Professor Amanda Page

Professor Amanda Page
 Position Grant-Funded Researcher (E)
 Org Unit Medical Sciences
 Telephone +61 8 8128 4840
 Location Floor/Room 7 ,  SAHMRI ,   North Terrace
  • Biography/ Background

    Prof Amanda page has established herself as a leading authority on vagal innervation of the gut, and how this relates to major disease states including obesity and gastro-oesophageal reflux disease. This has involved pioneering studies on the phenotypic specialisation of vagal sensory endings and a classification of gastrointestinal sensory nerves that has been adopted world-wide. One of her major findings, that GABAB receptor agonists inhibit peripheral gastro-oesophageal vagal afferent endings, prompted 2 full scale drug development programs and the production of 5 patents. Investigation of the effects of different nutritional states (e.g food restriction and excess) on these afferents has resulted in major contributions in the understanding of gastric satiety signalling.

  • Research Funding

    See the research profile at:



  • Publications


    Journal articles

    1. Vials AJ & Burnstock G. Effects of nitric oxide synthase inhibitors, L-NG-nitroarginine and L-NG-nitroarginine methyl esther, on responses to vasodilators of the guinea-pig coronary vasculature. British Journal of Pharmacology 1992; 107: 604-609.

    2. Vials AJ & Burnstock G. A2-purinoceptor-mediated relaxation in the guinea-pig coronary vasculature: A role for nitric oxide. British Journal of Pharmacology 1993; 109: 424-429.

    3. Vials AJ & Burnstock G. Effects of pyrimidines on the guinea-pig coronary vasculature. British Journal of Pharmacology 1993; 110: 1091-1097.

    4. Vials AJ & Burnstock G. The effects of suramin on relaxant vasodilator responses to ATP and 2-methylthioATP in the sprague-Dawley rat coronary vasculature. European Journal of Pharmacology 1994; 251: 299-302.

    5. Vials AJ & Burnstock G. Differential effects of ATP- and 2-methylthioATP-induced relaxation in guinea-pig coronary vasculature. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology 1994; 23: 757-764.

    6. Vials AJ & Burnstock G.ATP release from the isolated perfused guinea-pig heart in response to increased flow. Journal of Vascular Research 1996; 33: 1-4.

    7. Stones RW, Vials AJ, Milner P, Beard RW & Burnstock G. Release of vasoactive agents from the isolated perfused human ovary. European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Reproductive Biology 1996; 67: 191-196.

    8. Vials AJ, Crowe R & Burnstock G. A neuromodulatory role for neuronal nitric oxide in the rabbit renal artery. British Journal of Pharmacology 1997; 121: 213-220.

    9. Page AJ & Blackshaw LA. An in vitro study of the properties of vagal afferent fibres innervating the ferret oesophagus and stomach. Journal of Physiology 1998; 512: 907-916.

    10. Smid SD, Page AJ, O’Donnell T, Langman J, Rowland R & Blackshaw LA. Oesophagitis-induced changes in capsaicin-sensitive tachykininergic pathways in the ferret lower oesophageal sphincter. Neurogastroenterology & Motility 1998; 10: 403-411.

    11. Page AJ & Blackshaw LA. GABAB receptors inhibit mechanosensitivity of primary afferent endings. Journal of Neuroscience 1999; 19: 8597-8602.

    12. Blackshaw LA, Page AJ & Partosoedarso ER. Acute effects of capsaicin on gastrointestinal vagal afferents. Neuroscience 2000; 279; 157-162.

    13. Blackshaw LA, Page AJ, Smid S, Dent J, and Lehmann A. GABAB receptors – peripheral and central targets for controlling gastro-oesophageal reflux. Current Opinion in Central and Peripheral Nervous System Investigational Drugs 2000; 2: 333-343.

    14. Page AJ, O’Donnell T & Blackshaw LA. P2X receptor-induced sensitization of vagal mechanoreceptors in oesophageal inflammation. Journal of Physiology 2000; 523: 403-411.

    15. Page AJ, Martin CM & Blackshaw LA. Vagal mechanoreceptors and chemoreceptors in mouse stomach and esophagus. Journal of Neurophysiology 2002; 87: 2095-2103.

    16. Page AJ, Brierley SM, Martin CM, Martinez-Salgado C, Wemmie JA, Brennan TJ, Symonds E, Omari T, Lewin GR, Welsh MJ, Blackshaw LA. The ion channel ASIC1 contributes to visceral but not cutaneous mechanoreceptor function. Gastroenterology 2004; 127:1739-47.

    17. Page AJ, Young RL, Martin CM, Umaerus M, O'Donnell TA, Cooper NJ, Coldwell JR, Hulander M, Mattsson JP, Lehmann A and Blackshaw LA. Metabotropic glutamate receptors inhibit mechanosensitivity in vagal sensory neurons. Gastroenterology 2005; 128:402-410.

