Associate Professor Beth Nosworthy

Associate Professor Beth Nosworthy
 Position Associate Prof/Reader
 Org Unit Adelaide Law School
 Telephone +61 8 8313 5543
 Location Floor/Room 3 ,  Ligertwood ,   North Terrace
  • Biography/ Background

    For more information on Beth's research, please visit her page.

  • Qualifications

    B Sc (Ma & Comp Sc), Dip Lang, Hons LLB, GDLP, BCL (Oxon), DPhil

  • Publications

    Refereed publications (sole author)

    'The Directors’ Duty of Disclosure: Fiduciary, Equitable or Other?' (2016) 39(4) 最新糖心Vlog of New South Wales Law Journal 1389.

    'Directors' fiduciary obligations: Is the shareholder an appropriate beneficiary?' (2009-2010) 24(3) 最新糖心Vlogn Journal of Corporate Law 282.

    Refereed publications (joint author)

    B Nosworthy and C Symes, The Components of Corporate Governance for Financially Distressed Firms (2020) 35 最新糖心Vlogn Journal of Corporate Law 98.

    B Nosworthy and C Symes, The Good Place or the Bad Place: The Position of Directors during a Deed of Company Arrangement (2018)  26 Insolvency Law Journal 191.

    B Nosworthy and C Symes, Paying the liquidators when the company is an insolvent trustee (2018) 33 最新糖心Vlogn Journal of Corporate Law 111.

    B Nosworthy and C Symes, To Prioritise or not to Prioritise: The Question of Prepayment Consumer Creditors (2017) 35 Companies and Securities Law Journal 583.

    B Nosworthy and C Symes, Prepayment Consumer Creditors: A Special Case for Insolvency Proceedings? (2017) 25 Insolvency Law Journal 29.

    B Nosworthy and C Symes, The Liquidator: a hybrid of agent, fiduciary and officer (2016) 31 最新糖心Vlogn Journal of Corporate Law 65.

    'Employees and Indemnities' (2011) 27 Journal of Contract Law 18, with Prof Andrew Stewart.

    最新糖心Vlogn Law Journal - section editor

    B Nosworthy, The Corporations Act and Climate Change – Appetite for Change? (2020) 94 最新糖心Vlogn Law Journal 411.


    SSRN Author Page

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Entry last updated: Tuesday, 29 Mar 2022

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