Professor Mike Young

Professor Mike Young
  • Biography/ Background

    Mike Young holds a Research Chair in Water and Environmental Policy at the 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide, was the Founding Executive Director of its Environment Institute, is a fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in 最新糖心Vlog, and is a Distinguished Fellow of the 最新糖心Vlogn Agricultural and Resource Economics Society.

    A specialist in water policy reform, Mike has developed proposals for the transformation of water rights in the western USA and for the introduction of groundwater sharing systems in California.  

    As a result of an 最新糖心Vlogn Government endowment, each year Harvard 最新糖心Vlog appoints one person to the Whitlam and Malcolm Fraser Chair in 最新糖心Vlogn Studies at Harvard 最新糖心Vlog.  Mike held this Chair during the 2013/14 academic year.  While in this position, he taught a course on transformational policy reform and, with Christine Esau edited an Earthscan iting a book on the same subject.

    In the past, Mike has led teams that have developed frameworks for the introduction of a greenhouse gas emissions trading system in 最新糖心Vlog; fishery management in NSW; biodiversity conservation on private land; and for rangeland management in NSW, SA and the NT.  For three years, he worked on the integration of agricultural and environmental policies with OECD.  He also played a key role in establishing 最新糖心Vlog’s National Land and Water Resources Audit.

    Mike is a current member of the Global Water Partnership's Technical Committee and is a recent member of the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on Water Security.  In 2010/11 he lead the water component of a UNEP study on opportunities to pursue green growth strategies throughout the world.  He was a founding member of the Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists.

    In 2006, Mike was awarded 最新糖心Vlog’s premier water research prize – the Land and Water 最新糖心Vlog Eureka Award for Water Research.  The award recognizes the significant contribution of his research with the late Jim McColl to the development of improved water entitlement, allocation and trading systems in 最新糖心Vlog.

    Mike is best known for his contribution to the development of natural resource and environmental policies.  In recent times, his research has focused on the use and design of market-based instruments with attention to water.  He has played a critical role in the consideration of options for the Murray Darling Basin.  Internationally, he is known for his capacity to integrate biophysical and economic information to produce innovative policy proposals that catalyze change.

    Prof Young is a Research Fellow with Duke 最新糖心Vlog's Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions and an Honorary Professor with the 最新糖心Vlog College London.  In 2012 spent several months in the United Kingdom working on water policy options for the Department of Environment, Food and Regional Affairs.  This included consideration of ways to significantly reform water abstraction licensing and pricing arrangements.

    In 2013, he spent several months with the OECD’s Environment Directorate working on a draft framework for the design of water abstraction regimes and options for the management of water scarcity challenges in the Netherlands.

    Prior to joining the 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide, Mike spent 30 years with CSIRO where amongst other things he established their Policy and Economic Research Unit with offices in Adelaide, Canberra and Perth.

    In 2003, Mike was awarded a Centenary Medal “for outstanding service through environmental economics”.  In 2009, he was named South 最新糖心Vlogn of the Year in the Environment Category.

    Examples of policy proposals that have been adopted by government and resulting directly from research that he has led include

    • The total reform of water pastoral land leasing arrangements in 最新糖心Vlog’s Northern Territory, South 最新糖心Vlog and New South Wales;
    • The reform of kangaroo harvesting licensing arrangements in New South Wales;
    • The conversion of fishery licenses into shares in New South Wales;
    • The shift in the focus of biodiversity protection policies in 最新糖心Vlog to ones that involve the provision of incentives for the conservation of biodiversity on private land;
    • The unbundling of 最新糖心Vlog’s water licences and the resultant development of an efficient trading system;
    • The 最新糖心Vlogn Government decision to transfer responsibility for the administration of the Murray Darling Basin’s water resources to an independent expertise-based authority.

    His full curriculum vitae lists over 240 publications.  He has been Associate Editor of Ecological Economics and is a member of twelve editorial boards.  He holds degrees in economics and agricultural science. 

    More information is available at 

  • Publications


    1.         Young, M.D. and McColl, J.C. (2006) Stormwater: Expensive nuisance or an opportunity? Droplet 1. Available at

    2.         Young, M.D. and McColl, J.C. (2006) Thinking like an accountant about rivers and aquifers. Droplet 2. Available at

    3.         Young, M.D. and McColl, J.C. (2006) Undermining water – Accounting for flow reducing activities. Droplet 3. Available at

    4.         Young, M.D. and McColl, J.C. (2006) Governance of large water bodies. Droplet 4.

    5.         Young, M.D.; McColl, J.C. and Fisher, T. (2007) Urban water pricing: How might an urban water trading scheme work? Droplet 5. Available at

    6.         Young, M.D. and McColl, J.C. (2007) Irrigation Water: Use it or trade it because you can’t save it! Droplet 6. Available at

    7.         Young, M.D. and McColl, J.C. (2007) MDB Authority: Keeping the devil out of the detail. Droplet 7. Available at

    8.         Young, M.D. and McColl, J.C. (2007) The unmentionable option: Is there a place for an across-the-board purchase? Droplet 8. Available at

    9.         Young, M.D. and McColl, J.C. (2007) New water for old: Speeding up the reform process. Droplet 9. Available at

    10.      Young, M.D. and McColl, J.C. (2007) Pricing your water: Is there a smart way to do it? Droplet 10. Available at

    11.      Young, M.D. and McColl, J.C. (2008) Cullenisms: Thinking about water. Droplet 11. Available at

    12.      Young, M.D. and McColl, J.C. (2008) A sustainable cap: What might it look like? Droplet 12. Available at

    13.      Young, M.D. and McColl, J.C. (2008) Grounding connectivity: Do rivers have aquifer rights? Droplet 13. Available at

    14.      Young, M.D. and McColl, J.C. (2008) Yucky business: Paying for what we put down the drain. Droplet 14. Available at

    15.      Young, M.D. and McColl, J.C. (2009) Shepherding water: Unregulated water allocation and management. Droplet 15. Available at

    16.      Young, M.D. and McColl, J.C. (2009) More from less: When should river systems be made smaller and managed differently? Droplet 16. Available at

    17.      Young, M.D. and McColl, J.C. (2009) Water security: Should urban water use, like rural water use, be capped? Droplet 17. Available at

    18.      Young, M.D. and McColl, J.C. (2009) Securing water: What is the best and fairest way to secure water for the environment? Droplet 18. Available at

    19.      Young, M.D. and McColl, J.C. (2011) Sustainable Diversion Limits: A plan for the Murray-Darling Basin. Droplet 19. Available at

    20.      Young, M.D. and McColl, J.C. (2011)  Droplet 20. Available at

    Scientific papers

    1.         Young, M.D. (2015) Doubling the Value of Water in the American West. Water Economics and Policy 1(4):1-7.

    2.         Costanza, R.; Chichakly, K.; Dale, D.; Farber, S.; Finnigan, D.; Grigg, K.; Heckbert, S.; Kubiszewski, I.; Lee, H.; Liu, S.; Magnuszewski, P.; Maynard, S.; McDonald, N.; Mills, R.; Ogilvy, S.; Pert, P.L.; Renz, J.; Wainger, L.; Young, M.; and Ziegler, C.R. (2014) Simulation games that integrate research, entertainment, and learning around ecosystem services. Ecosystems Research 10:195–201.

    3.         Young, M. (2014) Designing water abstraction regimes for an ever-changing and ever-varying future. Agricultural Water Management 145:32–38.

