Latest events /learning/ en Assessment and Feedback Peer Learning Workshop - Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences /learning/events/list/2021/11/assessment-and-feedback-peer-learning-workshop-faculty-of-health-and-medical The following workshops has been programmed to assist course coordinators to redesign assessment for 2022 and beyond. Fri, 22 Oct 2021 11:09:54 +1030 Chantelle Howie /learning/events/list/2021/11/assessment-and-feedback-peer-learning-workshop-faculty-of-health-and-medical AHMS building - room 5052A/B 2021-11-02T13:30:00+10:30 2021-11-02T15:00:00+10:30 Assessment and Feedback Peer Learning Workshop - Faculty of Engineering, Computer & Mathematical Sciences /learning/events/list/2021/11/assessment-and-feedback-peer-learning-workshop-faculty-of-engineering-computer The following workshop has been programmed to assist course coordinators to redesign assessment for 2022 and beyond. Fri, 22 Oct 2021 11:12:16 +1030 Chantelle Howie /learning/events/list/2021/11/assessment-and-feedback-peer-learning-workshop-faculty-of-engineering-computer Horace Lamb 422 2021-11-03T10:30:00+10:30 2021-11-03T12:00:00+10:30 Assessment and Feedback Peer Learning Workshop - Faculty of Arts /learning/events/list/2021/11/assessment-and-feedback-peer-learning-workshop-faculty-of-arts The following workshop has been programmed to assist course coordinators to redesign assessment for 2022 and beyond. Fri, 22 Oct 2021 11:14:04 +1030 Chantelle Howie /learning/events/list/2021/11/assessment-and-feedback-peer-learning-workshop-faculty-of-arts Nexus 10 building - room UB35 (basement) 2021-11-04T13:30:00+10:30 2021-11-04T15:00:00+10:30 Assessment and Feedback Peer Learning Workshop - Faculty of Sciences /learning/events/list/2021/11/assessment-and-feedback-peer-learning-workshop-faculty-of-sciences The following workshop has been programmed to assist course coordinators to redesign assessment for 2022 and beyond. Fri, 22 Oct 2021 11:15:23 +1030 Chantelle Howie /learning/events/list/2021/11/assessment-and-feedback-peer-learning-workshop-faculty-of-sciences Barr Smith South - room 2052 2021-11-05T10:30:00+10:30 2021-11-05T12:00:00+10:30 ADEPT – Designing Blended Learning Module - Pilot /learning/events/list/2021/11/adept-designing-blended-learning-module-pilot You are invited to participate in the pilot of the new ADEPT Designing Blended Learning module. Wed, 27 Oct 2021 09:55:37 +1030 Chantelle Howie /learning/events/list/2021/11/adept-designing-blended-learning-module-pilot Online via MyUni 2021-11-08T00:00:00+10:30 2021-11-26T00:00:00+10:30 Designing Rubrics - Faculty of the Arts /learning/events/list/2021/11/designing-rubrics-faculty-of-the-arts Rubrics enhance student learning through making assessment standards clear and developing evaluative judgement. They also enhance inter-marker reliability and contribute to the suite of feedback strategies. However, rubrics are challenging to write. In this session you will be guided through the key steps in creating rubrics that align with course learning outcomes, clearly communicate required standards, and contribute to fair assessment. Fri, 22 Oct 2021 13:53:49 +1030 Chantelle Howie /learning/events/list/2021/11/designing-rubrics-faculty-of-the-arts Via Zoom 2021-11-09T11:00:00+10:30 2021-11-09T12:00:00+10:30 Designing Rubrics - Faculty of ECMS /learning/events/list/2021/11/designing-rubrics-faculty-of-ecms Rubrics enhance student learning through making assessment standards clear and developing evaluative judgement. They also enhance inter-marker reliability and contribute to the suite of feedback strategies. However, rubrics are challenging to write. In this session you will be guided through the key steps in creating rubrics that align with course learning outcomes, clearly communicate required standards, and contribute to fair assessment. Fri, 22 Oct 2021 14:06:27 +1030 Chantelle Howie /learning/events/list/2021/11/designing-rubrics-faculty-of-ecms Via Zoom 2021-11-10T11:00:00+10:30 2021-11-10T12:00:00+10:30 ADEPT – Facilitating practical learning; minimising risk Workshop /learning/events/list/2021/11/adept-facilitating-practical-learning-minimising-risk-workshop Around the world work-integrated learning (WIL) is being embraced as a strategy to facilitate student transition to employment. Engaging in WIL opportunities can help students develop a range of skills and can build professional networks that can help them post-graduation. However, WIL is not without risk. Facilitated by Employability CoP members, this workshop will explore what constitutes high quality WIL, and how it can be designed to avoid some of the potential risks.  If you are an academic or professional staff member involved in the design and delivery of WIL activities within the curriculum, this workshop will introduce you to a range of quality and risk indicators. You will engage in practical analysis of scenarios and develop your understanding of how to design and run great WIL opportunities with a minimum of risk.  Wed, 13 Oct 2021 09:24:53 +1030 Chantelle Howie /learning/events/list/2021/11/adept-facilitating-practical-learning-minimising-risk-workshop Online via Zoom 2021-11-11T13:00:00+10:30 2021-11-11T15:00:00+10:30 Designing Rubrics - Faculty of HMS /learning/events/list/2021/11/designing-rubrics-faculty-of-hms Rubrics enhance student learning through making assessment standards clear and developing evaluative judgement. They also enhance inter-marker reliability and contribute to the suite of feedback strategies. However, rubrics are challenging to write. In this session you will be guided through the key steps in creating rubrics that align with course learning outcomes, clearly communicate required standards, and contribute to fair assessment. Fri, 22 Oct 2021 14:07:32 +1030 Chantelle Howie /learning/events/list/2021/11/designing-rubrics-faculty-of-hms Via Zoom 2021-11-16T11:00:00+10:30 2021-11-16T12:00:00+10:30 Designing Rubrics - Faculty of Sciences /learning/events/list/2021/11/designing-rubrics-faculty-of-sciences Rubrics enhance student learning through making assessment standards clear and developing evaluative judgement. They also enhance inter-marker reliability and contribute to the suite of feedback strategies. However, rubrics are challenging to write. In this session you will be guided through the key steps in creating rubrics that align with course learning outcomes, clearly communicate required standards, and contribute to fair assessment. Fri, 22 Oct 2021 14:08:38 +1030 Chantelle Howie /learning/events/list/2021/11/designing-rubrics-faculty-of-sciences Via Zoom 2021-11-17T11:00:00+10:30 2021-11-17T12:00:00+10:30 ADCET’s next webinar - Screen Readers - Everything Access and Teaching Staff should know. /learning/events/list/2021/11/adcets-next-webinar-screen-readers-everything-access-and-teaching-staff-should Webinar details Fri, 12 Nov 2021 07:14:46 +1030 Chantelle Howie /learning/events/list/2021/11/adcets-next-webinar-screen-readers-everything-access-and-teaching-staff-should Via zoom 2021-11-22T11:30:00+10:30 2021-11-22T12:30:00+10:30 5th Annual TEQSA Conference /learning/events/list/2021/11/5th-annual-teqsa-conference ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog’s higher education sector is charting a new course, seeking to adapt and rethink higher education in a reshaped world. Tue, 27 Jul 2021 11:56:31 +0930 Emily Kemp /learning/events/list/2021/11/5th-annual-teqsa-conference Online 2021-11-25T09:00:00+10:30 2021-11-25T17:00:00+10:30