ITDS /technology/ en IT Acceptable Use and Security Policy /technology/news/list/2022/05/31/it-acceptable-use-and-security-policy The revised IT Acceptable Use and Security Policy has been approved by the Vice-Chancellor. By observing the acceptable use and security requirements, ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog IT users and custodians can help to prevent service disruptions and data breaches caused by cyberattacks and other threats. May 31 2022 Nel Fredericks /technology/news/list/2022/05/31/it-acceptable-use-and-security-policy Showcase of Emerging Technology /technology/news/list/2019/11/04/showcase-of-emerging-technology The Showcase of Emerging Technology is an inaugural, free event presented by Information Technology and Digital Services on Wednesday 6 November, 9-5pm at Hub Central, North Terrace Campus. November 04 2019 admin /technology/news/list/2019/11/04/showcase-of-emerging-technology