Travel story: Annie Whitty

Annie Whitty from the Robinson Research Institute travelled to Christchurch, New Zealand in November to attend the Society for Reproductive Biotechnology Annual Conference.

This is what Annie had to say about their experience:

What was a highlight of the travel?

The highlight of this trip was definitely hearing the Plenary Founder’s Medal lecture delivered by Amander Clark. It was extremely insightful to hear from her.

Please provide details on any researchers or collaborators of significance that you met at the conference and why they are important to your work?

I had the pleasure of meeting Bjorn Oback from AgResearch Ltd – (with Mark Nottle) and the possibility to collaborate to investigate pregnancy rates and live birth of calves, which will be a major outcome of my IVM project. I was also able to meet Associate Professor Rob Gilchrist – a valuable researcher to contact regarding oocyte maturation and improving IVM.

How will the experience support you and your research going forward?

The conference was invaluable for strengthening my relationships with researchers and other PhD students within the Discipline (of which I haven’t had an opportunity due to Covid), opening up communication and support for the final year of my PhD.  

What was the most exciting thing you learned/experienced as part of your travel?

Getting the opportunity to talk to other PhD students within the discipline about their experiences which you don't always have the chance to do when you are back in a formalised lab and office environment. Also hearing from their amazing plenary speakers. 

What was the most interesting or unexpected moment of your travel?

The Indigenous Reproductive Health Forum was extremely interesting to hear about. 

Te Pae Conference centre
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