Routine /student/wellbeing/ en Creating a reset routine /student/wellbeing/news/list/2023/12/02/creating-a-reset-routine <p><span><span>Are you feeling tired? Stressed? Burnt-out? Let's reset that.</span></span></p> January 01 2024 Georgia Poppy Mason /student/wellbeing/news/list/2023/12/02/creating-a-reset-routine Productive morning routine /student/wellbeing/news/list/2022/04/08/productive-morning-routine <p><span><span><span><span><span><span><span><span>There is a certain type of video that is always lurking on the YouTube home page. It is the infamous ‘morning routine’, a perfectly stylised video which glorifies waking up at an early hour to achieve peak productivity.</span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></p> April 13 2022 Taylor Millicent Fernandez /student/wellbeing/news/list/2022/04/08/productive-morning-routine Looking forward to a break /student/wellbeing/news/list/2021/06/06/looking-forward-to-a-break <p><span><span><span>With semester break just around the corner, I am trying to find things to look forward to. Here are just a few. </span></span></span></p> June 26 2021 Cooper Williams /student/wellbeing/news/list/2021/06/06/looking-forward-to-a-break How to form good habits /student/wellbeing/news/list/2021/04/16/how-to-form-good-habits <p><span><span><span>They say it takes 66 days for a new behaviour to become a habit. But what exactly makes a ‘good’ habit? And how can we hope to get there?</span></span></span></p> May 24 2021 Sascha Margaret Kelly /student/wellbeing/news/list/2021/04/16/how-to-form-good-habits What do our routines say about us? /student/wellbeing/news/list/2021/03/21/what-do-our-routines-say-about-us <p>Routines can help form our sense of self. But what happens when our habits fail us? What happens when we fall out of our regular routine?</p> March 22 2021 Sascha Margaret Kelly /student/wellbeing/news/list/2021/03/21/what-do-our-routines-say-about-us A new routine /student/wellbeing/news/list/2020/07/20/a-new-routine <p><span><span><span>I have recently made some changes to my daily routine.</span></span></span></p> July 20 2020 Nicholas Allan Falcinella /student/wellbeing/news/list/2020/07/20/a-new-routine Finding routine in reality television /student/wellbeing/news/list/2020/05/12/finding-routine-in-reality-television <p><span><span><span>I used to view MasterChef as a waste of time and some pretty standard reality television that wasn’t much use for anything. Now, I’ve reconsidered. </span></span></span></p> May 12 2020 Cooper Williams /student/wellbeing/news/list/2020/05/12/finding-routine-in-reality-television