perturbed Systems and Its Application in Quad-Rotors. International Journal of Control92(6), 1325-1334.

    2019 Aslam, M., Shi, P., & Lim, C. (2019). Robust active noise control design by optimal weighted least squares approach. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers66(10), 3955-3967.
    2019 Song, H., Shi, P., Lim, C., Zhang, W. -A., & Yu, L. (2019). Attack and estimator design for multi-sensor systems with undetectable adversary. Automatica109, 8 pages.
    2019 Nguyen, D., Rajagopalan, A., Kim, J., & Lim, C. (2019). Adaptive regret minimization for learning complex team-based tactics. IEEE Access7(1), 103019-103030.
    2019 Zhang, Y., Lim, C. C., & Liu, F. (2019). Robust control synthesis for discrete-time uncertain semi-Markov jump systems. International Journal of Systems Science50(10), 2042-2052.
    2019 Wu, K. -N., Liu, X. -Z., Yang, B., & Lim, C. C. (2019). Mean square finite-time synchronization of impulsive stochastic delay reaction-diffusion systems. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation79, 1-15.


    Full Publication List at 

  • Professional Associations

    Editorial Positions

    • Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, 2018-2022
    • Member of Editorial Board, Journal of Industrial & Management Optimization, of American Institute of Mathematical Sciences, 2008-2022
    • Guest Editor, Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B, Special Issue, 2011
    • Guest Editor, Journal of Industrial & Management Optimization, Special Issue, 2008

    Memberships of Professional Organisations

    • Degree Accreditation Panel Member,  Engineering Degree Programs, Engineers 最新糖心Vlog, 最新糖心Vlog, 2017
    • External Member for Reviewing Engineering Programs of numerous universities in 最新糖心Vlog and overseas
    • Chair, IEEE Chapter in Control and Aerospace & Electronic Systems, South 最新糖心Vlog, 1999-2001, 2011-2013 and 2016
    • Board Member, Facility Management Board, National Networked Tele-Test Facility for Integrated Systems (NNTTF), 最新糖心Vlog, 2001-2007
    • Board Member, Board of Directors, 最新糖心Vlogn Microelectronics Network (AMN), 最新糖心Vlog, 2001-2004.
    • Senior Member, IEEE (USA), 2002-2016
    • Life Senior Member, IEEE (USA), 2017-present

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Entry last updated: Thursday, 12 Jan 2023

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