fixed term contract /hr/ en HR Tips Q1 2021 - Managing Fixed-Term Contracts – Renewal/Termination/Resignation /hr/news/list/2021/05/04/hr-tips-q1-2021-managing-fixed-term-contracts-renewal/termination/resignation <p><span><span><span><span lang="EN-GB"><span><span><span>This quarter’s HR Tip provides advice on the process you should follow when a fixed term contract is ending or if the staff member chooses not to accept a contract extension.</span></span></span></span></span></span></span></p> May 04 2021 Sophia Carson /hr/news/list/2021/05/04/hr-tips-q1-2021-managing-fixed-term-contracts-renewal/termination/resignation HR Tips Q3 2019 - Checking the fine print /hr/news/list/2019/10/03/hr-tips-q3-2019-checking-the-fine-print <p><strong>Is this the employment contract I need?</strong></p> October 03 2019 Simone Patterson /hr/news/list/2019/10/03/hr-tips-q3-2019-checking-the-fine-print HR Tips Q3 2017 - Managing the end of fixed-term contracts /hr/news/list/2017/12/15/hr-tips-q3-2017-managing-the-end-of-fixed-term-contracts <p>As the end of the year approaches, we turn to consider your responsibilities when a staff member’s fixed term contract is coming to an end. This quarter’s HR Tip provides advice on the process you should follow to confirm the contract is ending or to renew the contract when you have an ongoing need for the position, including notice periods and severance pay.</p> December 15 2017 Simone Patterson /hr/news/list/2017/12/15/hr-tips-q3-2017-managing-the-end-of-fixed-term-contracts