    18. Page AJ, Slattery JA, O'Donnell TA, Cooper NJ, Young RL and Blackshaw LA. Modulation of gastro-oesophageal vagal afferents by galanin in mouse and ferret. Journal of Physiology 2005; 563:809-819.

    19. Page AJ, Brierley SM, Martin CM, Price MP, Symonds E, Butler R, Wemmie JA, Blackshaw LA. Different contributions of ASIC channels 1a, 2 and 3 in gastrointestinal mechanosensory function. Gut 2005; 54:1408-1415.

    20. Page AJ, O’Donnell & Blackshaw LA.  Inhibition of mechanosensitivity in visceral primary afferents by GABAB receptors involves calcium and potassium channels. Neuroscience 2006; 137(2): 627-36.

    21. Slattery JA, Page AJ, Dorian C, Brierley S & Blackshaw LA. Potentiation of vagal afferent mechanosensitivity by ionotropic and metabotropic glutamate receptors. Journal of Physiology 2006; 577: 295-306.

    22. Young RL, Page AJ, Cooper NJ & Blackshaw LA. Peripheral vs central modulation of gastric vagal pathways by mGluR5. American Journal of Physiology 2007; 292: G501-511

    23. Page AJ, Slattery JA, Milte C, Laker R, O’Donnell TA, Brierley SM, Dorian CL & Blackshaw LA. Ghrelin selectively reduces mechanosensitivity of upper gastrointestinal vagal afferents. American Journal of Physiology 2007; 292: G1376-1384

    24. Page AJ, Brierley SM, Martin CM & Blackshaw LA. Acid sensing ion channels required for inhibition of afferent mechanosensitivity by benzamil. Pain 2007; 133: 150-160

    25. Page AJ, Slattery JA, Brierley SM, Jacoby AS & Blackshaw LA. Involvement of galanin receptors 1 and 2 in the modulation of mouse vagal afferent mechanosensitivity. Journal of Physiology 2007; 583: 675-684

    26. Brierley SM, Page AJ, Hughes PA, Adam, B, Liebregts T, Cooper NJ, Holtmann G, Liedtke W & Blackshaw LA. A selective role for TRPV4 ion channels in visceral sensory pathways. Gastroenterology 2008; 134: 2059-2069

    27. Page AJ, O’Donnell TA & Blackshaw LA. Opioid modulation of ferret vagal afferent mechanosensitivity. American Journal of Physiology 2008; 294: G963-970

    28. Page AJ, O’Donnell TA, Cooper NJ, Young RL & Blackshaw LA. Nitric oxide as an endogenous peripheral modulator of visceral sensory neuronal function. Journal of Neuroscience 2009; 29: 7246-7255.

    29. Brierley SM, Hughes PA, Page AJ, Kwan KY, Martin CM, O’Donnell TA, Cooper NJ, Harrington AM, Adam, B, Liebregts T, Holtmann G, Corey DP, Rychkov GY & Blackshaw LA. The ion channel TRPA1is required for normal mechanosensation and is modulated by algesic stimuli. Gastroenterology 2009; 137: 2084-2095.

    30. Lehmann A, Antonsson M, Holmberg AA, Blackshaw LA, Branden L, Brauner-Osborne H, Christiansen B, Dent J, Elebring T, Jacobson BM, Jensen J, Mattsson JP, Nilsson K, Oja SS, Page AJ, Saransaari P & von Unge S. (R)-(3-amino-2fluoropropyl) phosphonic acid (AZ3355), a novel GABAB receptor agonist, inhibits transient lower esophageal sphincter relaxation through a peripheral mode of action. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 2009; 331: 504-512.

    31. Young RL, Page AJ, Cooper NJ, Frisby CL & Blackshaw LA. Sensory and motor innervation of the crural diaphragm by the vagus nerves. Gastroenterology 2010; 138: 1091-1101.

    32. Brierley SM, Castro J, Harrington AM, Hughes PA, Page AJ, Rychkov GY & Blackshaw LA. TRPA1 contributes to specific mechanically activated currents and sensory neuron mechanical hypersensitivity. Journal of Physiology 2011; 589: 3575-3593.

    33. Kentish S, Li H, Philp LK, O’Donnell TA, Isaacs NJ, Young RL, Wittert GA, Blackshaw LA & Page AJ Diet-induced adaptation of vagal afferent function. Journal of Physiology 2012; 590: 209-11.

    34. Kentish SJ, O’Donnell TA, Isaacs NJ, Young RL, Li H, Harrington AM, Brierley SM, Wittert GA, Blackshaw LA & Page AJ Gastric vagal afferent modulation by leptin is influenced by food intake status. Journal of Physiology 2013; 591: 1921-34.