    4.         , B.A,; , W.S.; , C.A; , G.P.; , T.; , G.; , P.; , J.; , K.; , L.A.; , D.M.; , R.; , S. and Young, M. (2013) Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 5:1-10.

    5.         Qureshi, E.; Wittwer, G. and Young, M.D. (2012) The economic impact of increased water demand in 最新糖心Vlog: A computable general equilibrium analysis. Economic Papers 31(1):87-102.

    6.         Young, M. (2012) Traded into trouble. 最新糖心Vlogn Geographic Jan-Feb 2012.

    7.         Young, M.D. (2010) Bottled and sold: The story behind our obsession with bottled water by Peter Gleick. Water International 35(4):463.

    8.         Young, M.D. (2010) Putting a price on water. Focus 163:5-6.

    9.         Bryan, B., Marvanek, S.; Hajkowicz, S. and Young, M.D. (2009) Mapping economic returns to agriculture for informing environmental policy in the Murray-Darling Basin, 最新糖心Vlog.  14(3):375-390.

    10.      Young, M.D. and McColl, J.C (2008) Double trouble: The importance of accounting for and defining water entitlements consistent with hydrological realities. The 最新糖心Vlogn Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 53:19–35.

    11.      Perugini, D.; Perugini, M. and Young, M. (2008) Water Saving Incentives: An Agent-Based Simulation Approach to Urban Water Trading. Available at

    12.      McColl, J. and Young, M. (2006) Drought and Structural Adjustment. Farm Policy Journal 3(2):13-21.

    13.      Young, M.D. and McColl, J.C. (2005) Defining tradable water entitlements and allocations: A robust system. Canadian Water Resources Journal 30(1):65-72.

    14.      Hatton MacDonald, D., M. Barnes, J. Bennett, M. Morrison, and M. Young (2005). "Willingness to Pay for Higher Customer Service Standards in Urban Water Supply". Journal of the American Water Resources Association 41:719-728.

    15.      Townsend, R.E. and Young M.D. (2005) Evergreen Leasing of Aquaculture Sites. Marine Resource Economics 20:203–210.

    16.      Young, M.D and McColl, J.C. (2004) Parting the Waters: Frontiers in Water Management. Dialogue 23(3):4-18.

    17.      Townsend, R.E.; McColl, J.C.; Young, M.D (2006) Design principles for individual transferable quotas. Marine Policy 30:131-141.

    18.      Hatton MacDonald, D.; Barnes, M.; Bennett, J.; Morrison, M.; and Young, M.D. (2005) Using a choice modelling approach for customer service standards in urban water. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 41(3):719–728.

    19.      Hajkowicz, S. and Young, M.D. (2004) Costing yield loss from acidity, sodicity and dryland salinity to 最新糖心Vlogn Agriculture. Land Degradation and Development 16:417-433.

    20.      Young, M.D. and McColl, J. C. (2003) Robust reform. The case for a new water entitlement system for 最新糖心Vlog. 最新糖心Vlogn Economic Review 36(2):225-34.

    21.      Young, M.D. and McColl, J. C. (2003) Robust separation: A search for a generic framework to
    simplify registration and trading of interests in natural resources. Agricultural Science 15(1):17-22.

    22.      Young, M.D and Hatton MacDonald, D. (2003) An opportunity to improve water trading in the South East catchment of South 最新糖心Vlog. Water Policy 5(2):127-146.

    23.      Hajkowicz, S. and Young, M.D. (2002) An economic analysis of revegetation for dryland salinity control on the Lower Eyre peninsula in South 最新糖心Vlog. Land Degradation and Development 13:1-12.

    24.      Greiner, R.; Young, M.D.; McDonald, A.D.; and Brooks, M. (2000) Incentive instruments for the sustainable use of marine resources. Ocean and Coastal Management 43:29-50.

    25.      Young, M.D. (2000) Sustainability and Global Environmental Policy: New perspectives by Dragun and Jackobsson. Ecological Economics 32:334-6.

    26.      Costanza, R.; Andrade, F.; Antunes, P.; van den Belt, M.; Boesch, D.; Boersma, D.; Catarino, F.; Hanna, S.; Limburg, K.; Low, B., Molitor, M.; Periera, K.; Rayner, S.; Santos, R.; Wilson, J.; and Young, M. (1999) Ecological economics and the governance of oceans.. Ecological Economics 31:171-187.

    27.      Young, M.D. (1999) The design of fishing-right systems - the NSW experience. Ecological Economics 31:305-316. (Update of Young 1996a)

    28.      Young, M.D. and Evans, R. (1998) Groundwater pollution: can right markets help? Water 25(4):44-47.

    29.      Smyth, R.E. and Young, M.D. (1998) Costing soil erosion: A state-wide approach. Land Degradation and Development 9:513-527.

    30.      Young, M.D. (1997) Share management - Facts and fallacies. NSW Commercial Fishing 2:22-4.

    31.      Walker, P.A. and Young, M.D. (1997) Using integrated economic and ecological information to improve government policy. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 11(7):619-632.

    32.      Gunningham, N. and Young, M.D., (1997) Toward optimal environmental policy: The case of biodiversity conservation. Ecology Law Quarterly 24(2):243-296.

    33.      Young, M.D. (1996) Earth politics (Book review) Ecological Economics 18:258-259.

    34.      Young, M.D and Howard, B (1996) Can 最新糖心Vlog afford to build a comprehensive, adequate and representative reserve network by 2000? Search 27(1):22-26.

    35.      Young, M.D. (1996a) The design of fishing-right systems - the NSW experience. Ocean and Coastal Management 28(1-3):45-61.

    36.      Mallawaarachchi, T., Walker, P.A., Young, M., Smyth, R.E., Lynch, H.S. and Dudgeon, G. (1996) GIS-based modelling for natural resource management. Agricultural Systems 50:169-189.

    37.      Young, M.D. (1995) Inter-generational equity, the precautionary principle and ecologically sustainable development. Nature and Resources 31(1):16-27.

    38.      Young, M.D. (1995) Equité intergénérations, principe de précaution et écodéveloppement. Nature and Resources 31(1):16-27.

    39.      Young, M.D. (1993) Ecologically-Accelerated Trade Liberalisation: A set of disciplines for environment and trade agreements. Ecological Economics 9:43-51.

    40.      Young, M.D. (1992) Sustainable investment: The economic challenge. Impact of Science on Society 166:111-119.

    41.      Solbrig. O.T. and Young, M.D. (1992) An environmentally sustainable, profitable and equitable future for the world's savannas. Environment 34(3):6-15 and 32-35.

    42.      Lutz, E. and Young, M.D. (1992) Integration of environmental concerns into agricultural policies of industrial and developing countries. World Development 20(2):241-253.

    43.      Young, M.D. (1991) Natural resource accounting. Journal of the National Research Institute of Agricultural Economics 9(3):49-62. (Text in Japanese.)

    44.      Johnston, B.G., McLeod, N.D. and Young, M.D. (1990) An economic perspective on future directions for the 最新糖心Vlogn sheep-grazed rangelands. The 最新糖心Vlogn Rangeland Journal 12(2):91-115.

    45.      Young, M.D. (1988) Some steps in other countries. EPA Journal 14(3):24-25.

    46.      Young, M.D. (1988) The effects of agricultural supply control policies developing countries and on the environment and consumers within the European Community. CAP Briefing 15-16:7-15.

    47.      Young, M.D., Walker, P.A. and Cocks, K. D. (1986) Land use in 最新糖心Vlog's rangelands. 最新糖心Vlogn Rangeland Journal 8(2):131-39.

