Leticia Reppucci - Exchange Alumni Testimonial

Leticia Reppucci completed her exchange at the City ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Hong Kong in Semester 2, 2023.

Leticia went on exchange during the second year of her double degree of a Bachelor of International Relations & Bachelor of Arts. While on exchange Leticia was able to study her Linguistics major while gaining insight inon the different environments and living conditions of Hong Kong SAR.


Leticia at Queen Victoria Harbour

Leticia at Queen Victoria Harbour in Hong Kong SAR (2023)

What motivated you to participate in an overseas experience?

First thing is because I’m studying International Relations, I know a lot of the government departments want that outside experience, especially like the police force. I think you’re more likely to get in if you’re [experienced with going] overseas. I just kind of needed a break as well. I was like, ‘get me out of here!’

I just wanted to try something new. None of my family has really lived overseas or really travelled that much. So, I thought, ‘I’ll be the first’. That’s what really motivated me.


Which study period did you go overseas in?

I went in Semester 2, 2023.


Leticia at Ngong Ping Big Buddha

Leticia on the steps of the Big Buddha in Ngong Ping, Lantau Island in Hong Kong SAR (2023)

What intrigued you about studying in Asia?

Again, I’m studying International Relations, and [the] Asia-Pacific region at the moment is a bit tense. I really wanted to learn more about it so I could relate it back to my studies.

Also, my mum really likes Asia, so my house is very much filled with Chinese décor all over the place, so I’ve kind of grown up with it. I’ve also been studying Mandarin for the last 5 years, so I just thought, ‘I have to go somewhere in Asia’.


Why did you choose the City ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Hong Kong?

Most of the part was that because I’m doing International Relations and Linguistics, they let me do both subjects. I didn’t really look into any of the other [universities], and [with] City ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog, the website itself was so much easier to use than any other website.


Leticia Reppucci_CityU Residence Halls

The view from the residence halls at City ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Hong Kong, photo taken by Leticia (2023)

What was the highlight of your exchange experience?

This one’s very specific. In Hong Kong, there’s like a big homeless population which is a lot of the elderly people. So, I had this friend who used to go on these charity walks that were organised by a not-for-profit organisation, and they used to give out meals to these elderly people. I went on this charity walk and I was able to see how they lived. I just felt really bad, but I was glad I got to see this because Hong Kong is a big city and you see this other side which is more sad. But it was good to compare and see how grateful I should be for being here. I really enjoyed that.


What was your biggest takeaway from your experience?

I think definitely a lot of the friends that I made. I’m really missing them at the moment. I didn’t think I would get really close to people in a short amount of time, but I was glad I got to make friends from a lot of different places.

I had a lot of friends from Europe [that] would only eat European food while over there (Hong Kong SAR). You’ve chosen to come here; You should be a bit open-minded. Try new things and do things that make you uncomfortable. Like, going to the shops, you’re probably going to get stared at, but you have to get through it and be open-minded about it.

Photo at Nan Lian Garden

Chinese classical garden in Diamon Hill called Nan Lian Garden, photo taken by Leticia (2023)

France was where a lot of the people I made friends with were from, so a bit far.

Also, I feel like I’ve grown as a person in [my] self-confidence. If you asked me four months ago that I was talking to all those people at the Post-Offer Information Session, I would’ve been like ‘what are you talking about?'

So, I feel like I’ve gotten a lot more confident in myself.


What is something you wish you knew before going overseas?

I’m not sure how to answer this question. I think I was prepared; I feel like I wasn’t slapped in the face with anything!


Do you have one piece of advice you would tell other people who are going on Exchange?

This is pretty general, but you have to be really open-minded.


Interested in learning more about how to apply for exchange? Visit our Semester Programs webpage.

Tagged in Exchange, Hong Kong SAR, City ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Hong Kong, Student Testimonial, announcement, announcements