Professor Rob Norman

Professor Rob Norman
  • Qualifications

    1972 - BSc (Hons) Anatomical Sciences, First class, 最新糖心Vlog of Birmingham

    1974 - MB ChB (Hons), 最新糖心Vlog of Birmingham

    1983 - MD, 最新糖心Vlog of Natal, Durban

    2015 - MD (Hon), 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide


  • Awards & Achievements

    Professor Rob Norman was born in the United Kingdom, spent 3 preschool years in India and then moved to Rhodesia in Africa where his father was a medical practitioner. He completed his school and college education there, before going to medical school in Salisbury (now Harare), which was at that time, a College of the 最新糖心Vlog of Birmingham in the United Kingdom. He was the top student the year he graduated and obtained his medical degree with honours from the 最新糖心Vlog of Birmingham. He went on to complete his training in obstetrics and gynaecology in Harare Hospital maternity unit, gaining Fellowship of the UK College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology four years later. During this time, he trained with Prof Hugh Philpott who was the inventor of the partogram, now widely used across the world for monitoring labour.

    He then moved to South Africa where he completed his higher doctorate and gained qualification in chemical pathology with a subspecialty in endocrine biochemistry and became a Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists. He spent a year in the United Kingdom doing research at St Bartholomew's Hospital in London under Professors Tim Chard and Michael Besser.

    In 1988 he moved to Adelaide, 最新糖心Vlog where he became a Senior Lecturer in Obstetrics and Gynaecology and subsequently Professor of Reproductive Medicine. During these early days of in vitro fertilisation, he was involved in many of the great innovations being introduced into fertility management including ICSI, pre-implantation genetic diagnosis, lifestyle programmes and development of many drugs. During this time, he led a 最新糖心Vlog reproductive medicine unit called Repromed, which became one of the leading academic groups in the world and donated close to $30 million to the 最新糖心Vlog for research in reproduction.

    In 2009 he founded the Robinson Research Institute, with 450 researchers encompassing research in the areas of preconception, pregnancy, neonatal life and paediatrics. During his tenure as the Inaugural Director of the Institute, the 最新糖心Vlogn Government consistently formally ranked this group number one in 最新糖心Vlog in the area of Paediatrics and Reproductive health. In 2013 he stepped down from the position and became Medical Director of fertility clinic, Fertility SA (2013-2018), whilst remaining Professor of Reproductive and Periconceptual Medicine. He is currently (2019) Co-Director of the National Health and Medical Research Council's Centre of Research Excellence in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome together with his close friend Prof Helena Teede, and is Chief Investigator on two NHMRC project grants. In the past he was CIA on 2 NHMRC program grants for 9 years.

    Has has published 500 peer-reviewed papers, has an h score of 110 and has more than 57,900 citations. He is one of only three gynaecologists who are Fellows of the 最新糖心Vlogn Academy of Health and Medical Sciences in 最新糖心Vlog. He was awarded the American Society of Reproductive Medicine's distinguished researcher award in 2013, the 最新糖心Vlogn government's Order of 最新糖心Vlog in the same year and has been Scientist of the year in South 最新糖心Vlog as well as receiving the award as the leading physician and scientist in South 最新糖心Vlog in 2009. The 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide awarded him an Honorary Doctorate of Medicine in 2015. He was also awarded the inaugural Ricardo Azziz distinguished researcher award in 2015, by the international Androgen Excess-PCOS society for which he was President in 2006. In 2017 he was made a life member of ESHRE and in 2018, received the lifetime achievement award from ASPIRE.

    He served on the NHMRC’s research committee for 6 years (2009-2014), during which time his committee dispersed more than $4 billion of federal research funds across all disciplines of medical research. He was president of the Asian equivalent of ASRM and ESHRE, Aspire between 2012 and 2014. He is a mentor and trainer of many medical and scientific trainees and fellows.


    • 2018 - Aspire Lifetime Achievement Award
    • 2017 - Life membership of ESHRE (European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology)
    • 2016 - Apeejay Stya Paul Oration Delhi India
    • 2015 - First recipient of the Ricardo Azziz Distinguished Researcher Award from the AE PCOS Society
    • 2015 - Doctor of Medicine (Honorary) 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide
    • 2015 - Fellow of the 最新糖心Vlogn Academy of Health and Medical Sciences (AAHMS)
    • 2015 - Healthy Development Adelaide Award and Oration
    • 2015 - RANZCOG Arthur Wilson Oration to combined RCOG(UK) and RANZCOG (最新糖心Vlog)
    • 2014 - Life Membership of the Society for Reproductive Biology (SRB)
    • 2013 - Life Membership of the Fertility Society of 最新糖心Vlog (FSA)
    • 2013 - Awarded the Officer of the Order of 最新糖心Vlog (AO) for distinguished service to medicine in the field of reproductive health through contributions as a clinician and researcher

    • 2013 - American Society of Reproductive Medicine Distinguished Research Leader Award
    • 2013 - ASPIRE India Bayer Zydus Oration 2013 ‘Preconception care – an opportunity to start well’
    • 2010 - Included in the 2010 Edition of Who’s Who in the World

    • 2009 - SA Great Award for Health awarded for best contribution to Health in South 最新糖心Vlog.

    • 2009 - SA Great Award for Science awarded for best contribution to Science in South 最新糖心Vlog.

    • 2009 - South 最新糖心Vlogn Scientist of the Year awarded for most outstanding scientific leadership.

    • 2009 - Healthy Development Adelaide, winner of SA Science Excellence Award for Research for Collaboration

    • 2007 - NHMRC award – named one of 10 of the Best Great Minds in 最新糖心Vlogn Research

    • 2001 - Australasian Menopause Society Award/Novo Nordisk Award.

    • 2001 - SA Great Award for Health as CEO of Repromed Pty Ltd

    • 1987 - South Africa Medical Research Council award to Nobel Prize winner’s meeting, Germany

    • 1983 - ICI Clinical Research Scholarship, Dept. Reproductive Physiology,  St  Bartholomew’s Hospital UK.

    • 1971 - Nuffield Dominions Travelling Scholarship to Britain, Dept. Anatomy, 最新糖心Vlog of Birmingham, UK

    • 1968 - City of Salisbury Scholarship to study Medicine in Salisbury, Rhodesia

  • Teaching Interests

    Robert Norman teaches Medical and Postgraduate students in the following areas:

    • Hormones and reproduction
    • Infertility
    • Periconception health
  • Research Interests

    • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
    • Ovarian Physiology and Reproductive Endocrinology
    • Assisted Reproduction
    • Gonadotrophin Structure and Function
    • Cytokines & Reproductive Function
  • Research Funding

    Robert Norman's research has been funded by:

    • NHMRC Grants (Centre of Research Excellence, Project, program and equipment)
    • SA Premier's Science Research Fund
    • ARC Super Science Fellowship
    • Pharmaceutical funded trials
    • Faculty of Health Sciences
    • ADS-Servier National Diabetes Strategy Grant
    • ARC Linkage Grants
    • Clive and Vera Ramaciotti Equipment Grant
    • Federal Government funding for the PCOS Alliance and Your Fertility


  • Publications

    Publications and citation metrics as listed on - 

    Publications and citation metrics as listed on - 


    Journal Articles 2021

    Dang VQ, Vuong LN, Luu TM, Pham TD, Ho TM, Ha AN, Truong BT, Phan AK, Nguyen DP, Pham TN Pham QT, Wang R, Norman RJ, Mol BW. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection versus conventional in-vitro fertilisation in couples with infertility in whom the male partner has normal total sperm count and motility: an open-label, randomised controlled trial. Apr 24;397(10284):1554-1563.


    de Medeiros SF, Rodgers RJ, Norman RJ. Adipocyte and steroidogenic cell cross-talk in polycystic ovary syndrome. Hum Reprod Update 2021.