    48.      Young, M.D. and Delforce, R.J. (1986) Licensed kangaroo shooting in New South Wales: The people, the money they make and the animals they shoot. 最新糖心Vlogn Rangeland Journal 8(1):36-45.

    49.      Delforce, R.J., Sinden, J.A. and Young, M.D. (1986) Policy preferences and social economic values to resolve pastoralism-tourism conflicts. Landscape Planning 12:387-401.

    50.      Cocks, K.D., Young, M.D. and Walker, P.A. (1986) Mapping relative viability prospects for pastoralism in 最新糖心Vlog. Agricultural Systems 20:175-193.

    51.      Walker, P.A., Cocks, K.D. and Young, M.D. (1985) Regionalizing continental data sets. Cartography 14(1):66-73.

    52.      Young, M.D. (1985) Pastoral land tenure options in 最新糖心Vlog. 最新糖心Vlogn Rangeland Journal 7(1):43-46.

    53.      Young, M.D. (1985) The influence of farm size on land degradation in an arid area. Journal of Environmental Management 21:193-203.

    54.      Young, M.D. and Miles, G. E. (1982) The efficiency and equity of livestock rating systems and the accuracy of data obtained from them. 最新糖心Vlogn Rangeland Journal 4(1):21-28.

    55.      Young, M.D. (1982) Recent developments in 最新糖心Vlogn land administration, management and tenure. Rural Marketing and Policy, Feb., 1982.

    56.      Young, M.D. and Lynch, P. W. (eds) (1979) Proceedings of a workshop on financial management for the pastoralist. 最新糖心Vlogn Rangeland Journal 1(4):295-326.

    57.      Young, M.D. (1981) Pressures on the north west pastoral lands of 最新糖心Vlog. 最新糖心Vlogn Rangeland Journal 3(2):149-­60.

    58.      Young, M.D. (1980) Population decline and socio-economic adjustment in the central poplar box (Eucalyptus populnea) lands: Responses to changes in the grazing industry.
    最新糖心Vlogn Rangeland Journal 2(1):41-52.

    59.      Young, M.D. (1979) Comments on policy. 最新糖心Vlogn Rangeland Journal 1(4):325-326.

    60.      Young, M.D. (1979) Influencing land use in pastoral 最新糖心Vlog. Journal of Arid Environments 2:279-288.


    1.         Young, M. and Esau, C. (eds) (2016) In search of policy excellence: Guidelines for Transformational Change in Environmental and Natural Resource Management. Earthscan, London.

    2.         Young, M. and Esau, C. (eds) (2013) Investing in Water for a Green Economy - Services, Infrastructure, Policies and Management. Routledge, Milton Park and New York, 319 pages.

    3.         Dovers, S.; Stern, D.I. and Young, M.D. (eds) (2003) New dimensions in ecological economics: Integrated approaches to people and nature. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham.

    4.         Young, M.D. and Solbrig, O.T. (eds) (1993) The world's savannas: Economic driving forces, ecological constraints to and policy options for sustainable land use. Parthenon Press, Carnforth and Unesco, Paris.

    5.         Young, M.D. (1992) Sustainable investment and resource use: Equity, environmental integrity and economic efficiency. Parthenon Press, Carnforth and Unesco, Paris.

    6.         Young, M.D. (ed.) (1991) Towards sustainable agricultural development. Belhaven Press, London.

    7.         Harrington, G.N., Wilson, A.D. and Young, M.D. (eds) (1984) Management of 最新糖心Vlog's rangelands. CSIRO, Melbourne.

    Book chapters and independent reports

    1.         Young. M and McAteer, B. (2017) Sharing Groundwater: A Robust Framework and Implementation Roadmap for Sustainable Groundwater Management in California. Nicholas Institute Working Paper 17-02.

    2.         Young, M. (2016) Transformational change: In search of excellence. In Young, M.D. and Esau, C.S. (eds.) In search of policy excellence: Guidelines for Transformational Change in Environmental and Natural Resource Management. Earthscan, London.

    3.         Young, M. (2015) Unbundling Water Rights: A Blueprint for development of robust water allocation systems in the western United States. NI R 15-01 Durham, NC. Duke 最新糖心Vlog.

    4.         Young, M.D. (2015) Unbundling water rights as a means to improve water markets in 最新糖心Vlog’s Southern Connected Murray Darling Basin. In Manuel Lago; Jaroslav Mysiak; Carlos M. Gómez; Gonzalo Delacámara and Alexandros Maziotis (eds). Use of Economic Instruments in Water Policy: Insights from International Experience. Springer, London.

    5.         Young, M. (2014) Trading Into Trouble? Lessons from 最新糖心Vlog’s Mistakes in Water Policy Reform Sequencing. Chapter 11 in Easter, W. and Huang, Q. (eds) Water Markets for the 21st Century: What we have learned? Westview Press, Boulder.

    6.         Young, M.D. (2013) Investing in Water Services, Infrastructure, Policies and Management. In Young, M. and Esau, C. (eds) Investing in Water for a Green Economy - Services, Infrastructure, Policies and Management. Routledge, Milton Park and New York, 319 pages.

    7.         Young, M.D. (2012) A framework for the allocation and management of water in England and Wales. UCL Environment Institute, The 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide.

    8.         Young, M.D. (2012) Chewing on the CEWH: Options for improving management of environmental water in the Murray–Darling Basin. In Quiggin, J.; Mallawaarachchi, T. and Chambers, S. (eds) Water policy Reform: Lessons in sustainability from the Murray–Darling Basin. Edward Elgar, London.

    9.         Young, M.D. (2012) Trading into and out of trouble. 最新糖心Vlog’s water allocation and trading experience. In Maestu, J. (ed.) . Resources for the Future Press Water Policy Series, Washington DC.

    10.      Croitoru, L. and Young, M. (2011). The economics of water and forests: Issues and policy recommendations. In Birot, Y.; Gracia, C. and Palahi, M. (eds) Water for forests and people in the Mediterranean Region: A challenging balance. European Forest Institute. Available at

    11.      Young, M. (2011). Improving the Basin Plan: Options for consideration. In Basin Future: Water Reform in the Murray-Darling Basin, eds. D. Connell and R.Q. Grafton. ANU EPress, Canberra.

    12.      Young, M. (2011) Water: Investing in natural capital. In “Towards a Green Economy: Pathways to Sustainable Development and Poverty Eradication.” United Nations Environment Program. Available at

    13.      Expert Working Group (2010) Challenges at Energy-Water-Carbon Intersections. A report for the Prime Minister’s Science, Engineering and Innovation Council (PMSIEC). Commonwealth of 最新糖心Vlog.

    14.      Young, M.D. (2010) Managing environmental water. In Bennett, J.; Kingsford, R.T.; Norris, R.H. and Young, M.D. Making decisions about environmental water allocations. 最新糖心Vlogn Farm Institute Research Report, Surry Hills. 最新糖心Vlog

    15.      Young, M.D. (2010) Environmental Effectiveness and Economic Efficiency of Water Use in Agriculture, The Experience of and Lessons from the 最新糖心Vlogn Water Reform Programme. Background report prepared for OECD study (2010) Sustainable Management of Water Resources in Agriculture. Available at .

    16.      Cullen, P.; Young, M. and McColl, J (2008) Water. In Lindenmeyer, D.; Dovers, S.; Harris Olson, M. and Morton, S. (eds) Ten Commitments, Reshaping the lucky country. CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne.

