Aaron Honson

 Position Creative Coordinator
 Org Unit Learning Enhancement and Innovation
 Email aaron.honson@adelaide.edu.au
 Telephone +61 8 8313 9826
 Location Floor/Room 7 ,  Kenneth Wills ,   North Terrace
  • Publications

    • Tao, X., Shannon-Honson, A., Delaney, P., Li, L., Dann, C., Li, Y. and Xie, H. (2022). Data Analytics on Online Student Engagement Data for Academic Performance Modeling. IEEE Access, 10, pp.103176–103186.
    • Akbarshahi, H., Ahmadi, Z., Currow, D.C., Sandberg, J., Vandersman, Z., Shanon-Honson, A. and Ekström, M. (2020). No gender-related bias in COPD diagnosis and treatment in Sweden: a randomised, controlled, case-based trial. ERJ Open Research, 6(4), pp.00342-2020. doi:10.1183/23120541.00342-2020. ‌
    • Ferreira, D.H., Boland, J.W., Kochovska, S., Honson, A., Phillips, J.L. and Currow, D.C. (2020). Patients’ and caregivers’ experiences of driving with chronic breathlessness before and after regular low-dose sustained-release morphine: A qualitative study. Palliative Medicine, p.026921632092954. doi:10.1177/0269216320929549. ‌
    • Ferreira, D.H., Kochovska, S., Honson, A., Phillips, J.L. and Currow, D.C. (2020). Two faces of the same coin: a qualitative study of patients’ and carers’ coexistence with chronic breathlessness associated with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). BMC Palliative Care, 19(1). doi:10.1186/s12904-020-00572-7. ‌
    • Ahmadi, Z., Sandberg, J., Shannon-Honson, A., Vandersman, Z., Currow, D.C. and Ekström, M. (2018). Is chronic breathlessness less recognised and treated compared with chronic pain? A case-based randomised controlled trial. European Respiratory Journal, 52(3), p.1800887.

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Entry last updated: Wednesday, 13 Sep 2023

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