HPC /technology/ en Technology services for research /technology/news/list/2020/09/16/technology-services-for-research Research computing infrastructure plays an important role, helping researchers break new ground. Find out more about the options and resources available ... September 16 2020 Eva O'Driscoll /technology/news/list/2020/09/16/technology-services-for-research ‘Hacky Hour’ for researchers /technology/news/list/2020/08/17/hacky-hour-for-researchers Hacky hour is an informal meet-up for ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Adelaide researchers to bring their questions and discuss technology-related issues, with experts on hand to advise on problems related to coding, data analytics, and digital tools.  August 17 2020 Eva O'Driscoll /technology/news/list/2020/08/17/hacky-hour-for-researchers