Quality improvement in perinatal care – how to make a difference to outcomes that matter

Girl blowing bubbles

There is a clear need to rapidly implement research evidence into health policy and service delivery in perinatal care to improve clinical outcomes. Preterm birth (being born early) occurs in up to 10% of pregnancies in ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog, with significant lifelong impacts on individuals, families, and society. Cerebral palsy is 79 times more likely in preterm infants, intellectual impairment is ten times more likely, and adults born preterm are seven times more likely to need social support. Reducing disability in preterm infants is possible by supporting clinicians to fast-track translating evidence into care. My talk will take you through our applied healthcare research program, PerinatalQI, that will improve the health and developmental outcomes of children born preterm or with other vulnerabilities.

Our chair:
Dr Jenny Fereday, Executive Director of Nursing and Midwifery, Women’s and Children’s Health Network / HDA Ambassador.

Our speaker:
Associate Professor Amy Keir is a Consultant Neonatologist at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital, Adelaide, Women’s and Children’s Health Network and an NHMRC Early Career Fellow with the South ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlogn Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI) Women and Kids and the ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Adelaide.

Amy’s work focuses on using clinical practice improvement approaches to improve outcomes that matter to families experiencing preterm birth and neonatal care.

This online event (via MS Teams) is free and open to everyone from researchers, students, government and the community. The MS Teams link will be emailed to registrants 2 days prior to the event.

Tagged in health, healthy development, medicine, research, Community, Academic