    Norman RJ, Hart RJ, Human growth hormone use in poor ovarian response - caution and opportunities. Ther Adv Reprod Health. 2021;15:26333494121999420.

     Journal Articles 2020

    Vuong LN, Pham TD, Dang VQ, Ho TM, Ho VN, Norman RJ, Mol BW. Corrigendum to 'Live birth rates with a freeze-only strategy versus fresh embryo transfer: secondary analysis of a randomized clinical trial'. Reproductive biomedicine online. 2020 Oct;41(4):751

    Wang R, Seidler AL, Askie L, Norman RJ, Bhattacharya S, van Wely M et al. Commercial influences on assisted reproductive technology: a scoping review. Human Reproduction. 2020. 35 (8), 1723-1731 

    Vuong LN, Pham TD, Dang VQ, Ho TM, Ho VNA, Norman RJ, Mol BW. Network meta-analyses in reproductive medicine: challenges and opportunities. Reproductive biomedicine online. 2020. S1472-6483 (20) 30444-2.

    Vuong LN, Ly TT, Nguyen NA, Nguyen LMT, Le XTH, Le TK, Le KTQ, Le TV, Nguyen MHN, Dang VQ, Norman RJ, Mol BW, Ho TM. Development of children born from freeze-only versus fresh embryo transfer: follow-up of a randomized controlled trial. Fertil Steril. 2020 Jun 16:S0015-0282(20)30401-5. 

    Grieger JA, Norman RJ. Menstrual cycle length patterns in a global cohort of women using a mobile phone app: Retrospective cohort study. J Med Internet Res. 2020 Jun 24;22(6):e17109.

    Gadalla M, Norman R, Tay C, Hiam D, Melder A, Pundir J Thangaratinam S, Teede HJ, Mol BWJ, Moran LJ.Medical and surgical treatment of reproductive outcomes in polycystic ovary syndrome: An overview of systematic reviews. International Journal of Fertility and Sterility. 2020 Jan:13(4), 257-270 

    Rose RD, Barry MF, Dunstan EV, Yuen SM, Cameron LP, Knight EJ, Norman RJ, Hull ML. The BlastGen study: a randomized controlled trial of blastocyst media supplemented with granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor. Reprod Biomed Online. 2020 May;40(5):645-652. 

    Raymer J, Guan Q, Norman RJ, Ledger W, Chambers GM. Projecting future utilization of medically assisted fertility treatments. Popul Stud (Camb). 2020 Mar;74(1):23-38. 

    Norman RJ. Ovarian size and hormones: speaking volumes about function. Fertil Steril. 2020 Feb;113(2):337-338. 

    Norman RJ.  The BlastGen study: A randomised controlled trial of GM-CSF supplemented blastocyst media. Fertility and Sterility. 2020; 113 (2): 337-338. 

    Liu FT, Wu Z, Yan J, Norman RJ, Li R. the potential role of growth hormone on the Endometrium in Assisted Reproductive Technology. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2020 Feb 14;11:49. 

    Hewawasam E, Brennan L, Giles L, Hull ML, Short A, Norman R, Peña AS. Assessing Whether Meditation Improves Quality of Life for Adolescent Girls With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Res Protoc. 2020 Jan 28;9(1):e14542.

    Norman RJ.  The BlastGen study: A randomised controlled trial of GM-CSF supplemented blastocyst media. Fertility and Sterility. 2020; 113 (2): 337-338. 

    Liu FT, Wu Z, Yan J, Norman RJ, Li R. the potential role of growth hormone on the Endometrium in Assisted Reproductive Technology. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2020 Feb 14;11:49. 

    Hewawasam E, Brennan L, Giles L, Hull ML, Short A, Norman R, Peña AS. Assessing Whether Meditation Improves Quality of Life for Adolescent Girls With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Res Protoc. 2020 Jan 28;9(1):e14542.


    Refereed Journal Articles 2019


    Chambers GM, Harrison C, Raymer J, Petersen Raymer AK, Britt H, Chapman M, Ledger W, Norman RJ. Infertility management in women and men attending primary care-patient characteristics, management actions and referrals. Hum Reprod. 2019 Nov 1;34(11):2173-83 

    Costello MF, Misso ML, Balen A, Boyle J, Devoto L, Garad RM, Hart R, Johnson L, Jordan C, Legro RS, Norman RJ, et al. Evidence summaries and recommendations from the international evidence-based guideline for the assessment and management of polycystic ovary syndrome: assessment and treatment of infertility. Hum Reprod Open. 2019;2019(1) 

    Costello MF, Misso ML, Balen A, Boyle J, Devoto L, Garad RM, Hart R, Johnson L, Jordan C, Legro RS, Norman RJ, Moran L, et al. A brief update on the evidence supporting the treatment of infertility in polycystic ovary syndrome. Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol. 2019 Dec;59(6):867-73 

    Dang VQ, Vuong LN, Ho TM, Ha AN, Nguyen QN, Truong BT, Pham QT, Wang R, Norman RJ, Mol BW. The effectiveness of ICSI versus conventional IVF in couples with non-male factor infertility: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Hum Reprod Open. 2019;2019(2):hoz006 

    Grieger JA, Grzeskowiak LE, Smithers LG, Bianco-Miotto T, Leemaqz SY, Andraweera P, Poston L, McCowan LM, Kenny C, Myers J, Walker JJ, Norman RJ, Dekker GA, Roberts CT. al. Metabolic syndrome and time to pregnancy: a retrospective study of nulliparous women. BJOG. 2019 Jun;126(7):852-62 

    Grieger JA, Grzeskowiak LE, Wilson RL, Bianco-Miotto T, Leemaqz SY, Jankovic-Karasoulos, Perkins AV, Norman RJ, Dekker GA, Roberts CT. Maternal Selenium, Copper and Zinc Concentrations in Early Pregnancy, and the Association with Fertility. Nutrients. 2019 Jul 16;11(7) 

    Hart RJ, Doherty DA, Mori TA, Adams LA, Huang RC, Minaee N, Handelsman DJ, McLachan R, Norman RJ, Dickinson JE, Olynyk JK, Beilin LJ. Features of the metabolic syndrome in late adolescence are associated with impaired testicular function at 20 years of age. Hum Reprod. 2019 Mar 1;34(3):389-402 

