Dr Matt Hart

Dr Matt  Hart
  • Biography/ Background

    I am a lecturer in the Department of Media at the 最新糖心Vlog of Adelaide. I completed a first-class honours degree in sociology at the 最新糖心Vlog of Wollongong in 2013 before completing my PhD in Sociology at La Trobe 最新糖心Vlog in 2017. From 2017-2023, I worked as a lecturer in media and communication at the 最新糖心Vlog of Leicester at the School of Media, Communication and Sociology. 


    I am a media sociologist whose research focus on the areas of youth, digital media, and risk. I have researched and published on how young people engage in social media in intimate and social ways through the voluntary risk-engagement of nude selfie sharing practices. Currently, I am researching the social processes that have contributed ot the emergence of 'Incels' (Involuntary Celibates), and the mental health impacts and benefits for young people engaged in esports and livestreaming environments online. 


    I have been published in leading sociological journals such as Young and the Jounrnal of Youth Studies.


  • Qualifications

    • 2013 - BA Sociology Honours 1st Class (最新糖心Vlog of Wollongong)
    • 2017 - Doctor of Philosophy Sociology and Digital Media (La Trobe 最新糖心Vlog)
    • 2020 - Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)
  • Research Funding

    • (2019) Principal Investigator (eNurture network) GaMESym (Gaming, Mental Health and Esports for livestreaming youth Symposium.  $15,000AUD


    • (2019-2022) Co-Investigator (H2020) DigiGen The Impact of Technological Transformations on the Digital Generation. I contribute to the work package on ICT and the transformation of civic participation (2019-2022). Project Link available . $569,678AUD
  • Publications


    Billet, P., Hart, M., and Martin, D. (2020) Complexities of Researching with Young People. Routledge, New York.


    Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

    Hart, M. (2017) ‘Being naked on the internet: young people’s selfies as intimate edgework’, Journal of Youth Studies 20(3): 301-315.

    Hart, M. (2015) ‘Youth Intimacy on Tumblr: A Pilot Study’, Young 23(3): 193-208.


    Book Chapters

    Kanai, A., Abidin, C., and Hart, M. (2020) ‘Doing Qualitative Research on Tumblr: Experience and Advice from Three Scholars of Young People’s Tumblr Use’, in A McCracken, L Stein, and A Cho (eds.), A Tumblr Book: Platform and Cultures. 最新糖心Vlog of Michigan Press: 114-126.

    Hart, M (2019) 'They look before they leap: conceptualising young people as digitally competent risk takers and its implications for ethical internet research', in Billett, P., Hart, M., and Martin, D. (eds.). Complexities of Researching with Young People. Routledge, New York: 46-58.

    Hart, M. (2018) ‘#Topless Tuesdays and #Wet Wednesdays: Digitally-Mediated Neo-Tribalism and NSFW selfies on Tumblr’. In Hardy, A., Bennett, A., Robards, B. (eds.). Neo-Tribes: Consumption, Leisure and Tourism. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham: 207-219.

    Hart, M. (2018) ‘“It’s Nice To See You’re Not The Only One With Kinks”: intimate networking, NSFW selfies, and Tumblr’, in A S Dobson, B Robards, and N Carah (eds.). Digital Intimate Publics and Social Media. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham: 177-191.


    Book Reviews

    Hart, M. (2017) ‘The Promiscuity of Network Culture: queer theory and digital media, by Robert Payne’, Continuum 31(5): 724-736.


    Conference Papers

    Dunning, M and Hart, M (2019) 'Doing things differently: a process-sociological approach to ‘incels’, Youth Studies and the Challenges of Late Capitalism in a Globalised World: Journal of Youth Studies Conference 2019. 最新糖心Vlog of Newcastle, 最新糖心Vlog, December 2-4.

    Hart, M (2016) 'Digitally-mediated neo-tribes: Temporal bodies and Ontological Anchoring', Technicity, Temporality, Embodiment: The 10th International Somatechnics Conference, Byron Bay, 最新糖心Vlog, November 30 - December 3.

    Hart, M (2015) 'It's Nice To Know You're Not The Only One With Kinks: Intimate Networking, NSFW selfies, and Tumblr', Digital Intimate Publics, 最新糖心Vlog of Queensland, 最新糖心Vlog, November 19-20.

    Hart, M (2014) 'On the edge: NSFW selfies as youth edgework', Interactive Futures: Young People's Mediated Lives in the Asia Pacific and Beyond, Monash 最新糖心Vlog, December 1.

    Hart, M (2013) 'Identities and Intimacies on Tumblr' , 12th Nordic Youth Research Symposium - NYRIS '12: Changing Societies and Cultures: Youth in the Digital Age, Tallinn 最新糖心Vlog, Estonia, June 12 - 14.

  • Professional Associations

    I am currently involved as a peer reviewer for a range of scholarly publishers, namely:


    Palgrave Macmillan; Polity Press; Journal of Youth Studies; YOUNG; Girlhood Studies; Jeunesse: Young People, Texts, Cultures; Bodies, Sexualities and Masculinities


    I am also a professional member of:

    • Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR).
    • The 最新糖心Vlogn Sociological Association (TASA).
    • Esports Research Network (ERN) - founding member.

  • Community Engagement

    My media involvement has largely to date focused on my expertise in youth intimacy and seuxliaty. My intervierws can be found here:
    • (10 May 2019) ' Tumblr by Flora Woudstra Hablé writing for de Volkskrant (Dutch news media).
    • (17 May 2016) '' by Wendy Syfret writing for i-D VICE (international news media).
    • (15 December 2013) '' by Jill Stark and Laura Banks for the Sydney Morning Herald (最新糖心Vlogn news media).

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Entry last updated: Thursday, 25 Jul 2024