New Analytics
New Analytics provides data visualisations and insights on student engagement (page views and participation), as well as student grades across a course.
Availability: in all courses via MyUni course homepage
Best used: during semester
The data provided can be used by teaching staff to assess student engagement and grades within a course, make comparisons between groups of students, as well as individual students. New analytics can be viewed by overall engagement, by weekly engagement, by overall grade, or by individual assignments.
The data can also be used to provide students with targeted, relevant feedback based on assignment submission status, assignment grades, resource views and participation within a course. Providing students with targeted, timely feedback during semester has been shown to increase their engagement and satisfaction within a course, leading to increased pass rates and higher SELT scores.
How to access
To open New Analytics, click on the New Analytics button on the course home page (right hand side).
Using New Analytics as a communication tool