Phishing /technology/ en Top tips to avoid 'spear phishing' /technology/news/list/2020/09/17/top-tips-to-avoid-spear-phishing 'Spear phishing' is a very dangerous type of phishing in which criminals target individuals or companies using very realistic 'bait' or calls to action, using publicly available information. Spear phishing could draw on information from websites, social media, annual reports, media releases, or other easily available information. September 17 2020 Eva O'Driscoll /technology/news/list/2020/09/17/top-tips-to-avoid-spear-phishing Tech tips: phishing, smishing and vishing? /technology/news/list/2020/08/24/tech-tips-phishing-smishing-and-vishing We are all probably pretty aware of what to look out for to avoid getting trapped by ‘phishing’ emails, but ‘vishing’ (scam phonecalls) and ‘smishing’ (SMS scams) are also getting increasingly sophisticated. These days, almost any avenue of contact provides the opportunity for scams. Find out more. August 24 2020 Eva O'Driscoll /technology/news/list/2020/08/24/tech-tips-phishing-smishing-and-vishing Beware of COVID-19 phishing /technology/news/list/2020/06/05/beware-of-covid-19-phishing Scammers regularly seek to capitalise on topical issues to trap people into responding to fake emails, text messages and ads. June 05 2020 Eva O'Driscoll /technology/news/list/2020/06/05/beware-of-covid-19-phishing Phishing season: be alert for scams, especially in the lead-up to Christmas /technology/news/list/2019/12/09/phishing-season-be-alert-for-scams-especially-in-the-lead-up-to-christmas Did you know that the holiday season can also be the phishing season? December 09 2019 Wayne Fryer /technology/news/list/2019/12/09/phishing-season-be-alert-for-scams-especially-in-the-lead-up-to-christmas Simulated phishing - baseline phase completed with prizes /technology/news/list/2018/02/21/simulated-phishing-baseline-phase-completed-with-prizes Following on from the Chief Information Officer Bev McQuade’s email back in June 2017, simulated phishing emails were sent out to all staff between August 2017 and January 2018. They were intended to help us objectively gauge the vulnerability of the ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog, as well as deliver ‘just-in-time’ learning in order to build awareness of the various types of online phishing situations. February 21 2018 Karen Bath /technology/news/list/2018/02/21/simulated-phishing-baseline-phase-completed-with-prizes