winners /library/ en Visualise Your Thesis 2020 /library/news/list/2020/08/28/visualise-your-thesis-2020 Judging has now concluded for this year's Visualise Your Thesis competition. Did your favourite win? August 28 2020 Sonja Raven /library/news/list/2020/08/28/visualise-your-thesis-2020 Congratulations to the Library Survey winners! /library/news/list/2019/11/15/congratulations-to-the-library-survey-winners Congratulations to Kechen Dong and Nicholas Scott, the top prize winners of the Library Client Survey last month! Thanks to all of your submissions we have now received a wealth of feedback that will help to inform new services and spaces throughout the library.  November 15 2019 Sonja Raven /library/news/list/2019/11/15/congratulations-to-the-library-survey-winners