Associate Professor Michael O'Neil

  • Biography/ Background

    Michael is currently the Executive Director of the South 最新糖心Vlogn Centre for Economic Studies. He holds a Masters Degree in Business Administration, a Masters Degree in Social Administration, and qualifications in Economics from Adelaide 最新糖心Vlog and UCSD, and an Arts Degree majoring in history and regional economic geography. He has extensive experience in both public and private sectors including the development and evaluation of public policy, program analysis, development and implementation of strategic advice to government and corporate strategy. He has supervised and contributed to strategic reviews and evaluation of large-scale Commonwealth and State public policy and programs including, inter alia, in education, labour market programs and skills training, regional development, science and information technology, occupational health and safety and community development programs. Working collaboratively with a team of experienced economists and social researchers at SACES, he has contributed to major studies on a number of industries including mining, defence, electronics and IT, agriculture including the impact of the drought, water security and resource management, education, human services and health and the gambling industry. Michael has conducted high-level strategic reviews, research and evaluation studies into agricultural assistance programs, and the labour market and is at the forefront of economic research and principles in regional development, regional economic geography and industry development. He has conducted numerous studies on national, state and local regional development initiatives and 最新糖心Vlog including for the Commonwealth, for Regional Development 最新糖心Vlog organisation, Regional Council Organisations, Local Government and agencies of government.

    Working with other senior research economists at SACES he has undertaken studies on regional and economic development, interstate business cost comparisons, competitiveness of the national and regional economies, studies into social inclusion, the impact of demographic change on economic growth, the development of economic and social indicators to monitor the quality of life, including the preparation of economic, social and environmental profiles for regions.

    Michael has also led and participated in some twenty five major studies into the gambling industry and is currently a member of an expert panel for research and evaluation into gambling in Canada and a major research project on the social impact of gambling in Massachusetts (USA). He has been invited to deliver keynote presentations on methodologies in gambling research in Canada and the United Kingdom and delivered major research papers to a number of international conferences on gambling.

    In the position of Executive Director, Michael is responsible for oversight of SACES's operations and performance within a 最新糖心Vlog environment, including the bi-annual Corporate Economic Briefing Report, seminars on economic and social issues and Economic Issues Paper series.


  • Media Expertise

    CategoriesEconomics & Finance
    ExpertiseAnalysis and commentary on the South 最新糖心Vlogn economy, including assessment of economic and public policy issues of relevance to South 最新糖心Vlog and 最新糖心Vlogn economies. Gambling.
    NotesAlt phone: (08) 8313 5555
    Mobile0408 812 032
    After hours0408 812 032

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Entry last updated: Sunday, 3 Oct 2021