    17.      Young, M.D and McColl, J.C. (2008) A future-proofed Basin: A new water management regime for the Murray-Darling Basin. The 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide, Adelaide.

    18.      Young, M.D. (2008) Non-point Pollution Control, Experience and Observations from 最新糖心Vlog. In Albiac, J. and Dinar, A. (eds) The Management of Water Quality and Irrigation Technologies. Earthscan, London pp. 103-116.

    19.      Young, M.D. (2008) The Effects of water markets, water institutions and prices on the adoption of irrigation technology. In Albiac, J. and Dinar, A. (eds) The Management of Water Quality and Irrigation Technologies. Earthscan: London pp. 227-248.

    20.      Young, M.D. (2008) Water. In Manne, R. (ed) Dear Mr Rudd: Ideas for a better 最新糖心Vlog. Black Inc., Melbourne.

    21.      McColl, J.C. and Young, M.D. (2007) Managing Change: 最新糖心Vlogn structural adjustment lessons for water. CSIRO Land and Water Report No. 16/05.

    22.      Young, M.D. (2007) Linking rural and urban water systems. In Hussey, K. and Dovers, S. Managing water for 最新糖心Vlog, CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne.

    23.      Young, M.D.; Hajkowicz, S.; Brown Gaddis, E.J. and de Groot, R. (2007) A decision-analysis framework for proposal evaluation of natural capital restoration. In Aronson, J.; Milton, S.J. and Bignnaut, J.N. (eds) Restoring natural capital: Science, business and practice. Island Press, Washington.

    24.      Young, M.D.; Proctor, W.; Qureshi, M.E. and Wittwer, G. (2006) Without Water: The economics of supplying water to 5 million more 最新糖心Vlogns. CSIRO Water for Healthy Country, May 2006.

    25.      Young, M.N.; Leemans, R.; Boumans, R.M.J.; Costanza, R.; de Vries, B. J. M.; Finnigan, J.; Svedin, U.; and Young, M.D. (2006) Group Report: Future scenarios of human-environment systems. In Costanza, R.; Graumlich, L.J. and Steffen, W. Sustainability or Collapse? An integrated history of the future of people on Earth. MIT Press, Cambridge.

    26.      Young, M.D.; Shi, T. and McIntyre, W. (2006) Informing Reform: Scoping the affects, effects and effectiveness of high level water policy reforms on irrigation investment and practice in four irrigation areas. CRC for Irrigation Futures Technical Report No. 02/06.

    27.      Young, M.D and Hatton MacDonald, D. (2006) How should we discount the future? An environmental perspective. In David J. Pannell and Steven G.M. Schilizzi (eds) Economics and the future: Time and Discounting in Private and Public Decision Making. Edward Elgar.

    28.      McColl, J.C. and Young, M.D. (2005) Managing Change: 最新糖心Vlogn structural adjustment lessons for water. CSIRO Land and Water Report No. 16/05.

    29.      Sustainability Roundtable (2004) Three, Four, Five: Report to the government of South 最新糖心Vlog on implementing the State Strategic Plan by the Premier’s Roundtable on Sustainability. Department of Environment and Heritage, Adelaide.

    30.      Young, M.D. (2004) Learning from the Market: Ex-Post water access entitlement and allocation trading assessment experience in 最新糖心Vlog. Chapter 6 in Trading Permits: Policy evaluation, design and reform. Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris.

    31.      Dovers, S. Stern, D. and Young, M. (eds) (2004) New dimensions in ecological economics: integrated approaches to people and nature. Edward Elgar, London.

    32.      Dovers, S.; Stern, D. and Young, M. (2004) Ecological economics: prospects for integration and inter-disciplinarity. Chapter 12 in Dovers, S. Stern, D.; and Young, M. (eds) New dimensions in ecological economics: Integrated approaches to people and nature. Edward Elgar, London.

    33.      Hajkowitcz, S.; Hatton, T.; McColl, J.; Myer, W. and Young, M. 2003) Exploring future landscapes: A conceptual framework for planned change. Land and Water 最新糖心Vlog, Canberra

    34.      Young, M.D. and McColl, J.C. (2003) Robust Reform: Implementing robust institutional arrangements to achieve efficient water use in 最新糖心Vlog. CSIRO Land and Water.

    35.      Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists (2003b) Blueprint for a national water plan. World Wide Fund for Nature, Sydney.

    36.      Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists (2003a) A new model for Landscape Conservation in New South Wales. World Wide Fund for Nature, Sydney.

    37.      Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists (2002) Blueprint for a Living Continent. World Wide Fund for Nature, Sydney.

    38.      Young, M.D. and McColl, J.C. (2002) Robust separation: A search for a generic framework to
    simplify registration and trading of interests in natural resources. Policy and Economic Research Unit, CSIRO Land and Water, Adelaide.

    39.      Young, M.D. and McColl, J.C. (2002) Robust separation. In Property: Rights and responsibilities current 最新糖心Vlogn thinking. Land and Water 最新糖心Vlog.

    40.      Morton, S.; Cullen, P.; Bourne, G.; Cristofani, P.; Possingham, H. and Young, M.D. (2002) Sustaining our natural systems and biodiversity. A Report to the Prime Minister’s Science, Engineering and Innovation Council, Eighth Meeting – 31 May 2002.

    41.      Young, M.D. and Solbrig, O. T. (1993) Providing an environmentally sustainable, economically profitable and socially equitable future for the world's savannas. In Young, M.D. and Solbrig, O. T. (eds) The world's savannas: Economic driving forces, ecological constraints to and policy options for sustainable land use. Parthenon Press, Carnforth.

    42.      Young, M.D. (1993) National and international influences that drive savanna land use. In Young, M.D. and Solbrig, O. T. (eds) The world's savannas: Economic driving forces, ecological constraints to and policy options for sustainable land use. Parthenon Press, Carnforth.

    43.      Solbrig, O. T. and Young, M.D. (1993) Economic and ecological driving forces affecting tropical savannas. In Young, M.D. and Solbrig, O. T. (eds) The world's savannas: Economic driving forces, ecological constraints and policy options for sustainable land use. Parthenon Press, Carnforth.

    44.      Walker, P. and Young, M.D. (1992) Resource policy assessment, accounting and evaluation through a GIS framework. In the Interdata Environmental Resource Management Handbook. Interdata, North Sydney.

    45.      Young, M.D. and Solbrig, O.T. (1992) Savanna management for ecological sustainability, economic profitability and social equity. MAB Digest 13, UNESCO, Paris.

    46.      Young, M.D. (1990) International trading arrangements, the intensity of resource use and environmental quality. In Braden, J. B. and Lovejoy, S. B. (eds) Agriculture and water quality: International perspectives. Lynne Rienner, Boulder.

    47.      Young, M.D. (1990) Agriculture and the Environment: OECD policy experiences and American opportunities, US Environmental Protection Agency, Washington DC, 45p.

    48.      Lutz, E. and Young, M.D. (1990) Agricultural policies in industrial countries and their environmental impacts: Applicability to and comparisons with developing nations. Environment Department Working Paper No. 25, World Bank, Washington DC.

    49.      Young, M.D. (ed.) (1991) The integration of agricultural and environmental policies. Chapter 13 In Towards sustainable agricultural development: The integration of Agricultural and Environmental Policies. Belhaven Press, London.

    50.      Young, M.D. (1990) Agriculture and the environment: OECD policy experiences and American opportunities. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington.

