work from home /technology/ en Computer and workstation offers for staff and students /technology/news/list/2020/08/24/computer-and-workstation-offers-for-staff-and-students Need a new computer or workstation at home? Competitively priced computers and other IT equipment are available from preferred supplier CompNow, in a new ITDS initiative. Ergonomic workstations at discounted prices are also available from two office suppliers for home use. August 24 2020 Eva O'Driscoll /technology/news/list/2020/08/24/computer-and-workstation-offers-for-staff-and-students Tech tips: email timing courtesy /technology/news/list/2020/08/21/tech-tips-email-timing-courtesy With so much technology at our fingertips, it is increasingly easy, and even tempting, to be connected to work conversations and activity outside of traditional working hours. These handy tips can help you hit the right balance for yourself and your colleagues. August 21 2020 Eva O'Driscoll /technology/news/list/2020/08/21/tech-tips-email-timing-courtesy Tech tips: energy efficiency /technology/news/list/2020/07/30/tech-tips-energy-efficiency Whether at home or work, there are plenty of simple steps you can take to make your equipment more energy efficient and reduce energy use, such as through changes to computer settings, as well as your own day-to-day habits. July 30 2020 Eva O'Driscoll /technology/news/list/2020/07/30/tech-tips-energy-efficiency