    35. Kentish SJ, Wittert GA, Blackshaw LA & Page AJ A chronic high fat diet alters the homologous and heterologous control of appetite regulating peptide receptor expression. Peptides 2013; 46: 150-8.

    36. Li H, Kentish SJ, Kritas S, Young, RL, Isaacs NJ, O’Donnell TA, Blackshaw, LA, Wittert GA & Page AJ Modulation of murine gastric vagal afferent mechanosensitivity by neuropeptide W Acta Physiologica 2013; 209: 179-91.

    37. Kentish SJ, Frisby CL, Kennaway DJ, Wittert GA & Page AJ Circadian variation in gastric vagal afferent mechanosensitivity. Journal of Neuroscience 2013; 33: 19238-42.

    38. Kentish SJ, O’Donnell TA, Frisby CL, Li H, Wittert GA & Page AJ Altered gastric vagal mechanosensitivity in diet-induced obesity persists on return to a normal chow and is accompanied by increased food intake. International Journal of Obesity 2014; 38: 636-42.

    39. Li H, Feinle-Bisset C, Frisby CL, Kentish SJ, Wittert GA & Page AJ Gastric neuropeptide W is regulated by meal-related nutrients. Peptides 2014; 62: 6-14.

    40. Kentish SJ, O’Donnell TA, Wittert GA & Page AJ Diet-dependent modulation of gastro-oesophageal vagal afferent mechanosensitivity by endogenous nitric oxide. Journal of Physiology 2014; 592: 3287-301.

    41. Symonds EL, Peiris M, Page AJ, Chia B, Dogra H, Masding A, Galanakis V, Atiba M, Bulmer D, Young RL & Blackshaw LA Mechanisms of activation of mouse and human enteroendocrine cells by nutrients. Gut 2015; 64: 618-26.

    42. Kentish SJ, Ratcliff K, Li H, Wittert GA & Page AJ High fat diet induced changes in gastric vagal afferent response to adiponectin. Physiology and Behavior 2015; 152: 354-62.

    43. Li H, Frisby CL, O’Donnell TA, Kentish SJ, Wittert GA & Page AJ Neuropeptide W modulation of gastric vagal afferent mechanosensitivity: Impact of age and sex. Peptides 2015; 71: 11-8.

    44. Kentish SJ, Frisby CL, Kritas S, Li H, Hatzinikolas G, O’Donnell TA, Wittert GA & Page AJ TRPV1 channels and gastric vagal afferent signalling in lean and high fat diet induced obese mice. PLoS One 2015; 10:e0135892.

    45. Kentish SJ, Vincent AD, Kennaway DJ, Wittert GA & Page AJ High fat diet-induced obesity ablates gastric vagal afferent circadian rhythms. Journal of Neuroscience 2016 ;36: 3199-207.

    46. Wilson CH, Nikolic A, Kentish SJ, Shalini S, Hatzinikolas G, Page AJ, Dorstan L & Kumar S Sex-specific alterations in glucose homeostasis and metabolic parameters during aging of Caspase-2-deficient mice. Cell Death Discovery 2016; doi:10.1038/cddiscovery.2016.9

    47.  Kentish SJ, Li H, Frisby CL & Page AJ Nesfatin-1 modulates gastric vagal afferent mechanosensitivity in a nutritional state dependent manner. Peptides 2017; 89: 35-41.

    48. Shi Z, Riley M, Taylor A & Page AJ Chilli consumption and the incidence of overweight and obesity in a Chinese adult population. International Journal of Obesity 2017; 41: 1074-79.

    49. Wilson CL, Nikolic A, Davies SJ, Kentish, SJ, Vincent A, Keller M, Hatzinikolas G, Dorstyn  L, Page AJ* & Kumar S* (* Joint senior author) Caspase-2 deficiency enhances whole-body carbohydrate utilisation and prevents high-fat diet induced obesity. Cell Death and Disease 2017; 8: e3136. doi: 10.1038/cddis.2017.518.

    50. Kentish SJ, Hatzinikolas G, Li H, Frisby CA, Wittert GA & Page AJ. Time restricted feeding prevents ablation of circadian rhythms in gastric vagal afferent mechanosensitivity observed in high fat diet-induced obese mice. Journal of Neuroscience 2018; 38: 5088-95.

    51. Singendonk M, Kritas S, Omari T, Feinle-Bisset C, Page AJ, Frisby CL, Kentish SJ,  Ferris L, McCall L, Kow L, Chisholm J & Khurana S. Upper Gastrointestinal Function in Morbidly Obese Adolescents before and 6 Months after Gastric Banding. Obesity Surgery 2018; 28: 1277-1288..