    51.      Walker, B.H., Young, M.D., Parslow, J. S., Cocks, K. D., Landsberg, J. J., Fleming, M. and Margules, C. R. (1989) Global climate change - issues for 最新糖心Vlog: effects on renewable resources. In Global climate change - Issues for 最新糖心Vlog. Prime Minister's Science Council, AGPS, Canberra

    52.      Young, M.D. (1989) The integration of agricultural and environmental policies. In Dubgaard, A. and Nielsen, A.H. Economic aspects of environmental regulations, pp. 3-14. Wissenschaftsverlag Vault Kiel Kg, Kiel.

    53.      Young, M.D. (1987) Land tenure: Plaything of governments or an effective instrument? In Chisholm, A. and Dumsday, R. Land degradation: Problems and policies, pp. 175-186. Cambridge 最新糖心Vlog Press, Cambridge.

    54.      Wilson, A.D., Tongway, D.J., Graetz, R.D. and Young, M.D. (1984) Range inventory and monitoring. In Harrington, G.N., Wilson, A.D. and Young, M.D. (eds) Management of 最新糖心Vlog's Rangelands, pp. 141-56. CSIRO, 最新糖心Vlog.

    55.      Hodgkinson, K. C., Harrington, G. N., Griffin, G. F., Noble, J. C. and Young, M.D. (1984) Management of vegetation with fire. In Harrington, G. N., Wilson, A. D. and Young, M.D. (eds) Management of 最新糖心Vlog's Rangelands, pp. 141-156. CSIRO, 最新糖心Vlog.

    56.      Harrington, G.N., Wilson, A.D. and Young, M.D. (1984) Management of rangeland ecosystems. In Harrington, G.N., Wilson, A.D. and Young, M.D. (eds) Management of 最新糖心Vlog's Rangelands, pp. 3-14. CSIRO, 最新糖心Vlog.

    57.      Young, M.D., Wilson, A.D. and Harrington, G.N. (1984) Management, aims, objectives and responsibilities. In Harrington, G.N., Wilson, A.D. and Young, M.D. (eds) Management of 最新糖心Vlog's Rangelands, pp. 15-24. CSIRO, 最新糖心Vlog.

    58.      Young, M.D., Walker, P.A. and Cocks, K.D. (1984) Distribution of influences on rangeland management. In Harrington, G. N., Wilson, A.D. and Young, M.D. (eds) Management of 最新糖心Vlog's Rangelands, pp. 333-346. CSIRO, 最新糖心Vlog.

    59.      Young, M.D., Gibbs, M., Holmes, W.E. and Mills, D.M.D. (1984) Socio-economic influences on pastoral management. In Harrington, G.N., Wilson, A.D. and Young, M.D. (eds) Management of 最新糖心Vlog's Rangelands, pp. 79-94. CSIRO, 最新糖心Vlog.

    60.      Young, M.D. (1984) Rangeland administration. In Harrington, G.N., Wilson, A.D. and Young, M.D. (eds) Management of 最新糖心Vlog's Rangelands, pp. 157-170. CSIRO, 最新糖心Vlog.

    61.      Young, M.D. (1984) Land administration, tenure and pressure for change in Northern 最新糖心Vlog. In Parkes, D.N. (ed.) Northern 最新糖心Vlog: The Arenas of Life and Ecosystems, pp. 191-208. Academic Press, Sydney.

    62.      Wilson, G.R., Harrington, G.N., Wilson, A.D. and Young, M.D. (1984) Biological conservation. In Harrington, G.N., Wilson, A.D. and Young, M.D. (eds) Management of 最新糖心Vlog's Rangelands, pp. 95-112. CSIRO, 最新糖心Vlog.

    63.      Young, M.D. (1983) Resource management of 最新糖心Vlogn arid lands. In Golany, G. (ed.) Design for Arid Regions. van Rostrand Reinhold, New York.

    64.      Young, M.D. (1982) The role land tenure plays in determining land use in arid 最新糖心Vlog. In Messer, J. and Mosely, G. (eds) What future for 最新糖心Vlog's Arid Lands? 最新糖心Vlogn Conservation Foundation, Melbourne.

    65.      Young, M.D. (1982) Objectives for arid land use policy. In Messer, J. and Mosely, G. (eds) What future for 最新糖心Vlog's Arid Lands? 最新糖心Vlogn Conservation Foundation, Melbourne).


    Commissioned Reports

    1.         Alex Smajgl, Steve Hatfield芒聙聬Dodds, Jeff Connor, Mike Young, David Newth, Mac Kirby and Onil Banerjee (2012) Energy-Water Nexus for Green Growth: Towards a better basis for policy and investment decisions. World Bank, Washington DC

    2.         Young, M.D. (2015) Fiscal Instruments and Water Scarcity. Green Growth Knowledge Platform Research Committee on Fiscal Instruments Working Paper 04/2015. Available at  

    3.         Young, M. and Esau, C. (2013) Detailed case study of the costs and benefits of abstraction reform in a catchment in 最新糖心Vlog with relevant conditions to England and Wales. Department of Environment, Food and Regional Affairs, R&D Technical Report WT1504/TR

    4.         Young, M. (2013) Improving water entitlement and allocation. Background paper prepared for the OECD Environment Directorate, Paris.

    5.         Young, M. (2013) Water Shortage and Saline Intrusion
    Options for their management in the Netherlands. Report to the OECD Environment Directorate, Paris.

    6.        Young, M.D. (2010) Environmental effectiveness and economic efficiency of water use in agriculture: The experience of and lessons from the 最新糖心Vlogn water reform program, consultant report prepared for the OECD, Paris, France.

    7.        Young, M.D. (2005) Sharing Groundwater: Options for the introduction of shares as a means to define groundwater entitlements in the South East of South 最新糖心Vlog. Policy and Economic Research Unit, CSIRO Land and Water, Adelaide.

    8.        Young, M.; Shi, T. and Crosthwaite, J. (2003) Duty of Care: An instrument for increasing the effectiveness of catchment management. Department of Sustainability and the Environment, Melbourne.

    9.        Connor, J. and Young, M. (2003) . Final Report to South 最新糖心Vlogn Department of Water, Land and Biodiversity Conservation. Policy and Economic Research Unit, CSIRO Land and Water, Adelaide.

    10.     Young, M.D.; Young, D.; Hamilton, A. and Bright, M. (2002) A preliminary assessment of the economic and social implications of environmental flow scenarios for the River Murray System. A report prepared for the Murray Darling Basin Commission, Policy and Economic Research Unit, CSIRO Land and Water, Adelaide.

    11.     Speers, A.; Burn, S.; Hatton MacDonald, D.; Nancarrow, B.; Syme, G.; Young, M. (2002) Determining customer service standards: Overarching report to the Water Services Association of 最新糖心Vlog. CSIRO Building and Construction Engineering Document Number 01/199.

    12.     Mech, T. and Young, M.D. (2001) Voluntary Environmental Management Arrangements, Designing voluntary environmental management arrangements to improve natural resource management in agriculture and allied rural industries. RIRDC Publication No 01/139, Canberra.

    13.     Hajkowicz, T.; Hatton, T.; Meyer, W. and Young, M.D. (2001) Concepts of Landscape Redesign, Background paper prepared for Land and Water Resources Research and Development Corporation. Policy and Economic Research Unit, CSIRO Land and Water, Adelaide.