    Lim SS, Hutchison SK, Van Ryswyk E,  Norman RJ, Teede HJ, Moran LJ. Lifestyle changes in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2019 Mar 28;3:CD007506 

    Lim SS, Kakoly NS, Tan JWJ, Fitzgerald G, Bahri Khomami M, Joham AE, Cooray SD, Misso ML, Norman RJ, Harrison CL, Ranasinha S, Teede HJ, Moran LJ. Metabolic syndrome in polycystic ovary syndrome: a systematic review, meta-analysis and meta-regression. Obes Rev. 2019 Feb;20(2):339-52 

    Moran LJ, Noakes M, Clifton P, Buckley J, Brinkworth G, Thomson R, Norman RJ. Predictors of Lifestyle Intervention Attrition or Weight Loss Success in Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Who Are Overweight or Obese. Nutrients. 2019 Feb 26;11(3) 

    Norman RJ, Alvino H, Hull LM, Mol BW, Hart RJ, Kelly TL, et al. Human growth hormone for poor responders: a randomized placebo-controlled trial provides no evidence for improved live birth rate. Reprod Biomed Online. 2019 Jun;38(6):908-15 

    Rodgers RJ, Avery JC, Moore VM, Davies MJ, Azziz R, Stener-Victorin E, Moran LJ, Robertson SA, Stepto NK, Norman RJ, Teede HJ. Complex diseases and co-morbidities: polycystic ovary syndrome and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Endocr Connect. 2019 Mar;8(3):R71-R5 

    Sharpe A, Morley LC, Tang T,  Norman RJ, Balen AH. Metformin for ovulation induction (excluding gonadotrophins) in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2019 Dec 17;12:CD013505 

    Smith CA, Armour M, Shewamene Z, Tan HY,  Norman RJ, Johnson NP. Acupuncture performed around the time of embryo transfer: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Reprod Biomed Online. 2019 Mar;38(3):364-79 

    Smith CA, de Lacey S, Chapman M, Ratcliffe J,  Norman RJ, Johnson NP, et al. The effects of acupuncture on the secondary outcomes of anxiety and quality of life for women undergoing IVF: A randomized controlled trial. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2019 Apr;98(4):460-9 

    Teede H, Misso M, Tassone EC, Dewailly D, Ng EH, Azziz R, Norman RJ, et al. Anti-Mullerian Hormone in PCOS: A Review Informing International Guidelines. Trends Endocrinol Metab. 2019 Jul;30(7):467-78 

    Teede HJ, Misso ML, Costello MF, Dokras A, Laven J, Moran L, Piltonen T, Norman RJ, Inernational PCOS Network. Erratum. Recommendations from the international evidence-based guideline for the assessment and management of polycystic ovary syndrome. Hum Reprod. 2019 Feb 1;34(2):388 

    Teede HJ,  Norman RJ, Garad RM. A new evidence-based guideline for assessment and management of polycystic ovary syndrome. Med J Aust. 2019 Apr;210(6):285- e1 

    Vuong LN, Pham TD, Dang VQ, Ho TM, Ho VNA,  Norman RJ, et al. Live birth rates with a freeze-only strategy versus fresh embryo transfer: secondary analysis of a randomized clinical trial. Reprod Biomed Online. 2019 Mar;38(3):387-96 

    Wang R, Li W, Bordewijk EM, Legro RS, Zhang H, Wu X, Gao J, MorinPapunen L, Homburg, R, Konig TE, Moll E, Kar S, Huang W, Johnson NP, Amer SA, Vegetti W, Palomba S, Falbo A, Ozmen U, Nazik H, Williams CD, Frederica G, Lord J, Sahin Y, Bhattacharya S, Norman RJ, van Wely M, Mol Bw. First-line ovulation induction for polycystic ovary syndrome: an individual participant data meta-analysis. Hum Reprod Update. 2019 Nov 5;25(6):717-32 

    Wang R, van Welie N, van Rijswijk J, Johnson NP,  Norman RJ, Dreyer K, et al. Effectiveness on fertility outcome of tubal flushing with different contrast media: systematic review and network meta-analysis. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2019 Aug;54(2):172-81


    Refereed Journal Articles 2018

    Botha W, Donnolley N, Shanahan M,  Norman RJ, Chambers GM. Societal preferences for fertility treatment in 最新糖心Vlog: a stated preference discrete choice experiment. J Med Econ. 2018 Nov 15:1-23. DOI: 10.1080/13696998.2018.1549055.

    Brown HM, Green ES, Tan TCY, Gonzalez MB, Rumbold AR, Hull ML, Norman RJ, et al. Periconception onset diabetes is associated with embryopathy and fetal growth retardation, reproductive tract hyperglycosylation and impaired immune adaptation to pregnancy. Sci Rep. 2018 Feb 1;8(1):2114. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-19263-8.

    Downes L, Garad R, Teede HJ,  Norman RJ. A Governance Model Addressing the Challenges of Contemporary Research. Semin Reprod Med. 2018 Jan;36(1):73-9. DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1667157.

    Gadalla MA, Huang S, Wang R,  Norman RJ, Abdullah SA, El Saman AM, et al. Effect of clomiphene citrate on endometrial thickness, ovulation, pregnancy and live birth in anovulatory women: systematic review and meta-analysis. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2018 Jan;51(1):64-76 

    Grieger JA, Grzeskowiak LE, Bianco-Miotto T, Jankovic-Karasoulos T, Moran LJ, Wilson RL, Leemaqz sY, Poston L, McCowan L, Kenny LC, Myers J, Walker JJ, Norman RJ, Dekker GA, Roberts CT. Pre-pregnancy fast food and fruit intake is associated with time to pregnancy. Hum Reprod. 2018 Jun 1;33(6):1063-70 

    Grzeskowiak LE, Smithers LG, Grieger JA, Bianco-Miotto T, Leemaqz SY, Clifton VL, Poston L, McCowan L, Kenny LC, Myers J, Walker JJ, Norman RJ, Dekker GA, Roberts CT.Asthma treatment impacts time to pregnancy: evidence from the international SCOPE study. Eur Respir J. 2018 Feb;51(2) 

    Hart RJ, Doherty DA, Keelan JA, Minaee NS, Thorstensen EB, Dickinson JE, , , , , , , , , , , . et al. The impact of antenatal Bisphenol A exposure on male reproductive function at 20-22 years of age. Reprod Biomed Online. 2018 Mar;36(3):340-7 

    Hart RJ, Frederiksen H, Doherty DA, Keelan JA, Skakkebaek NE, Minaee NS, McLachlan r, Newnham JP, Dickinson JE, Pennell CE, Norman RJ, Main KM. The Possible Impact of Antenatal Exposure to Ubiquitous Phthalates Upon Male Reproductive Function at 20 Years of Age. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2018;9:288 

