MyUni /technology/ en Catch up on your lecture recordings anywhere, anytime /technology/news/list/2019/03/19/catch-up-on-your-lecture-recordings-anywhere-anytime Your recorded lectures will be available throughout the semester in your MyUni course. March 19 2019 admin /technology/news/list/2019/03/19/catch-up-on-your-lecture-recordings-anywhere-anytime MyUni top tips /technology/news/list/2019/03/05/myuni-top-tips If you're a new student, you're likely getting to know MyUni right now.  March 05 2019 admin /technology/news/list/2019/03/05/myuni-top-tips Top technology guides to get set up for success /technology/news/list/2019/02/20/top-technology-guides-to-get-set-up-for-success So you have arrived at Uni, enrolled, got your ID card, and sampled some of the O’Week fun… Now, how to get yourself setup technologically? Here are our top technology guides to help you on your way. February 20 2019 admin /technology/news/list/2019/02/20/top-technology-guides-to-get-set-up-for-success Get ready for semester with MyUni workshops /technology/news/list/2018/01/22/get-ready-for-semester-with-myuni-workshops We are running a variety of MyUni workshops between now and the end of February to help you get ready for Semester 1. All the workshops are hands-on so come prepared with either your real course or sandpit course and be ready to dive in! Why not join us at one or more of the following: January 22 2018 Karen Bath /technology/news/list/2018/01/22/get-ready-for-semester-with-myuni-workshops