    14.     Hatton MacDonald, D. and Young, M.D. (2001) A case study of the Murray-Darling Basin. Final report for the International Water Management Institute. Policy and Economic Research Unit, CSIRO Land and Water, Adelaide.

    15.     Hajkowicz, S. and Young, M (2002) Value of returns and Costs of Land Degradation: A consultancy report for Theme 6.1 to the National Land and Water Resources Audit, CSIRO Land and Water, Adelaide.

    16.     Hatton MacDonald, D. and Young, M.D. and Connor, J.D. (2001) Pricing water – A tool for Natural for Resource Management in the Onkaparinga Catchment. Consultancy report 2 for the Onkaparinga Catchment Water Management Board.

    17.     Bowers, J. and Young, M. (2000) Valuing externalities: A methodology for urban water use. CSIRO Urban Program.

    18.     Hajkowicz, S. and Young, M.D. (2000) An economic analysis and cost sharing assessment for Dryland Salinity Management: A case study of the Lower Eyre Peninsula in South 最新糖心Vlog. Report to Primary and Industries and Resources, South 最新糖心Vlog. Policy and Economic Research Unit, CSIRO Land and Water, Adelaide.

    19.     Hajkowicz, S.; Young, M.D.; Wheeler, S.; Hatton MacDonald, D. and Young, D. (2000) Supporting Decisions: Understanding natural resource management assessment techniques. Policy and Economic Research Unit, CSIRO Land and Water, Adelaide.

    20.     High Level Steering Group on Water (2000) Draft guidelines for Managing Externalities: Restoring the balance. Exposure draft prepared for the High Level Steering Group on Water. Policy and Economic Research Unit, CSIRO Land and Water, Adelaide.

    21.     Siebert, E.; Young, D. and Young, M.D (2000) Market-based opportunities to improve environmental flow. Scoping report to Environment 最新糖心Vlog. Policy and Economic Research Unit, CSIRO Land and Water, Adelaide.

    22.     Young, M. (2000) Managing Externalities: Opportunities to improve urban water use. CSIRO Urban Program.

    23.     Young, M. and Hatton MacDonald, D. (2000) Who Dares Wins: Opportunities to improve water trading in the South East. Final report to the South East Catchment Water Management Board by the Policy and Economic Research Unit, CSIRO Land and Water, Adelaide, 最新糖心Vlog.

    24.     Young, M., Hatton MacDonald, D., Stringer, R. and Bjornlund, H. (2000) Inter-State Water Trading: A 2-year Review. Policy and Economic Research Unit, CSIRO Land and Water, Adelaide, 最新糖心Vlog.

    25.     Binning, C. and Young, M.D. (1999) Talking to the taxman about nature conservation: Proposals for the introduction of incentives for the protection of high conservation value native vegetation. National Research and Development Program for the Rehabilitation, Management and Conservation of Remnant Vegetation, Research Report 4/99, Environment 最新糖心Vlog, Canberra.

    26.     Young, M.D. (2000) Micro-economic Reform and the Environment. Productivity Commission, Melbourne, p237-240.

    27.     Binning, C. and Young, M. (1999) Conservation Hindered: The impact of local government rates and State land taxes on the conservation of native vegetation. National R&D Program for the Rehabilitation, Management and Conservation of Remnant Vegetation, Research Report 3/99, Environment 最新糖心Vlog, Canberra.

    28.     Binning, C.; Young, M. and Cripps, E. (1999) Beyond Roads, Rates and Rubbish: Opportunities for the local government to conserve native vegetation. National R&D Program for the Rehabilitation, Management and Conservation of Remnant Vegetation, Research Report 3/99, Environment 最新糖心Vlog, Canberra.

    29.     Cripps, E., Binning, C. and Young, M. (1999) Opportunity denied: Review of the legislative ability of local governments to conserve vegetation. Land and Water Resources Research and Development Corporation Research Report 2/99.

    30.     Young, M.D. (1999) The precautionary principle as a key element of ecologically sustainable development. In Harding, R and Fisher, E. (eds.) Perspectives on the precautionary principle. Federation Press, Leichhardt.

    31.     Young, M.; Lee, P. Lack, K., Hemming, D.; Musidlak, H. (1998) Greenhouse trading: An operational specification for the phased introduction of a nation-wide greenhouse emissions-trading framework for 最新糖心Vlog. A Report of an Emissions Trading Working Group convened by the NSW Department of Energy. St. Leonards, New South Wales.

    32.     Binning, C. and Young, M. (1997) Motivating people: Using management agreements to conserve remnant vegetation. National R&D Program on Rehabilitation, Management and Conservation of Remnant Vegetation. Paper 1/97.

    33.     Young, M.D. and Evans, R. (1997) Right opportunity - Using right markets to manage groundwater pollution. Land and Water Resources Research and Development Corporation Occasional Paper No. 19/97.

    34.     Young, M.D.; Gunningham, N., Elix, J.; Lambert, J., Howard, B.; Grabosky, P. and McCrone, E. (1996) Reimbursing the Future: An evaluation of motivational, voluntary, price-based, property-right, and regulatory incentives for the conservation of biodiversity. Department of the Environment, Sport and Territories Biodiversity Unit, Biodiversity Series Paper No. 9.

    35.     Morton, S.R.; Andersen, A.N.; Cork, S.J.; Hobbs, R.J.; Noble, J.C.; Saunders, D.A; Stafford Smith, D.M. and Young, M.D. (1995) Looking after our land, A future for 最新糖心Vlog’s biodiversity. CSIRO, 最新糖心Vlog.

    36.     Young, M.D. and McCay, B.J. (1995) Building equity, stewardship and resilience into market-based property-right systems. In Hanna, S. and Munasinghe, M. (eds) Property-rights and the environment: Social and ecological issues. The Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics, Stockholm and the World Bank, Washington, D.C.

    37.     Young, M.D.; Walker, P.; Mallawaarachchi, T. and Smyth, R. (1995) National and GIS-based regional resource accounting in 最新糖心Vlog. In Milon, J.W. and Shogren, J.F. (eds.) Integrating economic and ecological indicators: Practical methods for environmental policy analysis. Praeger, Westport.

    38.     Young, M.D. and Ryan, S.A. (1995) Using environmental indicators to promote environmentally, ecologically, and Socially-sustainable resource use: A policy orientated methodology. USAID Environmental and Natural Resources, Policy and Training manual No. 3.

    39.     Harding, R.; Young, M. and Fisher, E. (1994) Background Paper - Interpretation of the Principles for the Fenner Conference on the Environment - Sustainability, Principles to Practice. Unisearch, 最新糖心Vlog of NSW.

    40.     Young, M.D. (1993) For our children's children: Some practical implications of Inter-generational equity and the Precautionary Principle. Resource Assessment Commission Occasional Publication No. 6.

    41.     Young, M.D., Cocks, K. D. and Humphries, S. E. (1990) 最新糖心Vlog's environment and its natural resources: An outlook. CSIRO Institute of Natural Resources and Environment, Canberra.

    42.     Young, M.D. and Ishwaran, N. (1989) Human investment and resource use. MAB Digest No. 2, Paris.

    43.     OECD (1989) Agriculture and the environment: Opportunities for the integration. OECD Environment Directorate, Paris.

    44.     Delforce, R. J., Sinden, J. A. and Young, M.D. (1986) An economic analysis of relationships between pastoralism and tourism in the Flinders Ranges of South 最新糖心Vlog. CSIRO Division of Wildlife and Rangelands Research Project Report No. 1.