    Kakoly NS, Khomami MB, Joham AE, Cooray SD, Misso ML,  Norman RJ, et al. Ethnicity, obesity and the prevalence of impaired glucose tolerance and type 2 diabetes in PCOS: a systematic review and meta-regression. Hum Reprod Update.2018 Jul 1;24(4):455-67 

    Le KD, Vuong LN, Ho TM, Dang VQ, Pham TD, Pham CT, Norman RJ, Mol BWJ. A cost-effectiveness analysis of freeze-only or fresh embryo transfer in IVF of non-PCOS women. Hum Reprod. 2018 Oct 1;33(10):1907-14  

    Norman RJ, Mol BWJ. Successful weight loss interventions before in vitro fertilization: fat chance? Fertil Steril. 2018 Sep;110(4):581-6 

    Norman RJ, Teede HJ. A new evidence-based guideline for assessment and management of polycystic ovary syndrome. Med J Aust. 2018 Sep 1;209(7):299-300 

    Pena AS, Doherty DA, Atkinson HC, Hickey M,  Norman RJ, Hart R. The majority of irregular menstrual cycles in adolescence are ovulatory: results of a prospective study. Arch Dis Child. 2018 Mar;103(3):235-9 

    Pham CT, Karnon JD,  Norman RJ, Mol BW. Cost-effectiveness modelling of IVF in couples with unexplained infertility. Reprod Biomed Online. 2018 Nov;37(5):555-63 

    Smith CA, de Lacey S, Chapman M, Ratcliffe J,  Norman RJ, Johnson NP, et al. Effect of Acupuncture vs Sham Acupuncture on Live Births Among Women Undergoing In Vitro Fertilization: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA. 2018 May 15;319(19):1990-8 

    Tay CT, Moran LJ, Wijeyaratne CN, Redman LM,  Norman RJ, Teede HJ, et al. Integrated Model of Care for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Semin Reprod Med. 2018 Jan;36(1):86-94 

    Teede HJ, Legro RS,  Norman RJ. A Vision for Improving the Assessment and Management of PCOS through International Collaboration. Semin Reprod Med. 2018 Jan;36(1):3-4 

    Teede HJ, Misso ML, Boyle JA, Garad RM, McAllister V, Downes L, Gibson M, hart RJ, Rombauts L, Moran L, Dokras A, Laven J, Piltonen T, Rodgers RJ, Thondan M, Costello MF, Norman RJ. Translation and implementation of the 最新糖心Vlogn-led PCOS guideline: clinical summary and translation resources from the International Evidence-based Guideline for the Assessment and Management of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Med J Aust. 2018 Oct 1;209(S7):S3-S8.

    Teede HJ, Misso ML, Costello MF, Dokras A, Laven J, Moran L, Pitonen T, Norman RJ, International PCOS network. Recommendations from the international evidence-based guideline for the assessment and management of polycystic ovary syndrome. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2018 Sep;89(3):251-68 

    Teede HJ, Misso ML, Costello MF, Dokras A, Laven J, Moran L, Pitonen T, Norman RJ, International PCOS network. Recommendations from the international evidence-based guideline for the assessment and management of polycystic ovary syndrome. Fertil Steril. 2018 Aug;110(3):364-79 

    Teede HJ, Misso ML, Costello MF, Dokras A, Laven J, Moran L, Pitonen T, Norman RJ, International PCOS network. Recommendations from the international evidence-based guideline for the assessment and management of polycystic ovary syndrome. Hum Reprod. 2018 Sep 1;33(9):1602-18 

    Vuong LN, Dang VQ, Ho TM, Huynh BG, Ha DT, Pham TD, Nguyen LK, Norman RJ, Mol BW. IVF Transfer of Fresh or Frozen Embryos in Women without Polycystic Ovaries. N Engl J Med. 2018 Jan 11;378(2):137-47 

    Vuong LN, Ho VNA, Ho TM, Dang VQ, Phung TH, Giang NH, Le AH, Pham TD, Wang R, Norman RJ, Mol BW. Effectiveness and safety of in vitro maturation of oocytes versus in vitro fertilisation in women with high antral follicle count: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open. 2018 Dec 9;8(12):e023413


    Book Chapters 2018

    Kovacs G, Norman R. (Editors) ‘How to Improve Preconception Health to Maximise IVF Success'. Cambridge 最新糖心Vlog Press. 2018 Feb; ISBN 9781316727119.


    Refereed Journal Articles 2017

    Morley LC, Tang T, Yasmin E, Norman RJ, Balen AH. ‘Insulin-sensitising drugs (metformin, rosiglitazone, pioglitazone, D-chiro-inositol) for women with polycystic ovary syndrome, oligo amenorrhoea and subfertility’. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2017 Nov 29;11:CD003053. doi: 10.1002/14651858

    Gadalla MA, Huang S, Wang R, Norman RJ, Abdullah SA, El Saman AM, Ismail AM, van Wely M, Mol BWJ. ‘The effect of clomiphene citrate on endometrial thickness, ovulation, pregnancy and live birth in anovulatory women: a systematic review and meta-analysis’. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2017 Oct 21. doi: 10.1002/uog.18933

    Robertson SJ, Norman RJ. ‘It is ethical to recommend against assisted reproductive treatment for women with a high body mass index’. Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol. 2017 Oct;57(5):575-578

    de-Medeiros SF, Yamamoto MMW, de-Medeiros MAS, Barbosa JS, Norman RJ. ‘Should Subclinical Hypothyroidism Be an Exclusion Criterion for the Diagnosis of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome?’. J Reprod Infertil. 2017 Apr-Jun;18(2):242-250

    Peà A AS, Doherty DA, Atkinson HC, Hickey M, Norman RJ, Hart R. ‘The majority of irregular menstrual cycles in adolescence are ovulatory: results of a prospective study’. Arch Dis Child. 2017 Aug 9. pii: archdischild-2017-312968. doi: 10.1136/archdischild-2017-312968

    Smith CA, de Lacey S, Chapman M, Ratcliffe J, Norman RJ, Johnson N, Sacks G, Lyttleton J, Boothroyd C. ‘Erratum to Acupuncture to improve live birth rates for women undergoing in vitro fertilization: a protocol for a randomized controlled trial”. Trials. 2017 Jun 1;18(1):248

    Hammarberg K, Norman R, Robertson S, McLachlan R, Michelmore J, Johnson L. ‘Development of a health promotion programme to improve awareness of factors that affect fertility and evaluation of its reach in the first 5 years’. Reproductive Biomedicine & Society (Online) 2017; 4, 33-40

    Hart R, Rombauts L, & Norman R. ‘Growth hormone in IVF cycles:  any hope?’ Current Opinion in Obstetrics and Gynecology2017, doi:10.1097/GCO.0000000000000360

    Wang R, Kim BV, van Wely M, Johnson NP, Costello MF, Zhang H, Ng EH, Legro RS, Bhattacharya S, Norman RJ, Mol BW. ‘Treatment strategies for women with WHO group II anovulation: Systematic review and network meta-analysis’. BMJ (Online)2017 Jan; 356:j138

