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UniSuper webcast

Women & Finance. Research shows that women face unique challenges when it comes to money and saving for retirement. Everyone can attend, even if you’re not a UniSuper member. Tuesday 20 August, 12.30 pm. Online.

[Read more about UniSuper webcast]

Psychology of health and eating: nutrition essentials webinar

Join Themis Chryssidis from Sprout to address the psychology of health and eating, explore the relationship between diet, health and performance, what a healthy diet actually is, barriers to a healthy diet and practical strategies to overcome these barriers. Thursday 22 August, 12–1 pm. .

[Read more about Psychology of health and eating: nutrition essentials webinar]

Healthy Development Adelaide forum

Working in partnership to support children and families in the early years. This forum will focus on the collaborative partnership between Preventive Health SA and Caring Futures Institute, Flinders ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog and their joint commitment to supporting families for improved health and wellbeing in the early years. Thursday 22 August, 5.30–8.30 pm. G04 lecture theatre, Napier building, North Terrace campus. .

[Read more about Healthy Development Adelaide forum]

School of Psychology research seminar

Professor Michael Lee (×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of California Irvine) will present his research on the use of cognitive models to improve group decision-making in a variety of settings including probability estimation, ranking, spatial knowledge, competitive bidding, and sequential decision making. Friday 23 August, 1–2 pm. Room 526, level 5, Hughes building, North Terrace campus and .

[Read more about School of Psychology research seminar]

Health Equity Reading Group

Discussion invites critical analysis of the determinants of health, equity, and wellbeing in an historical context, including climate change and the environment, housing, employment and working conditions, and commercial and political determinants. Monday 26 August, 12–1 pm. .

[Read more about Health Equity Reading Group]

Psychological safety for leaders webinar

In today's fast-paced and dynamic work environment, creating a psychologically safe space is essential for unleashing your team's full potential. The session, suitable for leaders and managers, will cover the core principles of psychological safety and provide actionable strategies to cultivate an environment where every team member feels empowered to contribute their unique perspectives without fear of judgment or reprisal. Tuesday 27 August, 12–1 pm. Online.

[Read more about Psychological safety for leaders webinar ]

Children's ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Quiz Night

Children's ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Quiz Night

Proceeds from this popular annual event will help provide transport to graduation ceremonies for those families who need it most. Everyone is invited to book a table by contacting Claudia.Welsh@adelaide.edu.au. Friday 30 August, bar open from 5 pm. Bonython Hall, North Terrace campus.

[Read more about Children's ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Quiz Night]

Sustainability spotlight series - seminar 1

Topics presented will vary from promoting green technology in the ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlogn Wine Industry to Green Investment Index and many other interesting projects in between. At this seminar, attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions and network after the following presentation of Ìý²¹²Ô»å . Friday 30 August, 1–3 pm. Room 307, Schulz building, North Terrace campus. .

[Read more about Sustainability spotlight series - seminar 1]

School of Economics and Public Policy research seminar

The Short and Long-Term Effects of a ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog Coaching Intervention. Associate Professor will present her fascinating work on coaching first-year college students and its effects on academic performance and student dropout. Friday 30 August, 3–4.30 pm. Room 3.01, Nexus 10 building, North Terrace campus and .

[Read more about School of Economics and Public Policy research seminar]

Healthy Development Adelaide

Reimagining Child Protection and Family Support in South ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog. Join the Minister for Child Protection, non-government organisation and community representatives for a panel discussion about the role everyone can play in improving the lives of children, young people and their families and transforming the system to help enable all children and young people and their families to reach their full potential. Tuesday 3 September, 5.30–8 pm. The Braggs lecture theatre, North Terrace campus. .

[Read more about Healthy Development Adelaide]

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