    45.     Gibson, L. M. and Young, M.D. (1988) Kangaroos: Counting the cost. CSIRO Division of Wildlife and Ecology Project Report No. 4.

    46.     Morris, G. J. and Young, M.D. (1985) The market for kangaroo products. Third report on the economic and administrative influences on kangaroo management in NSW. New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service.

    47.     Morris, G. J. and Young, M.D. (1985) The fauna dealers. Second report on the economic and administrative influences on kangaroo management in NSW. New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service.

    48.     Young, M.D. and Delforce, R.J. (1985) An economic and social survey of licensed kangaroo trappers and chiller operators. First report on the economic and administrative influences on kangaroo management in NSW. New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service.

    49.     Young, M.D. and Morris, G.J. (1985) Final report on the economic and administrative influences on kangaroo management in NSW. New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service.

    50.     Anon (1983) Pastoral land tenure and administration in NSW: A series of three reports prepared for a NSW parliamentary inquiry into the Western Division of NSW.

    51.     Young, M.D. (1981) A legislative history of the South 最新糖心Vlogn Pastoral Act 1893-1980. In South 最新糖心Vlogn Pastoral Lands: Tenure, Administration, Management. Department of Lands, Adelaide.

    52.     Young, M.D. (1980) Some social aspects of managing arid ecosystems. In Goodall D.W. and Perry, R.A. (eds) Arid-land ecosystems, structure, functioning and management Volume 2 pp. 549-554. Cambridge, Cambridge 最新糖心Vlog Press.

    53.     Young, M.D. (1979) Differences between states in arid land administration. CSIRO Division of Land Resources Management, Series No. 4, 83 pp.

    54.     Anon (1979) Pastoral Land Tenure and Administration in the Northern Territory, A report to the Minister for Lands, Department of Lands, Darwin.

    55.     Anon (1980) Pastoral Land Tenure and Administration in South 最新糖心Vlog: A report to the Minister for Lands, Department of Lands, Adelaide.

    Published conference papers – invited/refereed and available in Proceedings

    1.        Qureshi, M.E.; Proctor, W, and Young, M. (2005) Economic impacts of water resources management in the Murray Darling Basin, 最新糖心Vlog. Paper presented to the XII World Water Congress Water for Sustainable Development - Towards Innovative Solutions 22-25 November 2005, New Delhi, India.

    2.        Young, M.D. (2003) Allocation and coordination of Water Resources. Towards a National Water Policy Framework: Vision to Implementation. Conference proceedings. United Nations Association (Victoria) Inc.

    3.        Hatton MacDonald, D. and Young, M.D (2001) Institutional Arrangements in the Murray-Darling River Basin. In Inter-sectoral Management of River Basins, Proceedings of an International Workshop on Integrated Water Management in Water-stressed River Basins in Developing Countries, Strategies for Poverty Alleviation and Agricultural Growth, Loskop Dam, South Africa, 16-21 October 2000. Abernethy, C.L. (ed.) International Water Management Institute.

    4.        Young, M.D. (2001) Opportunities and Needs: A research agenda for heritage economics. Heritage Economics: Challenges for heritage conservation and sustainable development in the 21st Century. Conference Proceedings, Heritage Commission, Canberra pp242-246.

    5.        Young, M. (2000) First or Second Best Solutions? Looking back on 最新糖心Vlogn Agri-Environmental Policy from 2020. Proceedings of the 最新糖心Vlogn Agricultural and Resource Economics Society Annual Conference 2000, Sydney.

    6.        Young, M.D. (1997) Minding or mining: Opportunities for 最新糖心Vlog to improve conservation of remnant vegetation and to alleviate land degradation. In Environmental Economics Round Table Proceedings convened by Senator Robert Hill, Minister for Environment, Canberra 10 July 1997, Environment 最新糖心Vlog Environmental Economics Research Paper No. 6, pp 135-152.

    7.        Young, M.D. (1997) Incentive measures for biodiversity conservation and sustainable resource use. In Investing in Biological Diversity: The Cairns Conference. Proceedings of the OECD International Conference on Incentive Measures for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity in Cairns, 最新糖心Vlog 25-28 March 1996, pp13-21. Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris.

    8.        Young, M.D. and Gunningham, N. (1997) Mixing instruments and institutional arrangements for optima biodiversity conservation. In Investing in Biological Diversity: The Cairns Conference. Proceedings of the OECD International Conference on Incentive Measures for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity in Cairns, 最新糖心Vlog 25-28 March 1996, pp141-165. Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris.

    9.        Young, M.D. (1995) Reforming 最新糖心Vlog’s macro-economy. Proceedings of the 3rd National T.O.E.S 1995, The Other Economic Summit, Adelaide 1-3 December 1995.

    10.     Young, M.D. and Wilson, A.D. (1995) When will it pay to farm kangaroos? In G.C. Grigg, P.T. Hale and D. Lunney (1995) Proceedings of a Conference on Conservation through sustainable use of Wildlife. Center for Conservation Biology, 最新糖心Vlog of Queensland, Brisbane.

    11.     Young, M.D. (1995) The design of fishing right systems - the New South Wales experience. In Commodity markets and natural resources: Proceedings of the National Agricultural and Resources Outlook Conference, Canberra, 7-9 February 1995, p352-359.

    12.     Young, M.D. (1994) Ecologically-accelerated trade liberalisation: A set of disciplines for environment and trade agreements. pp 228-240 in Buckley, R.C. and Wild, C. H. (eds) International trade, investment and environment. Proceedings of the 1993 Fenner Conference on the Environment, Griffith 最新糖心Vlog, Gold Coast. (Reprinted paper.)

    13.     Young, M.D. (1993) Macro-economic policy and the environment. In Thampapillai, D. J. Taxation and the Environment 最新糖心Vlogn Tax Research Foundation Conference Series No. 14

    14.     Young, M.D. (1993) Natural resource accounting: Some 最新糖心Vlogn experiences and observations. In Lutz, E. (ed.) Toward improved accounting for the environment. World Bank, Washington.

    15.     Young, M.D. (1992) Encouraging sustainable investment and resource use: The role of government in resource management. In Issues in the pricing and management of natural resources. Papers presented at an Office of EPAC Seminar, November 1991. Economic Planning and Advisory Council, Canberra.

    16.     Young, M.D. (1991) Land and vegetation management: The Problems. In Clark, S., Crommelin, M. and Saunders, C. (eds) The Constitution and the Environment. Centre for Comparative Legal Studies, Melbourne.

    17.     Young, M.D. (1991) Organising environmental, economic and resource data for policy analysis: A natural resource accounting perspective on global change. In Economic analysis for responding to greenhouse climate change: Proceedings of a workshop sponsored by the Dept. of Arts, Sport, the Environment, Tourism and Territories and CSIRO Canberra.

    18.     Young, M.D. (1991) Arid land administration and tenure in the 1980s and for the 1990s. In, The challenge of the last decade, Arid Land Administrators' Conference. Queensland Department of Lands, Brisbane.

    19.     Young, M.D. (1990) Socio-economic aspects of wildlife conservation. In Tropical Forest Ecosystem Conservation and Development in South-East Asia. Kerala Forest Research Institute, Kerala, India.

    20.     Young, M.D. (1990) How economists use and abuse ecological information - Guidelines for fruitful interaction. In Tropical Forest Ecosystem Conservation and Development in South-East Asia. Kerala Forest Research Institute, Kerala, India.