    Handelsman D, Teede H, Desai R, Norman R, & Moran, L. ‘Performance of mass spectrometry steroid profiling for diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome’. Hum Reprod, 2017 Feb;32(2), 418-422 


    Refereed Journal Articles 2016

    Robertson S, Jin M, Yu D, Moldenhauer L, Davies M, Hull, M, & Norman R. ‘Corticosteroid therapy in assisted reproduction - Immune suppression is a faulty premise’. Human Reproduction, 2016, 31(10), 2164-2173

    Balen A, Morley L, Misso M, Franks S, Legro R, Wijeyaratne C, Stener-Victorin E, Fauser B, , Teede H. ‘The management of anovulatory infertility in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: An analysis of the evidence to support the development of global WHO guidance’. Human Reproduction Update, Nov 2106; 22(6):687-708 

    Hart RJ, Doherty DA, Keelan JA, McLachlan R, Skakkebaek NE, Norman RJ, Dickinson JE, Pennell CE, Newnham JP, Hickey M, Handelsman DJ. ‘Early life events predict adult testicular function; data derived from the Western 最新糖心Vlogn (Raine) birth cohort’. JCEM, 2016, May; 101(9):3333-44

    Miller LM, Hodgson R, Wong TY, Merrilees M, Norman RJ, Johnson NP. ‘Single embryo transfer for all?’ ANZJOG, 2016 Oct;56(5):514-517  

    Moran LJ, Thomson RL, Buckley JD, Noakes M, Clifton PM, Norman RJ, Brinkworth GD. Erratum to: ‘Steroidal contraceptive use is associated with lower bone mineral density in polycystic ovary syndrome’. Endocrine, 2016, May;52(2):404-404

    De Sousa SMC, Norman RJ. ‘Metabolic syndrome, diet and exercise’. Best Practice and Research Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 2016 Nov;37:140-151

    Boyle J, O’Dea K, Cunningham J, Norman RJ. ‘Prevalence of PCOS in a sample of urban 最新糖心Vlogn Indigenous women in Darwin’. Medical Journal 最新糖心Vlog, 2016;2:412

    Moran LJ, Tsagareli V, Noakes M, Norman RJ. Altered Preconception Fatty Acid Intake is Associated with Improved Pregnancy Rates in Overweight and Obese Women Undertaking in Vitro Fertilisation’. Nutrients 2016 Jan; 8(1):10; doi:10.3390/nu8010010


    Refereed Journal Articles 2015

     Hart RJ, Doherty DA, McLachlan RI, Walls ML, Keelan JA, Dickinson JE, Skakkebaek NE, Norman RJ, Handelsman DJ. ‘Testicular function in a birth cohort of young men’. Human Reprod 2015 Dec;30(12):2713-2724

    Braakhekke M, Kamphuis El, Mol F, Norman RJ, Bhattacharya S, van der Veen F, Mol BWJ. ‘Effectiveness and safety as outcome measures in reproductive medicine’. Human Reprod 2015 Oct;30(10):2249-2251

    Boyle JA, Cunningham J, O’Dea K, Dunbar T, Norman RJ. ‘Polycystic ovary syndrome and Metabolic syndrome in Indigenous 最新糖心Vlogn women’. Internal Medicine Journal, 2015 Sept; 45(12):1247-54

    Norman RJ, 2015 RANZCOG Arthur Wilson Memorial Oration ‘From little things, big things grow:  The importance of periconception medicine’. ANZJOG, 2015 Dec;55(6):535-40

    van Marrewijk IM, Thompson JG, Roseboom TJ, Davies MJ, Lane M, Robker RL, Moran LJ, Norman RJ, Mol BWJ. ‘Long-term safety of IVF, ICSI and IVM: a systematic review of animal studies’. Human Reproduction, 2015 June:30;366-366

    Ranasinha S, Joham AE, Norman RJ, Shaw JE, Zoungas S, Boyle J, Moran L, Teede HJ. ‘The association between Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and metabolic syndrome: as statistical modelling approach’. Clinical Endocrinology, 2015 Dec;83(6):879-87

    Norman RJ. ‘How to avoid expensive and inappropriate fertility treatments for your patients’.  HealthED-The Annual Women’s and Children’s Health Update, Adelaide’ May 2015:pp35-44

    Pantasri T, Wu L, Hull L, Sullivan T, Barry M, Norman RJ, Robker R. 'Distinct localization of lipids in the ovarian follicular environment'. Reproduction, Fertility and Development 2015 May;27(4):593-601

    Tuck AR, Robker RL, Norman RJ, Tilley WD, Hickey TE.  ‘Expression and localisation of c-kit and KITL in the adult human ovary’. Journal of Ovarian Research 2015 May;8(1):31

    Wu LL, Russell DL, Wong SL, Chen M, Tsai TS, St John JC, Norman RJ, Febbraio MA, Carroll J, Robker R. 'Mitochondrial dysfunction in oocytes of obese mothers:  transmission to offspring and reversal by pharmacological endoplasmic reticulum stress inhibitors'. Development 2015 Feb;142(4):681-691

    Moran LJ, Norman RJ, Teede HJ. 'Metabolic risk in PCOS:  phenotype and adiposity impact'.  Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism, 2015 Mar;26(3):136-43

    Norman RJ, Moran LJ. 'Polycystic Ovary Syndrome in Young Women:  Issues and Consequences'. Health and Nutrition in Adolescents and Young Women:  Preparing for the Next Generation.’  Nestle Nutrition Institute Workshop Series, 2015, 80:87-94


    Book Chapters 2015

    De Sousa S and Norman RJ 'A patient found to have Cushing syndrome'. Case Studies in Assisted Reproduction Common and Uncommon Presentations. Cambridge 最新糖心Vlog Press 2015, 14;50-52.

    Hardy T and Norman RJ 'Postpartum pituitary problems'. Case Studies in Assisted Reproduction Common and Uncommon Presentations. Cambridge 最新糖心Vlog Press 2015, 14;53-55.


    Refereed Journal Articles 2014

    Chen M, Wu L, Wu F, Wittert GA, Norman RJ, Robker RL, Heilbronn LK. 'Impaired Glucose Metabolism in Response to High Fat Diet in Female Mice Conceived by In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) or Ovarian Stimulation Alone'. Plos one 2014 Nov;9(11), e113155

    Chen M, Wu L, Zhao J, Wu F, Davies MJ, Wittert GA, Norman RJ, Robker RL, Heilbronn LK. 'Altered glucose metabolism in mouse and humans conceived by in-vitro fertilization (IVF)'. Diabetes 2014 Oct;63(10):3189-98

    Harbin Consensus Conference Workshop Group (inc Norman RJ). 'Improving the Reporting of Clinical Trials of Infertility Treatments (IMPRINT): modifying the CONSORT statement'. Fertil & Steril. 2014 Oct;102(4):952-959 

    Tuck AR, Mottershead DG, Fernandes HA, Norman RJ, Tilley WD, Robker RL, Hickey TE. 'Mouse GDF9 decreases KITL gene expression in human granulosa cells.' Endocrine. 2014 July(2):1-10

    Misso M, Boyle J, Norman R, Teede H. 'Development of Evidenced-Based Guidelines for PCOS and Implications for Community Health'. Semin Reprod Med. 2014 May;32(03):230-240

    Dewailly D, Lujan ME, Carmina E, Cedars MI, Laven J, Norman RJ, Escobar-Morreale HF. 'Definition and significance of polycystic ovarian morphology: a task force report from the Androgen Excess and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Society'. Hum Reprod Update. 2014 May;20(3):334-352

    Teede H, Gibson-Helm M, Norman RJ, Boyle J. ‘Polycystic ovary syndrome: perceptions and attitudes of women and primary health care physicians on features of PCOS and renaming the syndrome.’ J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2014 Jan;99(1):E107-11


    Book Chapters 2014

    De Sousa SMC, Norman RJ.  'The Patient with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.' IVF in the Medically Complicated Patient:  A Guide to Management, CRC Press, June 2014:91-102.