    52. Wells R, Elliott AD, Mahajan R, Page AJ, Iodice V, Sanders P & Lau DH. Efficacy of Therapies for Postural Tachycardia Syndrome: A Systematic Review. Mayo Clin Proc 2018; 93: 1043-1053.

    53.  Shi Z, Riley M, Brown A & Page AJ. Chilli intake is inversely associated with hypertension among adults. Clinical Nutrition ESPEN 2018; 23: 67-72.

    54. Li H, Kentish SJ, Wittert GA & Page AJ. Apelin modulates murine gastric vagal afferent mechanosensitivity. Physiol Behav 2018; 194: 466-473.

    55. Christie S, Vincent AD, Li H, Frisby CL, Kentish SJ, O’Rielly R, Wittert GA & Page AJ. A rotating light cycle promotes weight gain and hepatic lipid storage in mice. Am J Physiol  2018; doi: 10.1152/ajpgi.00020.2018.




    1. Blackshaw LA, Page AJ, Smid S, Dent J, Lehmann A GABAB receptors – peripheral and central targets for controlling gastro-oesophageal reflux. Current Opinion in Central and Peripheral Nervous System Investigational Drugs 2000; 2: 333-343. (Invited)

    2. Blackshaw LA, Page AJ & Young RL Metabotropic glutamate receptors as novel therapeutic targets on visceral afferents. Frontiers in Neuroscience 2011; 24: 1-7. (Invited)

    3. Page AJ, Symonds E, Peiris M, Blackshaw LA, Young RL Peripheral neural targets in obesity. British Journal of Pharmacology 2012; 166: 1537 -1558. (Invited)

    4. Kentish SJ & Page AJ Plasticity of gastrointestinal vagal afferent endings. Physiology and Behavior 2014; 136: 170-8. (Invited)

    5. Kentish SJ & Page AJ The role of gastrointestinal vagal afferent fibres in obesity. Journal of Physiology 2015; 593: 775-86. (Invited)

    6. Page AJ & Kentish SJ Plasticity of gastrointestinal vagal afferent satiety signals. Neurogastroenterology and Motility  2016; doi: 10.1111/nmo.12973. (Invited)

    7. Wells R, Spurrier AJ, Linz D, Gallagher C, Mahajan R, Sanders P, Page AJ & Lau, DH. Postural Tachycardia Syndrome: Current Perspectives. Vascular Health and Risk 2017; 14: 1-11.

    8. Li H, Kentish SJ, Wittert GA & Page AJ The role of neuropeptide W in energy homeostasis. Acta Physiol 2018; 222. doi: 10.1111/apha.12884.

    9. Page AJ & Li H. Meal-sensing signalling pathways in functional dyspepsia. Front Syst Neurosci 2018; 12: 10. doi: 10.3389/fnsys.2018.00010.

    10. Christie S, Wittert GA & Page AJ. Involvement of TRPV1 channels in energy homeostasis. Front Endocrinol 2018; 9: 420. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2018.00420.


    1. Page AJ & Blackshaw LA The nature of esophageal pain receptors. In: Esophageal Pain. Ed. Dr R.K. Mittal. Plural publishing Inc. (2009) 27-39.

    2. Page AJ & Blackshaw LA Roles of gastro-oesophageal afferents in the mechanisms and symptoms of reflux disease. In: Handbook of experimental Pharmacology: Pharmacology of Sensory Nerves. Eds Prof. D. Spina & Prof. B. Canning. Springer-Verlag Berlin Hiedelberg. (2009) 227-257.

    3. Page AJ & Li H. Gastrointestinal mechanosensory function in health and disease. In: Mechanobiology in Health and Disease. Ed. Verbruggen S. Elsevier. (2018) 377-414 (Invited).


    Editorial (Invited)

    1. Page AJ & Kentish SJ Vagal leptin signalling: A double agent in energy homeostasis? Molecular Metabolism 2014; 3: 593-4. (C:1;IF:5.36).

    2. Page AJ Mimecan: A newly identified adipokine and regulator of appetite. EBioMedicine 2015; 2: 1584-5.

    3. Page AJ Vagal afferent dysfunction in obesity: cause or effect. Journal of Physiology 2016; 594: 5-6.







  • Media Expertise

    CategoriesMedicine & Medical Research, Science & Technology
    Expertisevagal afferent; gastrointestinal tract; stomach; obesity; food intake; satiety; mechanosensitivity; vagal innervation of the stomach; leptin; ghrelin
    NotesMember of:
    Gastroenterological Society of 最新糖心Vlog;
    American Gastroenterological Association;
    Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior;
    最新糖心Vlogn and New Zealand Obesity Society;
    The 最新糖心Vlogn Society for Medical Research.

    Serves on the editorial board of:
    American Journal of Physiology;
    Frontiers in Neuroscience.
    Mobile0413 984 257

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