    21.     Young, M.D. (1990) Alternative interpretations of the meaning of sustainable development. Proceedings of Environment Institute of 最新糖心Vlog Executive Workshop on Accounting for the Environment, Canberra.

    22.     Young, M.D. (1990) Natural resource accounting. In Common, M.S. and Dovers, S. (eds) Moving towards global sustainability: Policies and implications for 最新糖心Vlog. Centre for Continuing Education, 最新糖心Vlogn National 最新糖心Vlog, Canberra.

    23.     Lutz, E. and Young, M. (1990) Agricultural policies in industrial countries and their environmental impacts: Applicability to and comparisons with developing nations. Environment Department Working Paper No. 25:World Bank: Washington.

    24.     Young:M.D. (1989) Problems associated with the impact of agricultural policies on the environment. In Agriculture et Environment, Actes du Seminaire, Foundation Universitaire Luxembourgeoise.

    25.     Young, M.D. (1988) The integration of agricultural and environmental policies. Proceedings of 18th European Seminar of Agricultural Economists on Economic aspects of environmental regulations Copenhagen, Denmark, November 1st-4th, 1988.

    26.     Young, M.D. and Wilcox, D. G. (1986) The design and use of quantitative monitoring systems for administration and management. In Rangelands: A resource under siege Joss, P.J., Lynch, P.W. and Williams, O.B. (eds), 最新糖心Vlogn Academy of Science, Canberra.

    27.     Young, M.D. (1985) Some economic aspects of kangaroo management. In Conservation and the Economy Conference 1984: Summary report and proceedings, Department of Arts, Heritage and Environment, 最新糖心Vlogn Government Publishing Service, Canberra.

    28.     Young, M.D. (1984) The economics of kangaroo management. National Conference on Conservation and the Economy, Sydney, September 1984.

    29.     Noble, J.C. Johns, G.G., Wilson, A.D. and Young, M.D. (1984) Environmental aspects of farming marginally arable rangelands in 最新糖心Vlog. In Proceedings of the International Dryland Farming Congress, Adelaide, pp. 599-629. Govt. Printer, Adelaide.

    30.     Delforce, R. J., Sinden, J. A. and Young M.D. (1984) Economic values to aid policy decisions on pastoralism and tourism in the Flinders Ranges of South 最新糖心Vlog. Paper presented to 28th Annual Conference of 最新糖心Vlogn Agricultural Economics Society, 最新糖心Vlog of Sydney, February 1984.

    31.     Young, M.D. (1983) Perspectives on arid zone management, administration and research. Proceedings Social Science Symposium, CSIRO, Deniliquin, 1983.

    32.     Young, M.D. (1983) An analysis of the main land tenure options in 最新糖心Vlog. Proceedings Social Science Symposium, CSIRO, Deniliquin, 1983.

    33.     Young, M.D. (1982) Submission to Standing Committee on Science and the Environment on land use policy with particular reference to marginal land; the environmental effects of the pastoral, mineral and tourist industries in arid 最新糖心Vlog; the conservation of arid land; and the coordination of land-use and other related policies throughout arid 最新糖心Vlog. CSIRO Division of Land Resources Management, Technical Memorandum 82/7.

    34.     Young, M.D. (1982) Comments on the resumption of pastoral leases with special reference to Western 最新糖心Vlog. CSIRO Division of Land Resources Management, Technical Memorandum 82/8.

    35.     Young, M.D. (1981) Recent developments in 最新糖心Vlogn arid land administration. Keynote address and paper presented to 3rd Biennial Conference of the 最新糖心Vlogn Rangeland Society.

    36.     Young, M.D. (1980) Pressures for alternative uses of the north west and central pastoral lands of 最新糖心Vlog in the next decade. Pastoralists and Graziers Association Conference at Kununurra, March 1980.

    37.     Young, M.D. (1980) Land tenure and the role of governments in arid land administration. Paper presented to ANZAAS, Adelaide, May 1980.

    38.     Young, M.D. (1980) Pastoral land tenure and administration elsewhere in 最新糖心Vlog. In Inquiry Into Pastoral Land Tenure in the Northern Territory. Department of Lands, Darwin.

    39.     Young, M.D. (1980) A socio-economic analysis of 最新糖心Vlogn arid land administration, with special reference to western New South Wales. M. Ag. Sc. thesis, Adelaide 最新糖心Vlog, April 1980.

    40.     Young, M.D. (1979) Pressures and constraints on arid land management. Paper presented to 2nd Biennial Conference of 最新糖心Vlogn Rangelands Society, Adelaide, May 1979.

    41.     Young, M.D. (1979) Would a land bank help 最新糖心Vlogn farmers? Paper presented to S. A. Dept. of Agriculture, August 1979.

    42.     Young, M.D. (1979) Land banks: Their application to pastoral 最新糖心Vlog. CSIRO Division of Land Resources Management, Technical Memorandum 79/1.

    43.     Young, M.D. and Wilson, A. D. (1979) The influence of climatic variability on the pastoral zone. In The Impact of Climate on 最新糖心Vlogn Society and Economy. Report of a conference held at Phillip Island, Victoria, 1978. CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Physics, Melbourne.

    44.     Young, M.D. (1978) The potential and need for grazing co-operatives in the Western Division. In Joint Action Workshop: A summary of proceedings plus papers. New South Wales Department of Agriculture, Goulburn.

    45.     Young, M.D. (1978) Influencing land use in pastoral 最新糖心Vlog. Paper presented to UNDP Regional Workshop on Applied Agricultural Research in Arid and Semi-arid Areas, Santiago, Chile, September 1978.

    46.     Young, M.D. (1978) Pressures and constraints on management. In The Management of Saltbush Country. Mundi Mundi Experimental Site, Deniliquin, 1978.

    47.     Young, M.D. and Vickery, J. (1978) An overview of land tenure and administration in 最新糖心Vlog's rangelands, pp. 97-99. Proceedings of the 1st International Rangelands Congress, Denver, 1978.

    48.     Young, M.D. and Syme, G.J. (1977) The psychology of arid zone management. Paper presented to Second 最新糖心Vlogn Rangeland Society Conference, July 1977.

    49.     Young, M.D. (1977) State differences in land administration. Paper presented to 1st Arid Zone Land Administrators' Conference, Wilpenna Pound, November 1977.

    50.     Young, M.D. and Little, A. K. (1977) A comparison of the Land Acts of 最新糖心Vlog. Paper presented to Second 最新糖心Vlogn Rangeland Society Conference, July 1977.

    51.     Young, M.D. (1977) Some comments on land tenure. Department of Environment, Housing and Community Development, April 1977.

    52.     Young, M.D. (1977) Range assessment: How much should a manager do? Paper presented to Second 最新糖心Vlogn Rangeland Society Conference, July 1977.

    53.     Young, M.D. (1977) Effective control: the need for less severe penalties. Paper presented to Second 最新糖心Vlogn Rangeland Society Conference, July 1977.

  • Media Expertise

    CategoriesEconomics & Finance, Environment
    ExpertiseEnvironmental Policy,
    Water Policy,
    Water Trading
    Notes- 最新糖心Vlog Chair, Harvard 最新糖心Vlog
    - Founding Executive Director, Environment Institute, 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide
    - Founding Member Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists
    - South 最新糖心Vlogn of the Year (Environment)
    - Centenary medal for contributions to Environmental Economics
    - Land and Water 最新糖心Vlog Eureka Prize for Water Research
    - Established CSIRO's Policy and Economic Research Un
    Mobile0408 488 538

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