    Refereed Journal Articles 2013

    Sullivan EA, Wang YA, Norman RJ, Chambers GM, Chughtai AA, Farquhar CM. ‘Perinatal mortality following assisted reproductive technology treatment in 最新糖心Vlog and New Zealand, a public health approach for international reporting of perinatal mortality’, BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2013 Sep 18;13(1):177

    Pantasri T, Norman RJ. 'The effects of being overweight and obese on female reproduction: a review.' Gynecol Endocrinol. 2013 Nov;30(2):90-4 

    Moran LJ, Teede HJ, Noakes M, Clifton PM, Norman RJ, Wittert GA. SHBG, but not testosterone, is associated with the metabolic syndrome in overweight and obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome. J Endocrinol Invest. 2013 Jul 1. [Epub ahead of print] 

    Norman RJ. Biomarkers of endometrial receptivity through a minimally invasive approach. Fertil Steril. 2013 Sep;100(3):654-5

    Hammarberg K, Setter T, Norman RJ, Holden CA, Michelmore J, Johnson L. ‘Knowledge about factors that influence fertility among 最新糖心Vlogns of reproductive age: a population-based survey.’ Fertil Steril. 2013 Feb;99(2):502-7

    Joham AE, Norman RJ, Teede HJ. ‘Investigation of irregular menses’, EndocrinologyToday: peer reviewed updates for medical practicioners. 2013 Oct;2(4):36-38

    Moran LJ, Teede HJ, Noakes M, Clifton PM, Norman RJ, Wittert GA. ‘SHBG, but not testosterone, is associated with the metabolic syndrome in overweight and obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome’, J Endocrinol Invest. 2013 Dec;36(11):1004-10

    Hardy TS, Norman RJ. ‘Diagnosis of adolescent polycystic ovary syndrome’, Steroids. 2013 Aug;78(8):751-4

    Hart R, Norman RJ. ‘The longer-term health outcomes for children born as a result of IVF treatment. Part II: mental health and development outcomes’, Hum Reprod Update. 2013 May-Jun;19(3):244-50

    Hart R, Norman RJ. ‘The longer-term health outcomes for children born as a result of IVF treatment: Part I-General health outcomes’, Hum Reprod Update. 2013 May-Jun;19(3):232-43

    Butler MS, Yang X, Ricciardelli C, Liang X, Norman RJ, Tilley WD, Hickey TE. ‘Small glutamine-rich tetratricopeptide repeat-containing protein alpha is present in human ovaries but may not be differentially expressed in relation to polycystic ovary syndrome’, Fertil Steril. 2013 Jun;99(7):2076-83

    Misso ML, Costello MF, Garrubba M, Wong J, Hart R, Rombauts L, Melder AM, Norman RJ, Teede HJ. ‘Metformin versus clomiphene citrate for infertility in non-obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis’, Hum Reprod Update. 2013 Jan-feb;19(1):2-11 


    Book Chapters 2013

    Robker RL and Norman RJ Obesity and oocyte quality pp362-370 in Biology and Pathology of the Oocyte – role in fertility, medicine and nuclear programming edited by Trounson A, Gosden R and Eichenlaub-Ritter U Cambridge Press 2013

    Harty T, de Sousa A, Norman RJ Polycystic ovary syndrome: prognosis and risk of co-morbidity. In Novel Insights into the Pathophysiology & Treatment of PCOS’ pp124-134 Future Medicine 2013


    Refereed Journal Articles 2012

    Escobar-Morreale HF, Carmina E, Dewailly D, Gambineri A, Kelestimur F, Moghetti P, Pugeat M, Qiao J, Wijeyaratne CN, Witchel SF, Norman RJ. ‘Epidemiology, diagnosis and management of hirsutism: a consensus statement by the Androgen Excess and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Society’, Hum Reprod Update. 2012 Mar-Apr;18(2):146-70

    Moran LJ, Norman RJ. ‘The effect of bariatric surgery on female reproductive function’, J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2012 Dec;97(12):4352-4 

    Lim SS, Norman RJ, Davies MJ, Moran LJ. ‘The effect of obesity on polycystic ovary syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis’, Obes Rev. 2013 Feb;14(2):95-109 

    Moran LJ, Noakes M, Wittert GA, Clifton PM, Norman RJ. ‘Weight loss and vascular inflammatory markers in overweight women with and without polycystic ovary syndrome’, Reprod Biomed Online. 2012 Nov;25(5)500-3

    Sullivan EA, Wang YA, Hayward I, Chambers GM, Illingworth P, McBain J, Norman RJ. ‘Single embryo transfer reduces the risk of perinatal mortality, a population study’, Hum Reprod. 2012 Dec;27(12):3609-15

    Misso ML, Teede HJ, Hart R, Wong J, Rombauts L, Melder AM, Norman RJ, Costello MF. ‘Status of clomiphene citrate and metformin for infertility in PCOS’, Trends Endocrinol Metab. 2012 Oct;23(10):533-43

    Dunning KR, Watson LN, Sharkey DJ, Brown HM, Norman RJ, Thompson JG, Robker RL, Russell DL. ‘Molecular Filtration Properties of the Mouse Expanded Cumulus Matrix: Controlled Supply of Metabolites and Extracellular Signals to Cumulus Cells and the Oocyte’, Biol Reprod. 2012 Oct;87(4):89

    Lim SS, Davies MJ, Norman RJ, Moran LJ. ‘Overweight, obesity and central obesity in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis’, Hum Reprod Update. 2012 Jul 4.

    Yang X, Wu LL, Chura LR, Liang X, Lane M, Norman RJ, Robker RL. ‘Exposure to lipid-rich follicular fluid is associated with endoplasmic reticulum stress and impaired oocyte maturation in cumulus-oocyte complexes’, Fertil Steril. 2012 Jun;97(6):1438-43.

