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Understanding the importance of inclusive learning design


In 2018, Elizabeth Yong was awarded a Learning Enhancement & Innovation (LEI) Grant for her application entitled: 鈥淰ideo captions and inclusive learning design鈥.

[Read more about Understanding the importance of inclusive learning design]

Discovering new ways to convey complex concepts to students

complex concepts

Dr Mark Dodd and Dr Jamie Botten were awarded a 2018 Learning Enhancement and Innovation Grant for their application titled: 鈥淟earning Experience Design (LXD): An end-to-end evaluation of learning objects, from co-creation to learning impact鈥.

[Read more about Discovering new ways to convey complex concepts to students]

Enhancing student experience through the adoption of Echo360 Active Learning Platform


Joy McEntee, Jessica Viven-Wilksch & Rebecca Vivian were awarded a 2018 LEI grant for their application titled:聽鈥淓ncouraging 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide staff to use the Echo360 Active Learning Platform and evaluating effectiveness in formally assessing鈥.

[Read more about Enhancing student experience through the adoption of Echo360 Active Learning Platform]

Assessing student engagement during times of remote learning

Assessing student engagement

During times of remote learning, the ability to assess student engagement with course content has become increasingly important. The New Analytics tool within each course in MyUni can provide data insights into student engagement and participation with content and resources within a course.

[Read more about Assessing student engagement during times of remote learning]

Top tips for finding motivation and balance in times of uncertainty


Written by Nicola Venditozzi, Student Counsellor, Student Life

[Read more about Top tips for finding motivation and balance in times of uncertainty]

The Learning Cog


Read the LEI Blog , while it currently resides on our Wordpress site.

[Read more about The Learning Cog]

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