ASQ in Concert: Vanguard

×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlogn String Quartet

Beethoven String Quartet in E-flat major, Op.127
Harry Sdraulig new work
Korngold String Quartet No.2 in E-flat major

The first under-rehearsed performance of Beethoven’s Op. 127 by the Schuppanzigh group was poorly received, but it fared better in the hands of Joseph Böhm who reported that Beethoven keenly attended rehearsals and despite his deafness, managed to follow the bowing so intently that he corrected tiny errors in tempo and rhythm. ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlogn composer Sdraulig offers a new work (his 2023 piano quartet is scheduled in the Lunchtime series in September) before Korngold’s second quartet. Whilst best known now for his film music, Korngold was also an anti-serialist classical composer and this work is full of Viennese imagery with the waltzes of Johann Strauss II and lyricism of his namesake Richard coming to mind.

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