    Thomson RL, Brinkworth GD, Noakes M, Clifton PM, Norman RJ, Buckley JD. ‘The effect of diet and exercise on markers of endothelial function in overweight and obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome’, Hum Reprod. 2012 Jul;27(7):2169-76

    Norman RJ. ‘Does ovulation induction with follicle-stimulating hormone still have a future in polycystic ovary syndrome?’, Fertil Steril. 2012 Sep;98(3):599

    Tang T, Lord JM, Norman RJ, Yasmin E, Balen AH. ‘Insulin-sensitising drugs (metformin, rosiglitazone, pioglitazone, D-chiro-inositol) for women with polycystic ovary syndrome, oligo amenorrhoea and subfertility’, Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2012 May 16;5:CD003053

    Smith CA, de Lacey S, Chapman M, Ratcliffe J, Norman RJ, Johnson N, Sacks G, Lyttleton J, Boothroyd C. ‘Acupuncture to improve live birth rates for women undergoing in vitro fertilization: a protocol for a randomized controlled trial’, Trials. 2012 May 18;13(1):60.

    Costello MF, Misso ML, Wong J, Hart R, Rombauts L, Melder A, Norman RJ, Teede HJ . ‘The treatment of infertility in polycystic ovary syndrome: a brief update’, Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol. 2012 Aug;52(4):400-3

    Homan G, Litt J, Norman RJ. ‘The FAST study: Fertility ASsessment and advice Targeting lifestyle choices and behaviours: a pilot study’, Hum Reprod. 2012 Aug;27(8):2396-404

    Witchel SF, Recabarren SE, González F, Diamanti-Kandarakis E, Cheang KI, Duleba AJ, Legro RS, Homburg R, Pasquali R, Lobo RA, Zouboulis CC, Kelestimur F, Fruzzetti F, Futterweit W, Norman RJ, Abbott DH. ‘Emerging concepts about prenatal genesis, aberrant metabolism and treatment paradigms in polycystic ovary syndrome’, Endocrine. 2012 Dec;42(3):526-34

    Misso ML, Wong JLA, Teede HJ, Hart R, Rombauts L, Melder AM, Norman RJ, Costello MF. ‘Aromatase inhibitors for PCOS: a systematic review and meta-analysis’, Hum Reprod Update. 2012 May-Jun;18(3):301-12

    Wu LL, Russell DL, Norman RJ, Robker RL. ‘Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) Stress in Cumulus-Oocyte Complexes Impairs Pentraxin-3 Secretion, Mitochondrial Membrane Potential ({Delta}{Psi}m), and Embryo Development’, Mol Endocrinol. 2012 Apr;26(4):562-73

    Boyle JA, Cunningham J, Dunbar T, O’Dea K, Norman RJ. ‘Prevalence of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome in sample of urban Indigenous women in Darwin, 最新糖心Vlog’, The Medical Journal of 最新糖心Vlog. 2012; 196(1)62-66

    Fauser BC, Tarlatzis BC, Rebar RW, Legro RS, Balen AH, Lobo R, Carmina E, Chang J, Yildiz BO, Laven JS, Boivin J, Petraglia F, Wijeyeratne CN, Norman RJ et al, ‘Consensus on women's health aspects of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS): the Amsterdam ESHRE/ASRM-Sponsored 3rd PCOS Consensus Workshop Group’, Fertil Steril. 2012 Jan;97(1):28-38


    Book Chapters 2012 

    Norman RJ. ‘Managing Failures-Troubleshooting and Patient Counselling’. Handbook on Managing Infertility (Meeting the Challenges in Low-Resource Settings), Chapter 25, pp 212-215. 


    Refereed Journal Articles 2011

    Janse F, Eijkemans MJ, Goverde AJ, Lentjes EG, Hoek A, Lambalk CB, Hickey TE, Fauser BC, Norman RJ. ‘Assessment of androgen concentration in women: liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry and extraction RIA show comparable results’, Eur J Endocrinol. 2011 Dec.

    Wu LL, Norman RJ, Robker RL. ‘The impact of obesity on oocytes: evidence for lipotoxicity mechanisms’, Reprod Fertil Dev. 2001 Dec 24.

    Moran LJ, Dodd J, Nisenblat V, Norman RJ. ‘Obesity and reproductive dysfunction in women.’ Endocrinol Metab Clin North Am. 2011 Dec.

    Chen M, Norman RJ, Heilbronn LK. ‘Does in vitro fertilisation increase type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular risk?’, Curr Diabetes Rev. 2011 Nov 1.

    Norman RJ. ‘The power of one and its cost’, The Medical Journal of 最新糖心Vlog. In press (accepted 08/10/2011).

    Escobar-Moreale H, Carmina E, Dewailly D, Gambineri A, Kelestimur F, Moghetti P, Pugeat M, Wijeyaratne CN, Witchel S & Norman RJ. ‘Epidemiology, diagnosis and management of hirsutisma: a consensus statement by the Androgen Excess and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (AE-PCOS) Society’, Hum Reprod. In press (accepted 20/9/11).

    Teede HJ, Misso ML, Deeks AA, Moran LJ, Stuckey BG, Wong JJ, Norman RJ & Costello MF. ‘Assessment and management of polycystic ovary syndrome: summary of an evidence-based guideline’. The Medical Journal of 最新糖心Vlog. 2011 September 19; 195(6): s65-s112

    Fauser B, Tarlatzis BC, Rebar B, Legro RS, Balen AH, Lobo RA, Carmina E, Chang JR, Yildiz BO, Laven JS, Boivin J, Petraglia F, Wijeyeratne CN, Norman RJ, Dunaif A, Franks S, Wild RA, Dumesic D & Barnhart K. ‘Consensus of women’s health aspects of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)’, Hum Reprod. In press (accepted 2011)

    Ngo DT, Chan WP, Rajendran S, Heresztyn T, Amarasekera A, Sverdlov AL, O’Loughlin PD, Morris HA, Chirkov YY, Norman RJ, Horowitz JD. ‘Determinants of insulin responsiveness in young women: Impact of polycystic ovarian syndrome, nitric oxide, and vitamin D’, Nitric Oxide, 30 June 2011 [Epub ahead of print].

    Moran LJ, Tsagareli V, Norman RJ, Noakes M. ‘Diet and IVF Approaches (DIVA) pilot study: Short-term weight loss improves pregnancy rates in overweight / obese women undertaking IVF’, 最新糖心Vlogn and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. In press (accepted 27/5/11).

    Norman RJ, Zegers-Hochschild F, Salle BS, Elbers J, Heijen E, Marintcheva-Petrova M, Mannaerts B; for the Trust Investigators. ‘Repeated ovarian stimulation with corifollitropin alfa in patients in a GnRH antagonist protocol: no concern for immunogenicity’, Hum Reprod. 2011 May 27. [Epub ahead of print]

    Dunning KR, Akison LK, Russell DL, Norman RJ, Robker RL. ‘Increased Beta-Oxidation and Improved Oocyte Developmental Competence in Response to L-Carnitine During Ovarian In Vitro Follicle Development in Mice’, Biol Reprod. 2011 May 25. [Epub ahead of print]

    Hickey M, Doherty DA, Atkinson H, Sloboda DM, Franks S, Norman RJ, Hart R. ‘Clinical, ultrasound and biochemical features of polycystic ovary syndrome in adolescents: implications for diagnosis’, Hum Reprod. 2011 Apr 8. 

