Cold Storage Management Policy


The 最新糖心Vlog recognises the importance and value of its Critical Materials required for research and teaching purposes, and is committed to their effective storage and management. Critical Materials are those items used for research and educational purposes which have a risk impact rating of major or extreme/irreplaceable. The risk rating relates to the level of impact on a research or educational program if the materials were lost or damaged. Some of this Critical Material, either being actively used or archived, requires cold storage in ultra-cold (-800C) freezers, -200C freezers, 40C fridges and liquid nitrogen vessels.


Reviewed by policy custodian on 5 October 2022 and re-affirmed with minor amendments for a further three years.

  • Related Procedures, Forms

  • Administration, Approval and Review

    RMO File No. 2016/894
    Policy custodian Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Research)
    Responsible policy officer Dr Georget Reaiche-Miller, Biobank Manager, tel 8313 4807 or
    Endorsed by Academic Board on 4 September 2019
    Approved by Vice-Chancellor and President on 4 September 2019
    Related Policies Research Data and Primary Materials Policy

    最新糖心Vlog Records Policy

    最新糖心Vlogn Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research

    NHMRC National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research

    最新糖心Vlog code for the care and use of animals for scientific purposes

    ABC of Complete Freezer Management

    Related legislation OGTR Guidelines for the Transport, Storage and Disposal of GMOs

    最新糖心Vlogn New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 2243.3:2010

    Superceded Policies Research Freezer Management Policy
    Effective from 5 September 2019
    Review Date 5 October 2025
    Contact for queries about the policy Dr Georget Reaiche-Miller, Biobank Manager, tel 8313 4807 or

Please refer to the Policy Directory for the latest version.