inthistogether /global-engagement/ en #InThisTogether story - Kitty /global-engagement/news/list/2020/08/26/inthistogether-story-kitty After helping her teenage son settle into high school life in Adelaide, Kitty fell in love with the idea of studying here herself. She had no idea her move to study for her Master of Education at the ×îÐÂÌÇÐÄVlog of Adelaide would coincide with the start of a global pandemic.  August 26 2020 Chelsea Allen /global-engagement/news/list/2020/08/26/inthistogether-story-kitty International student story - Siddhi Nakashe /global-engagement/news/list/2020/08/21/international-student-story-siddhi-nakashe As students begin to return to campus in Semester 2 2020, international student Siddhi Nakashe reflected on how she found Semester 1 amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.  August 21 2020 Chelsea Allen /global-engagement/news/list/2020/08/21/international-student-story-siddhi-nakashe #InThisTogether story - Asirah /global-engagement/news/list/2020/08/20/inthistogether-story-asirah As COVID-19 restrictions lift, StudyAdelaide spoke to Asirah about how she coped during Semester 1 and her excitement to return to campus in Semester 2.  August 20 2020 Chelsea Allen /global-engagement/news/list/2020/08/20/inthistogether-story-asirah #InThisTogether story - Prithvi /global-engagement/news/list/2020/06/11/inthistogether-story-prithvi Masters of Engineering (Electronic) student Prithvi speaks about managing self-isolation and study during the COVID-19 crisis. June 11 2020 Chelsea Allen /global-engagement/news/list/2020/06/11/inthistogether-story-prithvi