    Hart R, Doherty DA, Mori T, Huang RC, Norman RJ, Franks S, Sloboda D, Beilin L, Hickey M. ‘Extent of metabolic risk in adolescent girls with features of polycystic ovary syndrome’, Fertil Steril. 2011 Mar 28. [Epub ahead of print]

    Moran LJ, Hutchison SK, Norman RJ, Teede HJ. ‘Lifestyle changes in women with polycystic ovary syndrome’, Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2011 Feb 16;2:CD007506.


    Book Chapters 2011

    Lim S & Norman RJ. ‘Nutrition and reproduction’ in Wass and Stewart Oxford Textbook of Endocrinology and Diabetes 2nd Edition

    Nisenblat  V & Norman RJ. ‘Pre-pregnancy counceling and treatment’ in Kovacs, G 2nd Edition, The Subfertitlity Handbook: A clinician’s Guide.

    Moran L & Norman RJ. ‘Do vitamins and natural supplements improve pregnancy rates? In Kovacs, G. (ed) 2011. How to Improve Your ART Success Rates: An Evidence-Based Review of Adjuncts to IVF, Cambridge 最新糖心Vlog Press, Cambridge, p.38-42


  • Professional Associations

    • Past Visiting Clinician, Royal Adelaide Hospital
    • Former Medical Director, Fertility SA
    • Visiting Professor, Zheijang 最新糖心Vlog School of Medicine
    • Visiting Professor, 最新糖心Vlog of Southampton
    • Visiting Professor, Peking Medical 最新糖心Vlog
    • Past President, Androgen Excess Society
    • President, Aspire
    • Member, American Society of Reproductive Medicine
    • Member, Society of Reproductive Biologists
    • Member, Endocrine Society of America
    • Member, Endocrine Society of 最新糖心Vlog
    • Member, European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology
    • Member, Fertility Society of 最新糖心Vlog
    • Board Member, VNU-HCM Research Institute for Genetics and Reproductive Health
    • Chair, 最新糖心Vlogn National PCOS Alliance
    • Research Committee, NHMRC
    • Embryo Licencing Committee, NHMRC


  • Professional Interests

    • Infertility included Assisted Reproduction and IVF
    • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and its consequences
    • Health around conception and its optimisation
    • Reproductive Endocrinology

  • Community Engagement

    Media Reports 2011-2017
    The following are representative but do not comprise a complete list:


    • 19/10/2017, Radio National: Interview with Prof Rob Norman on having babies in the 21st century
    • 13/10/2017, 5AA: Interview with Prof Rob Norman on having babies in the 21st century
    • 19/5/2017, Adelaide Advertiser, ABC Radio, Ch 7 News, ABC News (and other sources): Historic fertility hope with tubal flushing
    • 21/4/2017, ABC Radio Adelaide: Interview with Prof Rob Norman about choosing the sex of your child
    • 5/3/2017, Sunday Canberra Times, Sunday Age: How the ‘egg timer' test helps to build a family
    • 25/02/17 ABC Lateline on gender selection
    • 9/02/2017, 5AA Radio: Interview with Prof Rob Norman on shift work and fertility


    • 8/8/2016, The Advertiser, Petra Starke 'Why are aged fathers cheered but older mothers jeered?'
    • 3/8/2016, 891 ABC Adelaide, Mornings with Ali Clarke.
    • 30/5/2016, Four Corners, 'IVF doctors misleading women about success rates, industry experts say.'
    • 9/2/2016, ABC News, Professor Rob Norman - IVF industry criticised for misleading claims.



    • 24/7/2015, ABC News, Professor Rob Norman discusses Gender Selection with Ian Henschke
    • 1/6/2015, 5AA, Professor Rob Norman's 5AA radio interview with Will Goodings
    • 16/05/2015, The Advertiser, "Too many couples needlessly turning to fertility treatment, warns Adelaide expert"


    • 08/07/2014, Today Tonight, 'Egg Donors'
    • 21/04/2014, Today Tonight, 'Surrogacy Parents'


    • 09/06/2013, Adelaide Now, ‘Rob Norman honoured for his work in IVF and reproductive endocrinology’
    • 11/05/2013, SA Weekend, ‘Infertility reality’
    • 22/03/2013, ABC 7:30 Report, ‘Male fertility'
    • 13/03/2013, 774 ABC Melbourne, ‘Having children over 40'
    • 13/02/2013, ABC Radio 89.1, ‘Male fertility'
    • 11/02/2013, 2MCE News, ‘A world-leading reproductive biologist says...discussing mens age and fertility'


    • 20/07/2012, ABC 612 Brisbane, ‘Genetic code of human sperm cells
    • 03/07/2012, ABC 891 Adelaide, ‘Embryo selection’
    • 21/06/2012, ABC 891 Adelaide/Radio Adelaide/最新糖心Vlog Punch/Channel 10 (Adelaide)/ABC 891 Adelaide/5AA Adelaide/NewsMaker/Sunday Mail Adelaide/Sunday Telegraph/Adelaide Now/City Messenger, ’30 years of IVF’


    • 22/11/2011, ABC 891 Adelaide, ‘Stemcell Tourism’
    • 21/11/2011, ABC 891 Adelaide, ‘Medicare cuts to IVF benefits and the affect on Patients’
    • 04/10/2011, Channel 7, Today Tonight:, ‘Age and Pregnancy’
    • 20/09/2011, 5AA Adelaide, ‘Nutrition and Pregnancy’
    • 07/09/2011, 5AA Adelaide/3AW Melbourne/6PR Perth/4BC Brisbane/ABC 612 Brisbane, ‘Taking drugs such as Nurofen and Voltaren early in pregnancy could increase the risks of miscarriage’
    • 07/09/2011, The Age Melbourne, ‘Miscarriage risk doubled: drug study’
    • 03/05/2011, Channel 9 Today, ‘The Egg Timer Test’
    • 10/04/2011, Sunday Mail Adelaide, ‘Out of Time’
    • 22/02/2011, The 最新糖心Vlogn, ‘Fibre optics to monitor health of IVF embryos’
    • 18/01/2011, ABC 891 Adelaide, ‘Surrogacy in 最新糖心Vlog’
    • 12/01/2011, Adelaide Advertiser, ‘Whatever happened to just having a healthy baby?’
  • Files

  • Media Expertise

    CategoriesMedicine & Medical Research, Fertility & Reproduction
    ExpertiseIVF; in vitro fertilisation; assisted reproduction; fertility; menopause; reproduction; obstetrics and gynaecology, obesity and reproduction, ART, embryo, preconception counselling, reproductive medicine; polycystic ovary syndrome; PCOS
    NotesAlt phone: 0450 840 245
    Mobile0450 840 245
    After hours(08) 8332 9116

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Entry last updated: Sunday, 3 Oct 2021